

Type: Posts; User: Kagman

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  1. Vermont: ~ 1.5% nigger.. In ONE Day, 2 Wrangled, 1 for murder, the other for a shooting

    4 years ago, the Burlington City Council declared a public health emergency - not Covid.. Not extreme cold.... the Public Health emergency was racism... I kid you not....

    Fewer than 2 percent...
  2. Just How Fucked Up is Washington?? - Terrifying..

    If you are not armed and prepped by this point, you're grist for the mill..

    Remember THESE (Bad Actor) murderous traitors within the Biden administration:

  3. I agree. Biden was not elected, clearly. Rather...

    I agree. Biden was not elected, clearly. Rather he was installed. A Alzheimer's addled buffoon who is easily manipulated.

    We are in pretty deep shit, pal... Just 4 years ago, the depravity...
  4. I'd argue that Fuck Joe Biden is solely...

    I'd argue that Fuck Joe Biden is solely responsible for the outrageous increase in prices we've seen these last 4 years....

    To be sure, I have a 'Free' search in place on F/B Marketplace and have...
  5. And filthy muslims to boot. So sick of it!!

    And filthy muslims to boot. So sick of it!!
  6. I have lists of the most egregious offenders and...

    I have lists of the most egregious offenders and I try to abide by it. Another list is of companies that uphold American values and I try to buy from them whenever possible.

    It's an expensive...
  7. Hope to have you in my foxhole, pal... It's...

    Hope to have you in my foxhole, pal... It's gunna get real... It must to turn this evil tide
  8. I hear ya - and to be sure, I am. WE MUST ALSO...

    I hear ya - and to be sure, I am. WE MUST ALSO LOOK BEYOND OURSELVES. Imagine if that's what our Founding Fathers did in the face of the British onslaught. We'd still be curtsying to King George. ...
  9. Don't doubt for a second we are not at war with...

    Don't doubt for a second we are not at war with those nation destroying 'elitists'... Arm up, my friend... It's coming
  10. that's now part of the collection! Priceless!!!

    that's now part of the collection! Priceless!!!
  11. Carlson had a guest on that the war in the...

    Carlson had a guest on that the war in the Ukraine is being prolonged to meet that end... Filthy niggers being forced into Europe due to food shortages. All part of the replacement plan...On a...
  12. Batten down the Hatches... 5 full minutes of Haitian Torture... You've Been Warned

    Of particular note is the glee with which the attackers roast this guy alive, concentrating solely on his crotch. Horrific in the extreme

    Just try to tell me these creatures are human...
  13. Replies

    Sticky: This very well could be real......... Reminds me...

    This very well could be real......... Reminds me of my avatar

  14. Replies

    try that
  15. I actually paid for Tucker membership. The guy's...

    I actually paid for Tucker membership. The guy's presentation over 45 minutes is disjointed but the pieces make sense. Particularly disturbing is Fuck Joe Biden's destruction of Nord Stream and...
  16. A Driller is worse than a nigger. They'll pull...

    A Driller is worse than a nigger. They'll pull out the stops on this guy and his sow.. Good riddance. My only regret is humans will have to pay to incarcerate these beasts....
  17. Replies

    How Islam imposes itself on the decent...

    When politically correct and culturally diverse societies agree to "the reasonable" Muslim demands for their "religious rights," they also get the other components under the table. Here's how it...
  18. Replies

    VerminTube took down the vid of the vile, disease...

    VerminTube took down the vid of the vile, disease ridden coon.... BTW, in the 1930's getting a venereal disease was often a death sentence. And monkeys laugh about it
  19. Replies

    Actually, it's an evolutionary adaptation. The...

    Actually, it's an evolutionary adaptation. The shape of the hair shaft is ovoid and grows inconsistently along the cross section of the hair. This causes the nigger's tangled mess. Why? So...
  20. That is one grand collection of Memes/GIFS

    That is one grand collection of Memes/GIFS
  21. There is no greater threat to Western...

    There is no greater threat to Western Civilization than the satanist cult, Islam... It is the embodiment of pure, unadulterated evil. It is a dagger being plunged into our collective hearts. It...
  22. I'm seeing some possibilities here.... The...

    I'm seeing some possibilities here.... The primary responsibility of the Space Force should be to track all niggers. Precision targeting can be instantly brought to bare on aberrant coons. This...
  23. God damned priceless! Still laughing!!

    God damned priceless! Still laughing!!
  24. Replies

    '...seemingly at random...' BullSHIT... Yet...

    '...seemingly at random...'

    BullSHIT... Yet one more black on White hate crime...
  25. I was certainly in need of a feel-good tale and...

    I was certainly in need of a feel-good tale and this fit the bill... A filthy, lowIQ shitlet mutant met what must have been a less than fully enjoyable departure. Better, a disgusting, stained...
Results 1 to 25 of 500
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