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  • 02-20-2022, 08:27 AM
    Niggers are hard wired to be unpredictable violent animals who attack the weak and vulnerable. With no allegiance to nothing or nobody. Like the old saying says , why do they call a nigger a nigger? Because they are a nigger. Fuck niggers.
  • 02-19-2022, 05:44 PM
    Tar Remover
    Quote Originally Posted by Socialism_is_terrorism View Post
    Exactly! And stupid liberals always back the niggers, they are "just kids/teens", "they have all reason to be angry", "teachers/police/humans are just 'overrreacting' " and so on.
    They have a reason to be niggers. Because they are niggers.....
  • 02-19-2022, 05:43 PM
    Tar Remover
    Quote Originally Posted by Mr. Sandman View Post
    Next to cops, teachers have the most thankless job (and I'm talking about humans in both professions). When it comes to protecting others, you're damned if you do, damned if you don't. A few years ago a teacher and someone from the office had to literally carry a niglet out of the classroom by its monkey paws. It was screeching, biting, scratching, throwing books, trying to throw desks, you name it. Guess who got in trouble? Every coonmunity activist got involved, saying the two overreacted. Well that's just terrible, isn't it? Maybe the niglets shouldn't "overreact" in the first place.

    A niglet can start throwing books, staplers, overturn furniture, and even start attacking others, but it's supposed to be allowed to "act out" and "be consoled." If Sandman Sr. had ever heard that I so much as talked back to a teacher, he'd have given me a sound whipping to make the teacher smile. Then again, I never talked back or showed disrespect to my teachers, let alone started attacking others (but I had my share of fights when attacked first). It's not how I was raised, and it was easy for Sandman Sr. because we're not niggers.
    No shit. In MY day, I got a fuckin' board busted over my ass and then Dad's belt when I got home. But these screeching little monkeys get coddled and fed an extra banana when they start screeching and swinging from the rafters over some perceived dissaspeck they had to endure.
    I hate goddamn niggers.......
  • 02-18-2022, 01:00 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by NiggertoeRidesAgain View Post
    Niggers always come up with some "good excuse" for their horrible behavior.
    Exactly! And stupid liberals always back the niggers, they are "just kids/teens", "they have all reason to be angry", "teachers/police/humans are just 'overrreacting' " and so on.
  • 02-18-2022, 12:41 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    The little nigger sow was violent, hitting others and people in authority. It needed to be hand cuffed so it might learn what happens to violent niggers and hopefully not be wild and dangerous to humans as it matures into a full grown sherilla.
    Next to cops, teachers have the most thankless job (and I'm talking about humans in both professions). When it comes to protecting others, you're damned if you do, damned if you don't. A few years ago a teacher and someone from the office had to literally carry a niglet out of the classroom by its monkey paws. It was screeching, biting, scratching, throwing books, trying to throw desks, you name it. Guess who got in trouble? Every coonmunity activist got involved, saying the two overreacted. Well that's just terrible, isn't it? Maybe the niglets shouldn't "overreact" in the first place.

    A niglet can start throwing books, staplers, overturn furniture, and even start attacking others, but it's supposed to be allowed to "act out" and "be consoled." If Sandman Sr. had ever heard that I so much as talked back to a teacher, he'd have given me a sound whipping to make the teacher smile. Then again, I never talked back or showed disrespect to my teachers, let alone started attacking others (but I had my share of fights when attacked first). It's not how I was raised, and it was easy for Sandman Sr. because we're not niggers.
  • 02-17-2022, 12:08 PM
    The little wus in the suit never saw an out of control 6 yo nigger child. Im all for chucking the kid in the squad car trunk or a little kiddie cage in the rear of the vehicle on the way to the station.
  • 02-16-2022, 09:29 AM
    Tar Remover
    Quote Originally Posted by CoonsЯus View Post
    cages in Africa Tar. Niggers are not fit for human society. Niggers are a tragedy on humanity.
    Cages in hell will work too.
  • 02-16-2022, 09:16 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by tweakstick View Post
    While the video and story will not load, I think I got the gist of it.

