

Type: Posts; User: IseDaDiva

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  1. They seem to be either 400-600lb "women of size"...

    They seem to be either 400-600lb "women of size" or Instagram/OF whores, showing off for their moronic "followers".

    I'm shocked. The never allows comments on TNB stories, but someone...
  2. Thank goodness that even after being socked in...

    Thank goodness that even after being socked in the eye by her venom injector she was still able to attach her false eyelashes. She just had to display her buttocks as well. Another dumb whore who...
  3. Replies

    Niggroes hate YT, but have always prized light...

    Niggroes hate YT, but have always prized light skin and been very uppity about it. The thing is, they coould be as white as I am, but they would still be NIGGERS. 'Oh, they're hated for the colour of...
  4. Replies

    Yep. It's one surgery away from looking like the...

    Yep. It's one surgery away from looking like the pedo and losing its nose. Why do niggers hate themselves so much and will do anything to try to look human - bleaching their black hides, buying...
  5. The comments under the trailer for this woke...

    The comments under the trailer for this woke garbage, CGI fest, are mostly negative but a lot of them- yeah Gen Z, say it looks awesome! They don't care about anything but extravaganza special...
  6. Replies

    So the Hayshees, fresh from their shit hole have...

    So the Hayshees, fresh from their shit hole have cars, sail foams, nice apartments no doubt, and can afford to eat at restaurants, while citizens who have worked and paid taxes all their lives are...
  7. Replies

    Or "Latoya", another plastic surgery nightmare! ...

    Or "Latoya", another plastic surgery nightmare!

  8. OMG, how I hate Libtard language. 25367 I just...

    OMG, how I hate Libtard language. 25367 I just want all the weepy nigger lovers to answer this one question:

    "Why are people rayciss towards niggers?"
  9. Very diplomatic! :rofl My husband not only...

    Very diplomatic! :rofl

    My husband not only asked me if I had ever been with a nigger, he wanted to know if I ever thought about it or if the idea appealed to me. Um, no? :lol

    What human male...
  10. What a stupid, airheaded, foul-mouthed, ignorant...

    What a stupid, airheaded, foul-mouthed, ignorant pig. I don't know who would want her even if she hadn't rutted with a niggroe. She was probably bragging about it, as these whores like to do.
  11. I guess buildings made from cow manure and straw...

    I guess buildings made from cow manure and straw aren't waterproof. Only 30 rockfish. Pity.

    That scenario seems plausible. :lol
  12. They must keep those groids stacked like...

    They must keep those groids stacked like firewood. I'd hate to be downwind of that NU.

    The "Democratic Republic of Congo". Sounds good, doesn't it, until you get to the last word. Bongo in the...
  13. :lol Don't remind me. We've had bad leaders...


    Don't remind me. We've had bad leaders before, but never one who caused such embarrassment.
  14. Who, on the whole planet, would want to be an...

    Who, on the whole planet, would want to be an Africoon?

    That reminds me of seeing that cartoon nigger, Chris Rock, doing the usual foul-mouthed, so-called comedy. He went off on the audience,...
  15. "Maximus! Maximus is... a twink?" 25361...

    "Maximus! Maximus is... a twink?"


    Yes, the original had a nigger in it. ONE nigger, and he was a slave, not an emperor.

    But hey - we're getting CGI rhinos!

  16. OH, glad tidings! Share the news of the blessed...

    OH, glad tidings! Share the news of the blessed event of a brain-dead 19-year-old whore... I mean, "The mother-to-be" who gleefully let a criminigger she rutted with bareback knock her up. Wow....
  17. Replies

    Comical niggroes try to take a cruise.

    Oops. Fail. :lol
  18. Jamaicoons are a particularly vicious nigger...

    Jamaicoons are a particularly vicious nigger sub-species. The whore wanted to rut with him and she got him. Stop whining, burner. You're still alive. For now.
  19. Replies

    The worst part about that is it surprises me not...

    The worst part about that is it surprises me not at all.
  20. That's not the first time. I recall posting an...

    That's not the first time. I recall posting an article here about Libtards who rushed to adopt Hayshee larvae and gave them back. One was an aggressive 7-year-old bucklet being recycled, with the...
  21. Replies

    What they should probably do is kick out the...

    What they should probably do is kick out the inhabitants who have lived there for so many generations and let the "asylum seekers" have it. This is being done elsewhere, so why not? The niggers...
  22. Replies

    Typical nigger ineptness. I mean, if you want set...

    Typical nigger ineptness. I mean, if you want set your hoe on fire, you're not supposed to include yourself in the blaze. But if you look at the buck, you'll see no gleam of intelligence in its dead,...
  23. Replies

    You'd think a country that orchestrated the...

    You'd think a country that orchestrated the Inquisition could put the crackdown on a bunch of dimwitted, jibbering niggers.

    I envy your travels, if you can avoid the groid and the asslifters....
  24. Replies

    And they made sure to post a zillion pics of the...

    And they made sure to post a zillion pics of the WHITE guy and plaster them everywhere. The fact that 6% of the population (nigger bucks) account for so many mass shootings is kept hushed.

  25. Replies

    I see. That girl did look pretty terrifying. Not...

    I see. That girl did look pretty terrifying. Not Guilty! Self-defense.
Results 1 to 25 of 500
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