

Type: Posts; User: Defund Welfare

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  1. “Investigating to find out why that interaction...

    “Investigating to find out why that interaction went wrong”? If the pig media wasn’t so worried about coddling the filthy beast they would realize how easy that is to answer, without the headache of...
  2. Another innocent human becomes chimp feed by a...

    Another innocent human becomes chimp feed by a nigger who should have been locked up forever a long time ago.
    Not sure why I gave them the click hoping for a good mugshot, very little information as...
  3. No amount of arguments ever opens a libtards...

    No amount of arguments ever opens a libtards eyes. They’ll virtue signal to their dooms.
    I agree with the earlier posters, you’re better off just mentioning all these snobs that have private jets...
  4. This is (

    This is the original video I saw of this bongo party. They reported several hundred, but that’s still lousy to only arrest 5 of the ground apes. This is a couple days old so I doubt they’re still...
  5. TNB. 1/3 is bad but one 19 year old felon factory...

    TNB. 1/3 is bad but one 19 year old felon factory is better than nothing. I’m sure he already is leaving 3 bastard children behind.
  6. If it wasn’t for guns and abortions we’d have...

    If it wasn’t for guns and abortions we’d have gone the way of Rhodesia long ago. Niggers just can’t stop killing each other :lol
  7. This doesn’t seem very newsworthy. Niggers kill...

    This doesn’t seem very newsworthy. Niggers kill each other for sport in the dozens daily in our urban jungles.
    I am always grateful to hear about dead niggers, however!! Is there any reason to send...
  8. Whitey be oppressin dem niggas by makin dem fat....

    Whitey be oppressin dem niggas by makin dem fat.

    I also abhor those damn dirty apes. I can’t ever recall seeing any other group assaulting old people and children just for touching property, only...
  9. Replies

    That officer is going to see things a lot worse...

    That officer is going to see things a lot worse than a nigger “chucking” :lol a niglet in a bag on the force, things that would send Satan into therapy.

    A little disappointed that the niglet...
  10. All nigger school in Maryland named after magic...

    All nigger school in Maryland named after magic war coons and they act like this is unexpected? :lol
    They should just pick the whole school up and drop it in a giant zoo exhibit for Humans to learn...
  11. Have a heart everyone the niglet has duh...

    Have a heart everyone the niglet has duh auhhhtism! Yeah right, this behavior is common from all garden variety niggers. The mental health was not a factor in his chimpout, now if you want to discuss...
  12. You know it’s bad when NYP disabled comments,...

    You know it’s bad when NYP disabled comments, they’ve been a little more lenient about letting people speak up on evil nigger crimes lately.
    So now three children lose their father just in time for...
  13. Sick of these niggers coming up from Chicongo and...

    Sick of these niggers coming up from Chicongo and bringing their TNB with them. High speed chases should be considered attempted murder for the danger it puts on others.
    Slashing DEI funding is a...
  14. Another fine example of why nobody wants niggers...

    Another fine example of why nobody wants niggers in their society, this is a niggerhood so it’s not as big of a deal but it’s no secret these niggers are slowly creeping into nicer areas bringing...
  15. I looked at the comments. Big mistake. It’s all...

    I looked at the comments. Big mistake. It’s all niggers spamming emoticoons and saying how great and inspiring the nigger is
    Anyway, the worthless niggers have never been able to produce anything of...
  16. So the high and mighty FBI can’t even handle a...

    So the high and mighty FBI can’t even handle a bunch of teenapers, that’s pretty funny.
    What isn’t funny is seeing this is what it takes for a nigger to actually face consequences; Niggers being...
  17. Let that be a reminder that niggerloving will NOT...

    Let that be a reminder that niggerloving will NOT protect you from nigger violence!
    Avoid the groid, and never relax!
  18. I think it is abysmal that we still have to pay...

    I think it is abysmal that we still have to pay these niggers forever! They’ll make anything look like an apocalypse within a decade.
  19. These crimes used to be taken much more...

    These crimes used to be taken much more seriously. Can’t punish a nigger for anything!
  20. Replies

    The picture on the article is in front of a...

    The picture on the article is in front of a “school of medical and health sciences”
    Those journalists are desperate to make those niggers look less niggery but it’ll never work cause they can drown...
  21. Wow! Four dead nigger incubators! This story is...

    Wow! Four dead nigger incubators! This story is fantastic, as sheboons shit out a niglet yearly on average and drain millions before the little niglets get air fried in a summer minivan. The savings...
  22. People actually believe this crap too, I guess...

    People actually believe this crap too, I guess they never paid attention in history class so they won’t ask the most obvious rebuke with that statement.
    All I know is the Black Plague never ended,...
  23. Stupid fucking nigger. These politicians will...

    Stupid fucking nigger. These politicians will virtue signal to their dooms, I only hope this has a boomerang effect on the good human children and instead of becoming nigger lovers they see the true...
  24. Maybe it’s because niggers resist arrest...

    Maybe it’s because niggers resist arrest virtually every time?
    It is the NLDM cycle to train every nigger to fight and resist to the last breath and try to bait the officer into using any force at...
  25. That shooting stunk to high heavens and different...

    That shooting stunk to high heavens and different sources seemed to mix up if he was dead or apprehended.
    Did anyone tell the nigger lover on the weekend after that shooting there was two nigger...
Results 1 to 25 of 500
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