

Type: Posts; User: tweakstick

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  1. The headline would be more accurate if it read...

    The headline would be more accurate if it read "Huge number of rape babies born to Native Americans."

    Sadly I knew a young Second Class assigned to me. She was black. Yes. I said it. She was one...
  2. I'll take shit that never happened for $400, Alex.

    I'll take shit that never happened for $400, Alex.
  3. Replies

    Honestly, it looks just like my grandfather's...

    Honestly, it looks just like my grandfather's 8th-9th grade books I found in his attic when I was a kid. This would have been in Mississippi circa 1915.
  4. Didn't happen. That nigger could actually swim...

    Didn't happen. That nigger could actually swim with video to prove it. Big Mike killed that "chef" (sex toy) of theirs because Barry was getting gay with him behind Big Mike's back without him. Big...
  5. That one nigger that acted human will be no match...

    That one nigger that acted human will be no match for the onslaught of media and nigger instigators who will try to make this into a racial incident - just in time for election season. Anyone wanna...
  6. I have to take issue with that for the simple...

    I have to take issue with that for the simple reason that this is NOT the jungles of the muddaland. Unless we ship them back, they must be forced to adhere to human standards and laws.

    That aside,...
  7. AP=Advanced Placement. I'd be cool if it meant...

    AP=Advanced Placement. I'd be cool if it meant they were getting Advanced Placement in prison. Especially since I'm moving there.
  8. Thread: Chimpmania?

    by tweakstick

    "I would have it any other way." Freudian...

    "I would have it any other way."

    Freudian slip much, there, Shauna? She had a sheboon name to begin with.
  9. Replies

    Sticky: There are three descriptions of the Antichrist in...

    There are three descriptions of the Antichrist in the Bible that match this poofter. It says he will be young, homosexual and European.
  10. The problem is that they are wasting our tax...

    The problem is that they are wasting our tax dollars instead of using actual niggers. They're even a renewable resource.
  11. Replies

    Sticky: You can only fit three digits in a bowling ball....

    You can only fit three digits in a bowling ball. A nigger can fit the whole league in. They both smell like greasy nacho fries at best, though.
  12. It was lifted when I was there back in '88-'89...

    It was lifted when I was there back in '88-'89 but there were quite a few bars that had sanctions at the time. At one time, for a while, they had spent a shit ton of money to clean and renovate the...
  13. Means they only arrested five. I'm sure the...

    Means they only arrested five. I'm sure the Marines refused medical care out of embarrassment - despite the more likely 10/1 odds against them. I hope they go back next weekend with reenforcements...
  14. DG has managed to carve out a niche by offering...

    DG has managed to carve out a niche by offering cheap crap to poor people and people who treat it like a convenience store but with sligtly better selection, slightly lower prices than Walliworld and...
  15. They need to worry more about what the public...

    They need to worry more about what the public thinks of them firing good employees than what the niggermediaindustrialcomplex thinks. The only way this will happen is for good Americans to stand up...
  16. Replies

    We wuz Vi-kangs an' sheeit...

    We wuz Vi-kangs an' sheeit...
  17. Replies

    Excellent. California might just achieve what...

    Excellent. California might just achieve what Lincoln couldn't after the Civil War - that is to round up all the niggers and get them out of our hair. Since Commiefornia hasn't really been part of...
  18. My beloved Navy is gone

    When our focus as a country has become so scewed that this is a thing, we are past redemption and ripe for destruction at the hands of our enemies:
  19. Oh, it's performance art, you say. I see. That's...

    Oh, it's performance art, you say. I see. That's nice. Kindly face the wall.
  20. Hmmm.... ...


    I smell a rash coming on here.
  21. Oh, trust me Ray, I've been thinking about...

    Oh, trust me Ray, I've been thinking about nothing but this for the past 2 decades. I'm moving to a certain place in the Ozarks - a quiet little town known for being the white Mecca of the US. It's...
  22. Replies

    That could be a disastrous idea. What if they got...

    That could be a disastrous idea. What if they got healthier and lived longer? I say load 'em up with even more salty, greasy, sugary shit food. It's not like any stores are going to turn down their...
  23. Been busier than a one legged man at an ass...

    Been busier than a one legged man at an ass kicking contest and just haven't had time to get online much. I'm trying to finish up everything going on here and get this place on the market so I can...
  24. Replies

    This is corporate sourced, so I'm not going into...

    This is corporate sourced, so I'm not going into details here.

    The plan is to close all Walliworlds in these shithole cities save a few, then turn those select stores into mini warehouses where...
  25. I smell an agenda.

    Does anyone else here get the sneaking suspicion that "oops, wrong house an sheeit" is nothing more than the latest attempt at gun control since the whole school/grocery store shooting glownigger...
Results 1 to 25 of 500
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