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  • 03-24-2021, 04:40 PM
    Ray Cizzums
    Quote Originally Posted by InsufferableNigg View Post
    Thank God Montana is just too cold for them to stick around here. They don't last long.
    Tough winters are why we evolved, and niggers didn't. It kills off those too stupid, lazy and unprepared to survive.
    Hundreds of generations, where survival of the fittest was all that counted, with no gibs of any kind.
    Added to that, combat between survivors, tribes and civilizations - which propelled the white man to the top of the heap.
    Meanwhile, back in Africa - the negro picked berries, ate bugs, muh dikked and threw spears at each other.
    It's been all downhill since they became dependent on whitey's gibs.
  • 03-24-2021, 01:18 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Bottle_of_Hate View Post
    The future of America nationwide at the hands of democrats. Niggers are like locust. Breed, take everything in sight, move on to the next area.
    Thank God Montana is just too cold for them to stick around here. They don't last long.
  • 03-24-2021, 10:05 AM
    niggers are enjoying their untouchable status. They know it's gonna end so are milking it down to the last drop !
  • 03-24-2021, 08:46 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    It's a shame that Miami Beach is not a sundown town.

    Or at least a town where the police are willing to establish the rules and laws that were created and put in place before this nonsense started happening.

    I would be shocked if the permanent residents weren't calling up their politicians and the police, complaining up a storm about the niggers.

    Is that "racist?" Probably, but the residents are probably paying a shitload in taxes so they won't have to deal with the niggershines.

    On a related, but unrelated note, I always make a point of avoiding areas that appear to have a high concentration of negroids. There might be some humans in the area, but constant contamination via direct exposure to coloreds on a daily basis has a tendency to corrupt. In most cases, I tend to notice that humans that spend an excessive amount of time around coons are extremely stressed out all the time, slightly neurotic, and they seem to have an unusually high likelihood of being drug addicts and thieves. If they are female, at least one eye seems to be black 24/7.

    When I'm visiting new areas, if I sense that more than 13% of the observable population is shitskin, I'll find any excuse to go literally anywhere else.

    And at my house, if I see niggers doing suspicious shit, I call the cops. This ain't the ghetto, and I don't even pretend to be sympathetic to #BlackLivesDontMatter. Niggers aren't welcome where I live, and the cops know it. The only reason niggers come around these parts is because they want to cause trouble, and we don't like trouble around here.

    If niggers want to act like niggers, then they can go right the fuck back to Africa. I'm cool with my taxes being used to sponsor their boat ride back to their homieland, as long as they are required to renounce their American citizenship and will receive no further aid of any kind.
    Any more than 2% nigger is almost double the crime rate of no niggers. It is an exponential rise for every .5% nigger. If you are reaching 13% that neighborhood is on its way to being Detroit or Chicago.
  • 03-24-2021, 03:19 AM
    It's a shame that Miami Beach is not a sundown town.

    Or at least a town where the police are willing to establish the rules and laws that were created and put in place before this nonsense started happening.

    I would be shocked if the permanent residents weren't calling up their politicians and the police, complaining up a storm about the niggers.

    Is that "racist?" Probably, but the residents are probably paying a shitload in taxes so they won't have to deal with the niggershines.

    On a related, but unrelated note, I always make a point of avoiding areas that appear to have a high concentration of negroids. There might be some humans in the area, but constant contamination via direct exposure to coloreds on a daily basis has a tendency to corrupt. In most cases, I tend to notice that humans that spend an excessive amount of time around coons are extremely stressed out all the time, slightly neurotic, and they seem to have an unusually high likelihood of being drug addicts and thieves. If they are female, at least one eye seems to be black 24/7.

    When I'm visiting new areas, if I sense that more than 13% of the observable population is shitskin, I'll find any excuse to go literally anywhere else.

    And at my house, if I see niggers doing suspicious shit, I call the cops. This ain't the ghetto, and I don't even pretend to be sympathetic to #BlackLivesDontMatter. Niggers aren't welcome where I live, and the cops know it. The only reason niggers come around these parts is because they want to cause trouble, and we don't like trouble around here.

