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Topic Review (Newest First)

  • 08-04-2023, 05:14 PM
    This "Swede" is actually a non-asslifter Iraqi but anyway hats off to him because he has balls to do what every native Swede should do.

    Right now there is some "Eritrean festival" going on in Sweden and busloads of Eritrean niggers have come to riot mostly peacefully. Sweden is such a lost cause, such a shame because it used to be a great country to visit when I was a kid but now they are reaping what that disgusting commie Olof Palme sow. I watched recently a documentary about him and it revealed that commie was even more disgusting niggerlover than I thought. I can't believe even some rather sane people are still praising how great prime minister he was.
  • 08-04-2023, 08:27 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post

    "The Swedish public broadcaster SVT reported that the event passed off peacefully, saying the man responsible for the demonstration tore pages from the Qur’an, wiped his shoes with some of them and burned others, then placed a slice of bacon in the book."

    I bet a quran has never has never been used more useful way and hope he spared a couple of pages to wipe his ass. Now the pedoworshippers all over the world are proving once again that they are just primitive animals. No offense to other primitive animals.
    NICE WORK!! Sven made achhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhmed FURIOUS!!
  • 08-04-2023, 06:31 AM
    Don't forget to shit in it and on it.
  • 08-04-2023, 05:20 AM
    Tar Remover
    Good Swede! And a crack whore can wipe her slug juice all over it too!
  • 06-29-2023, 04:40 PM

    A Swede finds proper usage for a quran, asslifters chimp

    "The Swedish public broadcaster SVT reported that the event passed off peacefully, saying the man responsible for the demonstration tore pages from the Qur’an, wiped his shoes with some of them and burned others, then placed a slice of bacon in the book."

    I bet a quran has never has never been used more useful way and hope he spared a couple of pages to wipe his ass. Now the pedoworshippers all over the world are proving once again that they are just primitive animals. No offense to other primitive animals.

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