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  • 06-18-2020, 03:14 AM
    Repatriate the fuckers to Antarctica.
  • 06-17-2020, 10:44 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Goodman Grey View Post
    Maybe we could arrange to set up a special reservation, and call it CHAZ or CHOP, and send all of our niggers there.

    In my humble opinion, it should be somewhere in Alaska.
    I was thinking more like California or NY if it must be in the USA. Preferably the richest liberal area possible.

    Of course the back to Africa choice is still my preferred method. But that ship has sailed. Niggers are here to stay like herpes. An embarrassment that pops up on regular occasions and always when most inconvenient.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  • 06-17-2020, 08:50 PM
    Goodman Grey
    Quote Originally Posted by Blue Gum View Post
    I've said it a million times, the niggers should have been rounded up and deported, I think Liberia was set up initially for this purpose, not positive though, another option, maybe not as good, would've been to put the niggers on a reservation, maybe land enough that covers area equivalent to a state and confine them there, segregate them and KEEP THEM THAT WAY!!!!, and NEVER under any circumstances give them citizenship or equality under the Constitution.
    Maybe we could arrange to set up a special reservation, and call it CHAZ or CHOP, and send all of our niggers there.

    In my humble opinion, it should be somewhere in Alaska.
  • 06-17-2020, 05:54 PM
    Blue Gum
    I've said it a million times, the niggers should have been rounded up and deported, I think Liberia was set up initially for this purpose, not positive though, another option, maybe not as good, would've been to put the niggers on a reservation, maybe land enough that covers area equivalent to a state and confine them there, segregate them and KEEP THEM THAT WAY!!!!, and NEVER under any circumstances give them citizenship or equality under the Constitution.
  • 06-17-2020, 01:09 PM
    YT Rules
    Compensation and Repatriation is pretty much how Britain, France and Canada deported their niggers. The government purchased the niggers from their care takers and then deported them. But instead of going to Africa almost every single one went to the Caribbean and South America, where they were given new jobs they had up into the 1870s. Repatriation would have been much less costly than Abraham Lincoln's bloody and 100% unnecessary brother war.

    Children, especially those in Europe are taught lies about their county's nigger heritage. Many are told that their country never had slavery and that they never had niggers. Even Germany had nigger slaves, but they were systematically deported. That's how they were 'Freed'. Canada didn't want to return 'Underground Railroaders' to America, so they too joined their friends in the Caribbean. One of the viral folk tales they tell children in Europe is the '1802' lie. They claim that slavery ended everywhere expect the United State in 1802. And they are also told that they know American history better than Americans do despite the fact that they don't know the history of their own country.

    And, most of all: Niggers don't care about slavery or other niggers. There are more 'people' in slavery now (2020 AD) than at any other time in history.
  • 06-17-2020, 12:39 PM
    Failure to repatriate our 4 million (1865) niggers has been far more damaging to this nation than anything else.
    It has been absolutly devestaing and the cost of keeping them here has FAR outweighed any perceived gain of using them in fields. This most recent CAT5 chimpout alone has cost the nation more than it ever gained during the entire time slavery was used in this nation. It would have been cheaper and more productive to hire human labor.
  • 06-17-2020, 12:14 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Midder Peenud Hayed View Post
    Failure to repatriate our 4 million (1865) niggers has been far more damaging to this nation than anything else.
    Thanks for your reply, and as to your last comment - I couldn't agree more!
  • 06-16-2020, 05:20 PM
    Midder Peenud Hayed
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    I understood that slaves were already being shipped back to Africa at the time of Lincoln's assassination. Isn't this so?
    A tiny number were given passage to Liberia, but all of the West African nations -- overwhelmingly governed by tribal chieftains, did not want our inbred mongrelized slave-descended niggers back.

    Lincoln's plan was to establish a slave homeland in what is now the border between Guyana and Suriname. Secretary of State Seward (also critically wounded the night Lincoln was killed) was tasked with coming up with a plan to make that happen.

    Sadly, President Johnson -- an incompetent drunk, became embroiled in scandal after scandal; repatriating our niggers was not a priority. When the 14th Amendment was ratified in 1868, niggers were granted citizenship by statute and could not be deported.

    Failure to repatriate our 4 million (1865) niggers has been far more damaging to this nation than anything else.
  • 06-16-2020, 01:02 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post

    America needs to be like the Ukraine...///
    If it were only that easy.

    America needs a trade up program. We take humans suffering in Africa and give them the niggers living it up on the govt tit in America.
  • 06-16-2020, 12:50 PM

    Ukraine is right

    America needs to be like the Ukraine...///
  • 06-15-2020, 11:45 PM
    Shitavious Black

    Nigger Nirvana

    Quote Originally Posted by Bottle_of_Hate View Post
    The problem with this is that niggers enjoy the easy life. Moving back to Africa mean the loss of gibsmedats and the race card would have no value. The only thing that sways a nuggets mind is more free shit and muh dik.

