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  • 09-10-2017, 10:59 AM

    Another College Hoax Exposed

    That pervasive feeling you have of something wrong isn't racism, you retarded darkies. It's the result of being IQ 85 affirmitive action admissions that have been dropped into an environment utterly beyond your abilities, simple as that.

    The sow who created the hoax sort of admits it, then says it doesn't want to deal with this because it's about to graduate (!) and travel to Europe (!!).

    Comment below from an alumnus. The school will be financially destroyed like the other schools that have coddled these whiny imbeciles. Mizzou, Evergreen State etc.


    fargo11 May 11, 2017
    @eastsider45 I'm an Ole grad and I've been conversing with many of my fellow grads who will never give another nickel to this institution or send their children to it. These massive losses will be quantified soon in the endowment fund(s) at St. Olaf. The board of regents had better take notice and look at their legal options. They might not extract blood from a turnip, but it would put a halt to these semi-regular false-flag incidents in the future. The elements of defamation by this person(s); whether slander or libel, are:

    1.A defamatory statement;

    2.Published to a third party;

    3.Which the speaker knew or should have known was false;

    4.That causes injury to the subject of the communication.

    It is very evident, given the litigious nature of the 11-page demand letter, that some in this group are already represented by legal counsel. It would seem fitting to see if they can defend such a suit.

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