

Type: Posts; User: BoonbonicPlague

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  1. Never finishing work? That's why you have a...

    Never finishing work? That's why you have a "job". You go to "work" every day to "work". Stupid niggers.....
  2. Replies

    I'm a gay man and a gay journalist! Phil Hendrie...

    I'm a gay man and a gay journalist! Phil Hendrie is awesome.
  3. Replies

    Truth telling Texaco execs

    Does anyone remember some board members of Texaco telling nigger jokes and getting in trouble because audio of the meeting got leaked?
    I remember I was in highschool and hearing about one of them...
  4. 9th child? Newlywed? The police did us humans a...

    9th child? Newlywed? The police did us humans a great service by attaching batwings to this destructive reproductive dindu! It's a shame that this dindu wasn't snuffed out before he caused the...
  5. Niggers are horrible, abusive pet owners. Their...

    Niggers are horrible, abusive pet owners. Their dog being aggressive makes total sense. (I am sure it was a pitbull. All niggers have pitbulls).
    Niggers shouldn't be allowed to own pets of any...
  6. Let's get her confirmed ASAP!

    Let's get her confirmed ASAP!
  7. Sultan "Mufasa" Benson? He must be a Kang....

    Sultan "Mufasa" Benson?

    He must be a Kang. All these niggers think they are royalty, It's hilarious when you look at their low IQ's and the fact they still live in mud huts in places where there...
  8. Replies

    Oh yea, his story is obviously bullshit. He...

    Oh yea, his story is obviously bullshit. He claims he was going to sell shoes in Dubai and got scammed by his Travel Agent? African Niggers are adept at scamming. Either this one is really really...
  9. Replies

    This reminds me of a dog turd that has just been...

    This reminds me of a dog turd that has just been scooped into a plastic bag. Turkey is scooping its poop.
  10. Hahahaha!

  11. Cry me a river. These people need to leave if...

    Cry me a river. These people need to leave if they don't like it here. Im sick of being forced to change to accomadate these invaders.
  12. Alien Nigger with a big dumb head. Single digit...

    Alien Nigger with a big dumb head. Single digit IQ for sure. I bet those eyes are really far apart for some genetic reason. Maybe so it can see humans to rob and muhdick at greater angles.
  13. Niggers never make good on their debt. In fact,...

    Niggers never make good on their debt. In fact, their very existence is a global deficit . All of these Apefrekoon nations have hands out for their annual "poor starving nigger gibs" alotment. Did...
  14. I bet the marshalls were just waiting to grab the...

    I bet the marshalls were just waiting to grab the tasers and watch a "dindu shoo, electric jiggaboo" dance
  15. :migraine They really are savage subhuman apes....

    They really are savage subhuman apes. They look and act mentally retarded. How can anyone see this crap and think diversity is a good thing?
  16. People usually learn from past experiences. When...

    People usually learn from past experiences. When it comes to niggers, many people keep putting their hand back on the hot stove. It really is a testament as to how indoctrinated some humans are.

  17. :rofl @ sky kang

    :rofl @ sky kang
  18. US gives the boot to Sudanese-Australian "model" following airplane chimpout.

    It is good to see that our president is actually putting forth policies to remove these criminal apes from our homeland.

    Niggers will chimp out anywhere. Even 30k feet in the air!
    They should...
  19. And it will work, sadly. Being a victim gets...

    And it will work, sadly. Being a victim gets these nigs points these days.
  20. Whaa Whaa sob stories about these poor niggers...

    Whaa Whaa sob stories about these poor niggers just doesn't work like it used to. Humans are waking up to the truth that african niggers bring nothing but crime and filthy nigger culture to where...
  21. My kind of cop! We need more officers like this...

    My kind of cop! We need more officers like this guy here in Seattle.
  22. I love these news stories. A good break from the...

    I love these news stories. A good break from the usual depressing "Crimes committed against humans by marauding monkeys." and other niggershine news.
  23. Seems as though people there don't really want to...

    Seems as though people there don't really want to be diversified. Good for them on burning down that rapefugee housing center.
  24. Those demi-sprogs just look "Low IQ". The one on...

    Those demi-sprogs just look "Low IQ". The one on the right looks like worf.
  25. Replies

    Almost robbed by a nigger.

    Seriously, here in seattle it is getting worse every day. I had to fight a nigger to keep my backpack which had my laptop, phone etc. You know, the things humans use at the places they work. This...
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