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  • 03-23-2021, 03:47 PM
    I found the original CO years ago with a simple Google search, I hate niggers. I thought I already smelled past a lot of Lame Stream Media lies and coverups of nigger crime, but I realized it's much worse. If you believe regular news, you'd think white males commit 99% of violent crimes, and niggers are always being harassed unfairly.

    Ignorance about niggers us not bliss.
  • 03-22-2021, 09:55 PM
    Thanks for all the great replies. It confirms to me that the humans on this site are awesome. The total opposite of the soulless nigger monsters. The information here is not only hilarious, but also the constant reminder we need to guard against the dangers of the nigger.
  • 03-22-2021, 07:25 PM
    Blue Gum
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post is teaching me so many new descriptions for the nigger! Here in the UK we have a more limited vocabulary when it comes to describing the vile KFC munchers.
    Years ago we used - coons, darkies, nig-nogs, baboons. Some of these words were used openly, but now you’d risk arrest if you said these words in public. The youth are being brain washed to consider niggers as equals or even superiors, and their brains can hardly contain such racist words without feeling great shame. So is doing a great service in keeping the truth alive, especially for those of us in countries where free-speech is limited.
    Well here in the US, it's just as bad or maybe even worst, you even utter the word nigger in public or at work, you're done for, in fact it just happened not too long ago at work, I heard about it after the fact, but a human co-worker had a "stupid nigger " encounter and he made the mistake of telling another nigger co-worker " that stupid nigger customer ", of course the nigger employee immediately went to management and they fired the guy, who is actually Latin, immediately. It's disgusting because as EVERYONE KNOWS, biggers cant compete intellectually on an equal and fair basis with humans, so the rules and procedures HAVE to be changed and watered down for the stinking nigger animal.
  • 03-22-2021, 06:10 PM
    Midder Peenud Hayed
    Quote Originally Posted by zagnut View Post
    A good exercise in vocabulary is to use all of the new words you have learned into one sentence without passing out or losing breath. If you do it very quickly people will stare at you like you are speaking a foreign language by not being able to place the pejorative. It is quite fun to look at the expressions on their face.
    My bro' and I have competitions to see how many times and ways we can work the term "nigger" into a sentence.

    Of course, there's the common noun "nigger", as in: "Is that a dead nigger?"

    "Nigger" as an adjective: "That hooptie is all niggered-up."

    Verb tense: "I'll nigger my way over there" (as in, walk slowly and like a chicken).

    As a prefix (or suffix): "Niggermobile".

    And so forth...

    We can riff for hours!
  • 03-22-2021, 05:53 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by I aint bin dun did dat! View Post
    I like the adjectives used to describe them in their monkey rage. A good one the other day was samurai sword slashing nigger. We had swashbuckling machete wielding nigger. The swashbuckling one had me laughing pretty hard.
    Jenkem huffing feral nigger!!
  • 03-22-2021, 11:21 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    We don’t want to go to war with them, we don’t want to lynch them, we don’t want to shoot them. Really we want them to GO AWAY peacefully. Why must this be so hard?
    Niggers are smart enough to know they aren't anything without human civilization. They need to keep leeching off us, preferably from next door instead of 10,000 miles away.
  • 03-22-2021, 09:43 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    Yes, I’ve learned a lot reading the threads across here. There’s links to useful videos and threads that really shows you what the media doesn’t want to tell you. The fact that many of them get deleted after a month or two basically proves how serious this whole White guilt disaster is. Videos of niggers doing their evil crimes or some nice crime info charts from places like the bureau of justice that will have any crybaby liberal unable to respond with anything other than “Trump” or “systemic racism” yet be unable to explain further.
    I’m so fucking sick of niggers, they’re so violent and unbelievably racist and all people want is to just not have to co-exist with them. We don’t want to go to war with them, we don’t want to lynch them, we don’t want to shoot them. Really we want them to GO AWAY peacefully. Why must this be so hard?
    you should sign up and encourage as many similar minded folk to do the same. The fightback begins with you. Nord VPN works great if you're bothered about tracking. I couldn't give a fuck because the tide is turning and I'm surfing that first wave.
  • 03-22-2021, 04:45 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by CoonsЯus View Post
    Negro behavior is often highly predictable. Understanding their intentions may save your life. Chimpout is more than a focus on humor or just a compilation of nigger events. It is a critical guide to expose the habits and dangers of the nigger ape. Something that you have read on this site, may modify your understanding of niggers and could subsequently keep you or your family safe from serious harm. There is real purpose to this website.
    Yes, I’ve learned a lot reading the threads across here. There’s links to useful videos and threads that really shows you what the media doesn’t want to tell you. The fact that many of them get deleted after a month or two basically proves how serious this whole White guilt disaster is. Videos of niggers doing their evil crimes or some nice crime info charts from places like the bureau of justice that will have any crybaby liberal unable to respond with anything other than “Trump” or “systemic racism” yet be unable to explain further.
    I’m so fucking sick of niggers, they’re so violent and unbelievably racist and all people want is to just not have to co-exist with them. We don’t want to go to war with them, we don’t want to lynch them, we don’t want to shoot them. Really we want them to GO AWAY peacefully. Why must this be so hard?
  • 03-22-2021, 01:45 AM
    Negro behavior is often highly predictable. Understanding their intentions may save your life. Chimpout is more than a focus on humor or just a compilation of nigger events. It is a critical guide to expose the habits and dangers of the nigger ape. Something that you have read on this site, may modify your understanding of niggers and could subsequently keep you or your family safe from serious harm. There is real purpose to this website.
  • 03-21-2021, 10:58 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post is teaching me so many new descriptions for the nigger! Here in the UK we have a more limited vocabulary when it comes to describing the vile KFC munchers.
    Years ago we used - coons, darkies, nig-nogs, baboons. Some of these words were used openly, but now you’d risk arrest if you said these words in public. The youth are being brain washed to consider niggers as equals or even superiors, and their brains can hardly contain such racist words without feeling great shame. So is doing a great service in keeping the truth alive, especially for those of us in countries where free-speech is limited.
    A good exercise in vocabulary is to use all of the new words you have learned into one sentence without passing out or losing breath. If you do it very quickly people will stare at you like you are speaking a foreign language by not being able to place the pejorative. It is quite fun to look at the expressions on their face.
  • 03-21-2021, 10:17 PM
    This is by far one of the best sites on the internet.