    Ever wonder why white democrats are for abortion? It has nothing to do with women’s rights. It is about keeping the nigger population manageable to where they can control it by means of dependence. Not enough to vote them out but enough to give them the edge.

    Ever notice how when the population gets to high they abandon the area instead of living in the “diversity”?
    True. Niggers are smart enough to know that going back to Africa would mean the end of the gibsme's. They would need to understand the choice. Stay here with gibs and put up with knowing that diversity is a failed experiment and they will always be treated as the criminal turd monsters that they are, or go back to Africa where all the things niggers love are available and considered normal and acceptable.

    In Africa, things humans consider abhorrent are mostly acceptable. Rape, murder, sadistic brutality, domestic abuse, thievery, extortion, corruption, drug abuse, bestiality, laziness, stupidity, destruction, gang affiliation and pedophilia are all pretty common and normal. Niggers in Africa that partake of these atrocities are rarely, if at all, caught and punished and if they are, the punishments are not as harsh as in the USA (at least, within the African Judicial Systems). Africa is the land of opportunity for a nigger. With a little criminal cunning (which comes naturally to niggers), a nigger could be a real "somebody" among their nigger peers in Africa.

    Also, wearing clothing, practicing personal hygiene and using a toilet are optional in Africa. Fried chicken, watermelon, cigarettes, malt liquor and purple drank are all available in Africa as well, and the cost of living is lower, so a nigger could live like a kang. Niggers just need to be convinced that Africa is some kind of nigger heaven on earth - a veritable vacation resort; it has everything they like and they don't have to deal with rayciss ebil YT's.
  • 06-15-2020, 12:07 PM
    I understood that slaves were already being shipped back to Africa at the time of Lincoln's assassination. Isn't this so?
  • 06-15-2020, 10:08 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    Lincoln should have freed the slaves, then rounded them all up, put them on ships, and then sent them all back to Africa.

    And then Lincoln should have made a law requiring that all niggers remaining in the USA (in case some runaways were found) or seeking to live there MUST be neutered or spayed.
    I believe that he wanted to (Liberia) but the niggers did not want to leave.
  • 06-15-2020, 10:06 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by Sambo Toby Rastus View Post
    The guy is from Ukraine. Apparently in Ukraine, people still believe what their eyes tell them, what statistics indicate and use objective logic concerning the facts. That sort of thinking and behavior is strictly prohibited in the USA by progressive liberals. We are now progressing right into complete fascism.

    I used to say, "If you don't like the USA, you can always leave; nobody is forcing you to stay". Now I'm starting to think I might be the one leaving when I retire. There are still a few countries, like Ukraine, where niggers are a minority and are treated as such (their outlandish demands mostly ignored and monkeyshines are called out and not tolerated). And there are so few niggers in them that they can be easily avoided.

    I would hate, hate, hate to leave the USA, but if it becomes something other than what the USA has always been, it might become necessary. I'm too old to fight a civil war against fascism; the mind is willing, but the body is weak.

    The nigger species is a problem in and of itself, but even more seriously, they are a political tool being used in a steady march toward fascist self destruction coming from the liberal left. Your right to have an opinion and voice it publicly without violent retribution is gone. People's lives and livelihoods are threatened or destroyed by a fascist mob society with no defense from the government to protect their constitutional rights or personal safety. Your right to keep what you earn is gone. There is redistribution of wealth by a governmental body to give it to lazy criminal niggers - and claims that if you are white, you didn't really earn it anyway; it was due to your "white privilege". All conveniently made legal by elected officials (democrats). [Personally I believe taxes should only be for infrastructure, education and defense - not supporting the lazy and criminal]. Your right to defend yourself and what is yours is essentially gone. Fascist democrats want to remove your access to guns. If police can't or won't protect, you likely can't either (even if you have a gun) without a complete upset of your life and finances having to defend yourself in court or going to jail. Rioters and looters are left to destroy innocent private citizens businesses, communities and public property with the approval of democratic leadership and niggers.

    Not long ago, Barney Frank (democrat) even claimed that money doesn't belong to people, it is minted by, and belongs to, the government. In his twisted mind, the government just allows people to use it. He tried to pass legislation that would result in you not being able to pass on what belonged to you to your heirs; the government would reclaim it all after your death (so he could then give it to liberal left organizations and projects; i.e. gibs for niggers.

    Propaganda concerning "nigger greatness" is all over the public realm; advertisements, shows, news, movies, sports, schools and social media. The leftist democrats are using niggers as a tool to advance their fascist complete power and control agenda, they don't really give a damn about niggers and niggers are too stupid to understand it. Niggers have always been nothing but tools, first as manual laborers and now as political tools. If niggers could be shipped back to the mudderland, it would be one less tool for the evil ones to use and would solve a whole host of other societal problems that constantly revolve around niggers.
    As the fascism from the left increases, nigger animals become more feral and the quality of life for civilized humans decreases.

