

Type: Posts; User: ShitSkinScientist

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  1. I have noticed two distinct cases in the news...

    I have noticed two distinct cases in the news from different parts of Germany and someone sent me a similar video that appears to be couple of months old, so I believe this is rather widespread...
  2. Yes, the video is actually quite shocking,...

    Yes, the video is actually quite shocking, because when cops come, the organizers already managed to get the asslifter down, kneeing on him.

    Those stupid cops did not take a minute to question...
  3. Welcome to "civilized" (Interpret as...

    Welcome to "civilized" (Interpret as degenerated/decayed.) Europe.
    Moreover, if he is going to behave well in captivity, he is very likely to be released on probation after 1/2 of the sentence.
  4. Well, if it meant they get their gibsmedat...

    Well, if it meant they get their gibsmedat reaperations and disappear to da mudaland for good, I would seriously consider such an investment if I were Bostonian.
  5. The nigger lost his appeal and is now held in...

    The nigger lost his appeal and is now held in captivity.
  6. I have frequently observed the same problem with...

    I have frequently observed the same problem with people who are lucky seeing niggers, gypsies, etc, only in TV.
    They can call me racist, nazi, and so on, because they have naive ideas that you can...
  7. Well, such a place in downtown Paris is nowadays...

    Well, such a place in downtown Paris is nowadays only in the museums (I mean inside.) Unless they have black janitors, niggers do not go to museums, theaters, etc.

    I was in Paris in 2014 and it...
  8. I fully believe the story, because there was a...

    I fully believe the story, because there was a case of a gipsy buck doing exactly the same on a subway escalator around here about 2 years ago. There was a woman wearing a knee-long skirt standing in...
  9. 9 offsprings at a single hatch, like rodents

    They can really reproduce quite fast.
  10. Replies

    End of free speech in Brussels
  11. I think those cops should get extra bonuses for...

    I think those cops should get extra bonuses for handling something like this.

    It must be quite disgusting to even touch such slimy smelly sheboon.
  12. Given her birthdate and composer's date of death,...

    Given her birthdate and composer's date of death, it is not possible.
  13. Replies

    Sorry, this does not fit. Hitler wrote Mein Kampf...

    Sorry, this does not fit. Hitler wrote Mein Kampf several years before ascending to power and he already explains in that book how he became antisemitic. He was never pro-Jewish as he held power. In...
  14. I can understand that feeling. For what purpose...

    I can understand that feeling. For what purpose would these sprogs visit white neighborhoods? To steal something and similar reasons?

    I guess I know why they feel unsafe.
  15. Replies

    I would also add to this this discussion that...

    I would also add to this this discussion that when I grew up in a communist country, the official state propaganda was telling us that we had been living in socialism. The communism was portrayed as...
  16. Replies

    Yes, in Russian it is actually Soyuz Sovietskich...

    Yes, in Russian it is actually Soyuz Sovietskich Socialisticzeskich Respublik (Soyuz = Union), Russian uses -ich at plural adjectives to specify the genitive, English uses "of", Sovietskich means...
  17. Luckily, this seems to be rather nigger hospital...

    Luckily, this seems to be rather nigger hospital (public hospital system), so no real damage taken, I guess.
  18. Replies

    Clinton let Saddam to become a symbol in muzzies...

    Clinton let Saddam to become a symbol in muzzies world, that one can disobey obligations and orders of the Security Council. When September 11 came in 2001, the political situation changed and such a...
  19. Ein scheissereie Neger!

    Ein scheissereie Neger!
  20. Replies

    I would just add Slovakia and Romania to the list...

    I would just add Slovakia and Romania to the list as well.
  21. Well, most niggers are anyway sort of exempt from...

    Well, most niggers are anyway sort of exempt from paying taxes, are not they?

    One does not pay income taxes from government gibs.
  22. Replies

    The second reconquista !!!

    The second reconquista !!!
  23. No, they will be beaten until they swear Ukraine...

    No, they will be beaten until they swear Ukraine has sent them.

    I am not even convinced, they are the perpetrators. Putin needs to find either the real perpetrators or some scapegoats may do the...
  24. This is nigger pre-school education, it is...

    This is nigger pre-school education, it is followed by a ghetto elementary school, ghetto high, and continuing education at (usually multiple) Nigger Universities.
  25. Is not the journalist one of those apefirmative...

    Is not the journalist one of those apefirmative action cases?

    They should have done a proper research before making geographic statements.

    DRC is neither the largest nation in Apefreaka by...
Results 1 to 25 of 113
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