

Type: Posts; User: haywood

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  1. A future "jihadi factory!!" What could go wrong!!

    A future "jihadi factory!!" What could go wrong!!
  2. Replies

    This just made my morning!!

    This just made my morning!!
  3. Replies

    My sentiments, exactly!!

    My sentiments, exactly!!
  4. Tru Dat!!

    Tru Dat!!
  5. Tru Dat!!

    Tru Dat!!
  6. F@CK political correctness!! But Diva, you...

    F@CK political correctness!! But Diva, you ALREADY knew that about me!! I HATE libtards and "progressives" as MUCH as I hate niggers!!
  7. Replies

    My sentiments, EXACTLY!!

    My sentiments, EXACTLY!!
  8. I wish that more "actors" were like him and NOT...

    I wish that more "actors" were like him and NOT de negro!!
  9. Did you see the size of it's bootlips?! I wonder...

    Did you see the size of it's bootlips?! I wonder if this nigger is george groid's keyid?! It's bootlips were so big you'd need a BOX of staples to close them!!
  10. GREAT minds THINK alike!!

    GREAT minds THINK alike!!
  11. Den we beez SAVIN' a Trillion dollahs in taxes n'...

    Den we beez SAVIN' a Trillion dollahs in taxes n' SHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEIT!!
  12. Frychigguneesha beez all stabby n'...

    Frychigguneesha beez all stabby n' SHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEIT!!
  13. Replies


  14. Yep!! And it has been going on for OVER 1400...

    Yep!! And it has been going on for OVER 1400 years!! When will the West WAKE UP?!
  15. Disgusting!!

  16. Better yet, let the @$$lifter$ take the niggers...

    Better yet, let the @$$lifter$ take the niggers WITH them!!
  17. Karmic RETRIBUTION!! I hate thieves, whether...

    Karmic RETRIBUTION!! I hate thieves, whether they or human or primate!!
  18. With BIDENFLATION we ALL have to be!!

    With BIDENFLATION we ALL have to be!!
  19. My sentiments, EXACTLY!!

    My sentiments, EXACTLY!!
  20. I wish that the US and Europe would get RID of...

    I wish that the US and Europe would get RID of them!! Denmark did, and crime went down 31%!! I'll bet RAPE went down even MORE!!
  21. My sentiments, EXACTLY!!

    My sentiments, EXACTLY!!
  22. 21% is WAY too high!!

    21% is WAY too high!!
  23. Once I saw a Orangutan j@rking off in a zoo!! As...

    Once I saw a Orangutan j@rking off in a zoo!! As revolting as it was I laughed my @$$ off!! That was MORE entertaining than listening and watching this ratched sow!!
  24. That nigger was FUGLY even by homo erectus...

    That nigger was FUGLY even by homo erectus standards!!
  25. Replies

    Welcome!! And your Katboy Kami avatar is...

    Welcome!! And your Katboy Kami avatar is AWESOME. I remeber when Katboy posted anti-nigger videos 4 years ago!! Funny SHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEIT!!
Results 1 to 25 of 488
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