

Type: Posts; User: InsufferableNigg

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  1. Award Buckwheat with a Medal of Batwing Honor for a job well done.

    Ole Buckwheat dun guud. 7 groids permanently batwinged, maybe more. You can see he's proud of his work, smiling in his mugshot. Feel free to use his image as your next avatar. No humans involved,...
  2. Was there a human involved? Too early to get the...

    Was there a human involved? Too early to get the full story yet but had it been a nigger doused they would already be saying white supremacy was to blame.
  3. "You like Young Thug? His early work was a little...

    "You like Young Thug? His early work was a little unrefined for my personal tastes. But when Jeffery came out in 2016, I think he really came into his own, slime-ily and artistically. The whole album...
  4. Replies


  5. Replies

    Nigger Dies in its own doodies.

    Nigger was digging deep in the huuny bucket looking foh a meal. Poh ape dun gotz runned over and smashed to shit with the shit.
    Florida man crushed to death by a bulldozer while using a porta-potty...
  6. Replies

    That's a great report. 96% niggers crippled or...

    That's a great report. 96% niggers crippled or batwinged. I'm a ok with that. As usual the Conclusion fails to address the underlying problem- NIGGERS.

  7. Can't remember the last time I ate anything at...

    Can't remember the last time I ate anything at McNiggers. It's a place I avoid consistently for the reasons above.

  8. The Disreputable state of our Veep Nigress

    The utter and complete stupidity of this booncoon is breathtaking at times.
  9. I thought I'd seen just about every type of...

    I thought I'd seen just about every type of nigger stupidity, but then once again I'm proven wrong.

  10. Replies


    Defiant nogg look at the remorse.
  11. I am suffering from complete and utter Nigger...

    I am suffering from complete and utter Nigger fatigue. I'll be going dark for a while, I no longer live in a free and open country, that is clear to me now. I could have seen him being charged with...
  12. Replies

    40 rounds and not a single fatality? Fucking...

    40 rounds and not a single fatality? Fucking niggers :facepalm
  13. This is a good example of what happens when we...

    This is a good example of what happens when we allow these coons to propagate. Like father like son. Niggs have criminality ingrained into their DNA. That is why they must be made guud at the...
  14. I still can't understand how a nice, young white...

    I still can't understand how a nice, young white girl from Fargo, ND (about as white as it comes) becomes a jizz dumper for a groidial beast? Is it a genetic defect, years of MSM programming or the...
  15. Heartwarming story of Muhdik pregnancy, Mudsharking fail, Family Abandonment resulting in Single Motherhood

    A friend posted this in our private chat, that sums up nicely the events of nigger infatuation by mud sharking whores leading to their life eventually being in ruins. But now they are shunned from...
  16. I just hope the poor car can be...

    I just hope the poor car can be repaired.....otherwise no real loss here.
  17. Replies

    I listened into about 5 minutes of this diatribe...

    I listened into about 5 minutes of this diatribe of niggerbabble. I now have a splitting headache. Couldn't understand one intelligible word except for "bitch". I look forward to the coming civil...
  18. Hot mess half-nigger coal burner mom? Can't be rayciss it says. I'm so confused.

    What to say about this loony tune coal burning half-niggress claiming mud shark? Well she can't be rayciss because of her ancestry heritage, so she says. Dis artcle mayz beez one of da cwayziest...
  19. GDRHammer ...

    GDRHammer nicely stated!! :) I can go days sometimes weeks without a nigger sighting because they are few here. Then they are behaved, because they have to be since they are few in numbers and...
  20. Replies

    Thank God Montana is just too cold for them to...

    Thank God Montana is just too cold for them to stick around here. They don't last long.
  21. This story keeps getting better and better. Yes...

    This story keeps getting better and better. Yes this is a bowling strike of dead niggers and their keeds. The dead mammy of 3 turdlers expunged from this earth
    14684 Then there is the DUI nigger...
  22. Kneegrow Mastermind, :happynig:rofl:roflThanks...

    Kneegrow Mastermind, :happynig:rofl:roflThanks for the laughs
  23. Oh pleez, pleez, pleez Burn Loot and Murder in...

    Oh pleez, pleez, pleez Burn Loot and Murder in Texas. I can't wait to see the rayciss store owners fighting back. :snack
  24. Distracted Buffarilla by Sail Foam gets BackHoed and is permanently made GUUD

    Bat Wings have been awarded to this gargantuan ape who stupidly was busy checking her gibbs me dat account instead of payin attention.:traybat:traybat:traybat

  25. Replies

    Trump tried to give these niggers options with...

    Trump tried to give these niggers options with charter schools, but the corrupt gorilla run school unions made it impossible.
Results 1 to 25 of 81
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