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  • 06-15-2022, 02:08 AM
    Jim Crow
    I too enjoy seeing a daid nigger in the road! But what really warms my heart with happiness is to see a nigger suffering on the way to getting it’s batwings! Some 20 years back,I was driving with a girl’s mom who was a nurse.we were going through Kissimmee on the way to see her daughter(fling)in Clearwater.All of a sudden,a nigger runs through the light in it’s hooptie and gets t boned by humans in a pckup.
    Anyway,the nurse just had to stop.Humans were ok,but nigger was all fucked up moaning and bloody. The fucking nurse cleared the teeth out of the nigger’s mouth and proceeded to try and save it’s life. It hit suffered some real bad spine injury. It was moaning “I can’t feel muh legs”. Then it had some type of seizure and went into shock. That’s when the ambulance came and took over. I believe monkey boy did not make it! I laughed and she knew it I didn’t give two shits. She looked at me and said “you’re a heartless fuck”. I replied “No,I just hate niggers”. Then she smiled because she probably hated niggers too. But I understand that because she was a nurse, she felt obligated to help the beast.
  • 06-14-2022, 11:16 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    So I was driving home from work, and I was waiting behind 5 cars to make a left turn at an intersection, when all of a sudden I heard a bunch of cars honking. I was wondering what was going on when I realized that the left turn signal was green and some nigger at the front of the line wasn't moving. Sure enough, cars started going around the car to go left, and when it was my turn, I saw a spook in a fancy new truck, unconscious. When I realized that the dumb coon was probably dead, I grinned, and then I thought of how he probably sprouted batwings and flew down to Hell where it belongs.

    I didn't bother contacting the police or emergency services because I figured if he had a heart attack, they might be able to resuscitate it, and I didn't want to have that on my conscience. It's better off dead.

    Just thinking about that dead nigger puts a smile on my face. I would never do anything illegal to a nigger, but I'm also not going to help a nigger. Ever.
    You have your priorities in ORDER!!
  • 06-14-2022, 10:00 PM

    I saw something wonderful today

    So I was driving home from work, and I was waiting behind 5 cars to make a left turn at an intersection, when all of a sudden I heard a bunch of cars honking. I was wondering what was going on when I realized that the left turn signal was green and some nigger at the front of the line wasn't moving. Sure enough, cars started going around the car to go left, and when it was my turn, I saw a spook in a fancy new truck, unconscious. When I realized that the dumb coon was probably dead, I grinned, and then I thought of how he probably sprouted batwings and flew down to Hell where it belongs.

    I didn't bother contacting the police or emergency services because I figured if he had a heart attack, they might be able to resuscitate it, and I didn't want to have that on my conscience. It's better off dead.

    Just thinking about that dead nigger puts a smile on my face. I would never do anything illegal to a nigger, but I'm also not going to help a nigger. Ever.

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