    I hope I am wrong and some courageous capable people rise up, say "NO" to the evil and truly immoral, and set things right for the greatest country the world has ever known.
    SPOT ON!! What I think would be the best solution is to have Red states and blue states split into 2 separate countries. Let the niggers and @$$lifter$ live in SHITTY blue states and have the red states full of PATRIOTIC CONSTITUTION loving Americans. Also build walls to keep blue state riff raff out. This won't happen but I feel that it would be the best solution.
  • 06-15-2020, 09:57 AM
    Always wonder why every nigger head was not collected and the hunter given a $100 bounty per cranium. That would have solved the negro problem for sure. I miss the good old days. Niggers wanted..Dead or a dead.
  • 06-15-2020, 08:26 AM
    Sheboon DeLuxe
    Sambo Toby Rastus, great post! MPH, BOH, great replies. People are waking up and starting to think about this stuff. Comments on internet news stories are running 50 to one anti-nigger and anti-leftist. The left is pushing too hard, too fast, fueled by their rage at Trump's election, and people are starting to resent it. It isn't over until it's over, and it's a long way from being over.

    You unregistered posters should sign up!
  • 06-15-2020, 07:39 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by Saint George Groyd View Post
    Perhaps an education/propaganda campaign aimed at niggers would be a good idea. If niggers could be made to understand that they have always been viewed as nothing more than tools or animals in this country (and all over the world throughout history), nobody gives a damn about them and all races of humans despise them for their niggerousness and monkeyshines, they would eventually come to the realization that they would be better off among their own kind back in the mudderland and leave willingly - maybe even with excitement. They don't even need to know why they are considered to be sub-human. They only need to know that they are not liked, not welcome, they will always be outcasts of civilized societies, it has always been that way and things will never change.
    The problem with this is that niggers enjoy the easy life. Moving back to Africa mean the loss of gibsmedats and the race card would have no value. The only thing that sways a nuggets mind is more free shit and muh dik.

    Ever wonder why white democrats are for abortion? It has nothing to do with women’s rights. It is about keeping the nigger population manageable to where they can control it by means of dependence. Not enough to vote them out but enough to give them the edge.

    Ever notice how when the population gets to high they abandon the area instead of living in the “diversity”?

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  • 06-15-2020, 04:05 AM
    Saint George Groyd

    Jus tryin tuh hep duh po niggahs

    Quote Originally Posted by Sambo Toby Rastus View Post
    The leftist democrats are using niggers as a tool to advance their fascist complete power and control agenda, they don't really give a damn about niggers and niggers are too stupid to understand it. Niggers have always been nothing but tools, first as manual laborers and now as political tools. If niggers could be shipped back to the mudderland, it would be one less tool for the evil ones to use and would solve a whole host of other societal problems that constantly revolve around niggers.
    Perhaps an education/propaganda campaign aimed at niggers would be a good idea. If niggers could be made to understand that they have always been viewed as nothing more than tools or animals in this country (and all over the world throughout history), nobody gives a damn about them and all races of humans despise them for their niggerousness and monkeyshines, they would eventually come to the realization that they would be better off among their own kind back in the mudderland and leave willingly - maybe even with excitement. They don't even need to know why they are considered to be sub-human. They only need to know that they are not liked, not welcome, they will always be outcasts of civilized societies, it has always been that way and things will never change.
  • 06-14-2020, 11:16 PM
    Lincoln should have freed the slaves, then rounded them all up, put them on ships, and then sent them all back to Africa.

    And then Lincoln should have made a law requiring that all niggers remaining in the USA (in case some runaways were found) or seeking to live there MUST be neutered or spayed.
  • 06-14-2020, 11:12 PM
    Midder Peenud Hayed
    Sambo Toby Rastus (LMMFLWAO!), you are completely correct.

    I am of the opinion -- based upon my research and recorded history itself, that the phony social concept of "racism" was concocted by the global left during the Wilson Administration to weaponize (mainly) niggers against White Europeans in the west, and to a lesser extent, Asians worldwide. I believe they have made several attempts to do the same thing with Hispanics in the Americas, but they aren't buying it for the most part. They know better.

    And they know the True Nature of niggers...

    The single greatest transfer of wealth and undeserved power in history was the result. The failed Forced Equality Experiment has cost Humans trillions of dollars -- infinitely more than said niggers ever contributed to this country. Not even close. At the height of slavery (1860), industries using nigger slaves contributed less than 4% to America's GDP. Essentially, as in all things relating to niggers, they were of no positive value. Slavery could have never existed and it would not have effected our economy at all.

    There's no such thing as "racism" -- niggers deserve the reputation they've earned, niggers didn't "build" this country, and the fact is, everyone knows this nation would be a much more peaceful, clean, and prosperous place without them.
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