    If niggers want to act like niggers, then they can go right the fuck back to Africa. I'm cool with my taxes being used to sponsor their boat ride back to their homieland, as long as they are required to renounce their American citizenship and will receive no further aid of any kind.
  • 03-23-2021, 07:04 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    Wow, did you watch the other spring break videos by "demonetized_memes" as well? TNB at its finest!
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    It amazes me again and again how evil and violent sheboons are! The most drunken and enraged human football fans are not as violent as these nigger sows. Unbelievable:
    I noticed that too! Sows sometimes seem to be even more violent than bucks - but who knows what happens in an animals brain. What's interesting as well: Did you notice that the bucks never intervene when their sows beat each other up? They just stand aside, cheering and filming.
  • 03-23-2021, 06:02 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Socialism_is_terrorism View Post
    If it looks like an ape and shrieks like an ape then it is an ape!
    Wow, did you watch the other spring break videos by "demonetized_memes" as well? TNB at its finest! It amazes me again and again how evil and violent sheboons are! The most drunken and enraged human football fans are not as violent as these nigger sows. Unbelievable:
  • 03-23-2021, 04:27 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistertrump View Post
    I would close my store for the duration.
    That is not a good idea as well. Just google what happened to the shops and restaurants that did close during nigger bike week at Myrtle Beach. They got sued by naacp because of 'racissss' and 'disciminashunnnn'. Since niggers are useless worthless parasite cockroaches, they need yt as host. There is no way to stay out of their way, sooner or later they'll follow! The only solution is complete segregation.
  • 03-23-2021, 03:32 PM
    Coon Club Road
    Quote Originally Posted by Socialism_is_terrorism View Post
    If it looks like an ape and shrieks like an ape then it is an ape!
    Wow! Those monkey screams in the background sound like something you'd encounter on a jungle safari!
  • 03-23-2021, 01:14 PM

    Monkey Beach

    Quote Originally Posted by Blue Gum View Post
    By niggers, of course its spring break and this happens every year. The Videos out there clearly shows the hundreds if not thousands of niggers doing what niggers do, fighting and destroying private and public property. I'll bet you a lot of the business owners and vendors hate to see all those niggers invade the beach. Its not worth it, sure the niggers have a little money to spend, but at what cost?

    The world sees all this radical violence, the silver lining is it bolsters up and supports what niggers really are, brutal violent animals.

    I have watched news footage of rowdy Spring Break crowds in Miami Beach and noticed they are mostly niggers with mud sharks mixed in. Those goddam wild baboons are once again the cause of mayhem. I was glad to see the Police shooting those crowds with pepper balls. It must stink so bad in those crowds. I felt like I was watching Planet of The Apes. That place should be called Monkey Beach.
  • 03-23-2021, 10:39 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistertrump View Post
    I would close my store for the duration.
    Give niggers half a chance, and they'll do it for you, permanently.
  • 03-23-2021, 10:01 AM
    I would close my store for the duration.
  • 03-23-2021, 08:39 AM
    The future of America nationwide at the hands of democrats. Niggers are like locust. Breed, take everything in sight, move on to the next area.
  • 03-23-2021, 06:51 AM
    If it looks like an ape and shrieks like an ape then it is an ape!

    If they would at least go to the beach, then there'd be at least a few rockfishes. But they just come to chimp, loot and destroy! I hate the useless shitbeasts!
  • 03-22-2021, 09:16 PM
    Blue Gum

    Miami Beach invaded....

    By niggers, of course its spring break and this happens every year. The Videos out there clearly shows the hundreds if not thousands of niggers doing what niggers do, fighting and destroying private and public property. I'll bet you a lot of the business owners and vendors hate to see all those niggers invade the beach. Its not worth it, sure the niggers have a little money to spend, but at what cost?

    The world sees all this radical violence, the silver lining is it bolsters up and supports what niggers really are, brutal violent animals.

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