    Traumatic Stress is nothing but a fancy way of saying that life and shit happened. The brain is supposed to learn from trauma to avoid it in the future. You burn your hand on a hot skillet as a child and you learn to stay away from the stove. This monkey needed it's paw burned. Maybe next time it will stay away from the stove. Of course, any benefit of a lesson learned here will probably be quickly overwritten since the wrangler was fired and the fambly will probably sue. That quick five minute lesson will be replaced with a hours on a new Xbox, Dinner out at Red Lobstah and a some new clown shoes courtesy of a nigger lotto.
    Tru Dat!!
  • 02-16-2022, 08:34 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by Tar Remover View Post
    Like I've always said- ALL niggers belong in cages.
    cages in Africa Tar. Niggers are not fit for human society. Niggers are a tragedy on humanity.
  • 02-14-2022, 05:09 PM
    Tar Remover
    Like I've always said- ALL niggers belong in cages.
  • 02-14-2022, 12:29 PM

    Yeah well all assualted adults when we were kids right?

    Niggers always come up with some "good excuse" for their horrible behavior.

    If I had tried slapping one of my teachers when I was in school.. the only thing I would have had coming my way
    is SEVERAL cans of whoopass from the principal, my parents, etc. Just wasn't tolerated to any level to disrespect elders in charge of you.
    I don't think it was exactly the best way to do things.. but hey.. we damn sure KNEW our boundaries, and there were NO lame made up excuses.

    Having talked to some ex-teachers, there are some who leave the field entirely just because of little sprogs and sprogettes like this
    whose Nigger parents never tell them the limits.

    Now the cop lost his job for doing his job? F That !.... sickening

    Just waiting for that race pimp swine Ben Crump to show up so they can get paid.. because once again... 6 year old sprogette dindu nuffin' !
  • 02-14-2022, 09:56 AM
    Here's a link to the same story on the Cuckolded Nigger Network.

    Niggers are animals that mature faster than humans. The little nigger sow was already equivalent to an early teenage human despite being only 6. It will be sexually active and experimenting with drugs at 8; 10 at the latest. It was a good thing it was cuffed while being unruly. Probably should have had some corporal punishment and given a few days of solitary confinement to think about it's evil activities. If not for the intervention, it would probably have severely harmed or killed a human at the age of 12.

    Ridiculous that the law was changed in the state as a result. And now, the little sow is worried that it is old enough to again be cuffed so they want to raise the age even further. Nowhere do they tell the nigglet that if it behaves itself, it won't be cuffed. No accountability, no self control - just, "do anything you like" like an animal. They are not like us; they are not human.
  • 02-14-2022, 09:32 AM
    young children enduring traumatic classroom arrests
    Of course there's never any mention of the real victims, the true "young children" that get beat up and even sexually assaulted by niggers.
  • 02-14-2022, 07:15 AM
    Six years old? A prodigy!
  • 02-14-2022, 07:12 AM
    I hate niggers more everyday. Those beasts bring it out of us
  • 02-14-2022, 06:06 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    Now they say it has PTSD. Well, too bad nigger! Maybe now, at least, it learned that actions and decisions have consequences and it will keep to itself.
    While the video and story will not load, I think I got the gist of it.

    Traumatic Stress is nothing but a fancy way of saying that life and shit happened. The brain is supposed to learn from trauma to avoid it in the future. You burn your hand on a hot skillet as a child and you learn to stay away from the stove. This monkey needed it's paw burned. Maybe next time it will stay away from the stove. Of course, any benefit of a lesson learned here will probably be quickly overwritten since the wrangler was fired and the fambly will probably sue. That quick five minute lesson will be replaced with a hours on a new Xbox, Dinner out at Red Lobstah and a some new clown shoes courtesy of a nigger lotto.
  • 02-14-2022, 01:57 AM
    Awww, poor little nigger

    The little nigger sow was violent, hitting others and people in authority. It needed to be hand cuffed so it might learn what happens to violent niggers and hopefully not be wild and dangerous to humans as it matures into a full grown sherilla.

    It goes on to say that before being cuffed, it was a loving sprog that just wanted to hug and dance for everyone. I call BS on that. Hitting people and being disrespectful to authority seems to conflict with the fambly description. I'm sure it partially learned its anti-social behavior from the fambly; the other part is just inherent in it's genetics. Niggers are genetically wired to be violent.

    Now they say it has PTSD. Well, too bad nigger! Maybe now, at least, it learned that actions and decisions have consequences and it will keep to itself.

    Unfortunately, the wrangler that cuffed it got fired.

    It shoul've gotten the full treatment for maximum effect.
  • 02-13-2022, 06:50 PM

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