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  • 04-01-2021, 11:47 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Blue Gum View Post
    You're exactly right. What puzzles me though is, how they came up with such a large settlement seeing how it would've taken nigger George 10,000 years working full time to earn that much, I've heard of large settlements before, but it was taken into consideration how.much the I individual earned.

    The family of course had that purple nigger lawyer Benjamima Crump, that's the, " go to " for all the niggers playing thr nigger lotto..
    That nigger C@CK$UCKER should be DISBARRED!! I hope that Z MAN wins his settlement against this NIGGER and tampon's parents!!
  • 04-01-2021, 11:46 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Tell it like it is View Post
    I wonder if Derek Chauvin can get a fair trial, even with a good legal team.It seems that this nation has just gone ape shit (pun intended) over vile, criminal, niggers.As the Bible says in Romans, "they worshipped the creature more than the creator."
    In other words, they have forgotten the White man and his intellectual ability that gave rise to the greatest nation in the history of the world, and now rely on their own ideas of political correctness and "social justice",both of which are man made fallacies, whose end is in the very pit of Hell.We have forgotten the nation God gave us, and turned our worship to transgender freaks, lawless leftists, and species unfit to walk among the humans God created.What hope is there?
    What silver lining?Sad times indeed.....
  • 04-01-2021, 11:05 PM
    Niggers like to sue for massive sums but in reality the hope is a settlement for a fraction of it. The lawyer asks for 30 million and they figure on a couple million will be the settlement. This is an example of coddling gone too far. Some day... Some day these nigger lovers are going to be on the receiving end of this nigger loving when they find themselves out of a job or on the defense of a nigger lotto case.
  • 04-01-2021, 03:35 PM
    Blue Gum
    Quote Originally Posted by Bottle_of_Hate View Post
    The panel was probably comprised of all niggers. That and they could move the trial to the moon and niggers are going to riot either way.
    You're exactly right. What puzzles me though is, how they came up with such a large settlement seeing how it would've taken nigger George 10,000 years working full time to earn that much, I've heard of large settlements before, but it was taken into consideration how.much the I individual earned.

    The family of course had that purple nigger lawyer Benjamima Crump, that's the, " go to " for all the niggers playing thr nigger lotto..
  • 03-31-2021, 08:46 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by Blue Gum View Post
    I hope the best for the guy, but not too sure....they should've moved the trial to the other side of the state.

    Its also hard for to believe they settled for $28 million to the stinking niggers fambly...

    The panel was probably comprised of all niggers. That and they could move the trial to the moon and niggers are going to riot either way.
  • 03-31-2021, 08:20 AM
    Blue Gum
    I hope the best for the guy, but not too sure....they should've moved the trial to the other side of the state.

    Its also hard for to believe they settled for $28 million to the stinking niggers fambly...
  • 03-30-2021, 07:45 PM
    I wonder if Derek Chauvin can get a fair trial

    The chance of a fair trial is the same as a nigger seeing a buffet full of fried chicken and no smacking their lips at the speed of sound as they run over to devour it.
  • 03-30-2021, 07:00 PM
    Tell it like it is

    Too late?

    I wonder if Derek Chauvin can get a fair trial, even with a good legal team.It seems that this nation has just gone ape shit (pun intended) over vile, criminal, niggers.As the Bible says in Romans, "they worshipped the creature more than the creator."
    In other words, they have forgotten the White man and his intellectual ability that gave rise to the greatest nation in the history of the world, and now rely on their own ideas of political correctness and "social justice",both of which are man made fallacies, whose end is in the very pit of Hell.We have forgotten the nation God gave us, and turned our worship to transgender freaks, lawless leftists, and species unfit to walk among the humans God created.What hope is there?
    What silver lining?Sad times indeed.....
  • 03-29-2021, 09:26 PM

    Minneapolis plan

    Concerning Tweaksticks comment on the Minneapolis police, RIGHT ON TWEAKSTICK!!! Thats an awesome plan. It would most definatly work if it was ever implemented

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