

Type: Posts; User: Keep Britain White

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  1. Replies

    I agree with you 100%! Poor Derek Chauvin is in...

    I agree with you 100%! Poor Derek Chauvin is in prison simply because the court knows what the niggers across America will do if he's released.
    Look at the number of niggers in positions of...
  2. The U.S. seems to be getting as soft as we in...

    The U.S. seems to be getting as soft as we in Britain are. What the hell is this piece of shit on an armed robbery charge doing on parole?
    We must bring back capital punishment for murder - on both...
  3. Replies

    Why do you feel you have to observe it? The way...

    Why do you feel you have to observe it? The way to fight this nigger shit is to absolutely ignore it. Pay it no attention, and go about your life in the normal way.
    Same with all the wokey...
  4. Replies

    2024 - The Year of Destiny

    A Happy New Year to all members - and guests - and I hope it brings only happiness to you.

    I feel we are now all inside the "Year of Destiny". In 2018 I made a forecast that the USA...
  5. Vegas nigger Pleads for Leniency - then Attacks Judge

    This video is surely all the proof one needs that these wild creatures should not be living among us.
    They are not civilised, and they never will be.
    I'm glad the judge is OK (a few bruises) - and...
  6. Replies

    No More Mr Nice Guy

    We need to fight back against these black bastards!

    I hope as soon as President Trump returns to his...
  7. Replies

    Spot The White Face

    Just look at these monkeys in action. I think looters like this should be shot on sight.
    See any white faces?
    And why do niggers always scream the same thing over and over? Just like us? I don't...
  8. British Police Protest Deserves Support

    At last, someone in Britain is taking a stand. London's armed response units are handing in their cards in protest, after one of their officers is charged with murder for shooting a criminal nigger....
  9. I think I would have sealed it up before...

    I think I would have sealed it up before fumigating it, and pretend I didn't know anything was living there.
  10. Hey, CoonsRus, we are true brothers. I do...

    Hey, CoonsRus, we are true brothers. I do precisely the same thing as you describe! Same with ordinary TV. I never ever watch adverts of any kind, and those bastards never get into my head.
  11. Replies

    Oh, how I agree with your every word, DR Spook....

    Oh, how I agree with your every word, DR Spook. If something doesn't happen to reverse the tide soon, it's gonna be too late.
    I have another item - this time from Newsmax - that I'd like to draw...
  12. Replies

    Good point!

    Good point!
  13. Replies

    The Current State of America

    I am a regular reader of National File, and when I looked there this morning I just couldn't help but take in what has happened since Bastard Biden took over the USA.

    Just look at the headlines:...
  14. Replies

    Sound Comes Naturally to Apes

    Have you noticed, during the Paris riots, the noise these rioting niggers keep making when they're jumping about, waving their arms in the air, claiming victory against the society that took them in?...
  15. As usual in these cases, there has been no...

    As usual in these cases, there has been no photograph shown in the MSM of this murderous piece of shit. A name has been mentioned, but the police are warning people not to speculate about the case...
  16. Yeh, I have video of Americans in the street...

    Yeh, I have video of Americans in the street being asked what they thought about the lunar landing that had just taken place a few minutes earlier; they almost all were wide-eyed with wonder, saying...
  17. Now this is my subject! Early space age, up to...

    Now this is my subject! Early space age, up to and including the moon landings.
    I have had numerous conversations with people, trying to shake the idea that niggers were a significant part of...
  18. Thank you Chimpout for bringing this nigger shit...

    Thank you Chimpout for bringing this nigger shit to our attention here in Britain. These flare-ups and riots that are occurring are rarely - if ever - brought to the nation's attention on the news....
  19. I'm just surprised that the police are surprised!...

    I'm just surprised that the police are surprised!

    They're niggers! Of course they'll commit crimes - that's all they live for.
  20. No, No! Please don't give them ideas like this....

    No, No! Please don't give them ideas like this. We like 'em to be just the way they are!
    They can shoot each other up all they want, that's fine by me.
  21. America has never been so polarised. The civil...

    America has never been so polarised. The civil war is coming - and soon. You can feel it building....
  22. Replies

    Whenever these liberal idiots talk about...

    Whenever these liberal idiots talk about reparations for niggers, nobody ever mentions the trillions of dollars that have been poured into that bottomless pit called Africa!
    The West has partially...
  23. Is This The Start of the Civil War?

    Although I predicted in 2018 that the USA would be at civil war by the end of 2024, I have always hoped I would be wrong.
    But now, with the indictment of President Trump, I'm beginning to feel very...
  24. Replies

    Can You Guess The Ending?

    Take a look at this news story from Britain:
  25. Yep, that's nigger for me! Another criminal...

    Yep, that's nigger for me! Another criminal family being taken out one by one.
    That little shit dug his own grave. Police officers have to protect their own lives whenever they approach these wild...
Results 1 to 25 of 457
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