  • 03-21-2021, 12:39 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post is teaching me so many new descriptions for the nigger! Here in the UK we have a more limited vocabulary when it comes to describing the vile KFC munchers.
    Years ago we used - coons, darkies, nig-nogs, baboons. Some of these words were used openly, but now you’d risk arrest if you said these words in public. The youth are being brain washed to consider niggers as equals or even superiors, and their brains can hardly contain such racist words without feeling great shame. So is doing a great service in keeping the truth alive, especially for those of us in countries where free-speech is limited.
    Welcome!! And enjoy yourself here!!
  • 03-21-2021, 12:21 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Bottle_of_Hate View Post
    The fact that other sites are literally censoring out when you call bullshit is proof enough of their agenda. Under the guise of "keeping it friendly and on topic" or "keeping out hate speech" they censor the slightest opposing view as "harmful". Such as "if he were not white, his race would not be mentioned" or "if the colors were reversed this would not be a hate crime". I have had both of those comments deleted recently because they are "racist". Even though it is fact and contains no racism. That is why I too am glad to have a spot to voice the truth about niggers.
    OH, yes it is rayciss! Facts, history, statistics, science - all are racist if they portray any race (except white, of course) in a way that might be perceived by any entity on the planet as less than praise and 100% positive.
  • 03-21-2021, 11:44 AM
    The fact that other sites are literally censoring out when you call bullshit is proof enough of their agenda. Under the guise of "keeping it friendly and on topic" or "keeping out hate speech" they censor the slightest opposing view as "harmful". Such as "if he were not white, his race would not be mentioned" or "if the colors were reversed this would not be a hate crime". I have had both of those comments deleted recently because they are "racist". Even though it is fact and contains no racism. That is why I too am glad to have a spot to voice the truth about niggers.
  • 03-21-2021, 08:58 AM
    Jubal A. Early
    I too say a big thanks to Chimpout. Actual
    hard news of items the brainless U.S. Media won't touch or buried. During the BLM crises we were calling up Chimpout for clarification, and stories.

    Just knowing there are like minded friends out there who are concerned about the building crises is so refreshing.
  • 03-21-2021, 07:35 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post is teaching me so many new descriptions for the nigger! Here in the UK we have a more limited vocabulary when it comes to describing the vile KFC munchers.
    Years ago we used - coons, darkies, nig-nogs, baboons. Some of these words were used openly, but now you’d risk arrest if you said these words in public. The youth are being brain washed to consider niggers as equals or even superiors, and their brains can hardly contain such racist words without feeling great shame. So is doing a great service in keeping the truth alive, especially for those of us in countries where free-speech is limited.
    So true! And you also mention the core of the problem, brainwashed youth that consider niggers as equals, they won't even see it coming!!
    Stay safe, avoid the groid - and whenever safely possible educate people.
  • 03-20-2021, 10:46 PM
    I aint bin dun did dat!
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post is teaching me so many new descriptions for the nigger! Here in the UK we have a more limited vocabulary when it comes to describing the vile KFC munchers.
    Years ago we used - coons, darkies, nig-nogs, baboons. Some of these words were used openly, but now you’d risk arrest if you said these words in public. The youth are being brain washed to consider niggers as equals or even superiors, and their brains can hardly contain such racist words without feeling great shame. So is doing a great service in keeping the truth alive, especially for those of us in countries where free-speech is limited.
    I like the adjectives used to describe them in their monkey rage. A good one the other day was samurai sword slashing nigger. We had swashbuckling machete wielding nigger. The swashbuckling one had me laughing pretty hard.
  • 03-20-2021, 10:43 PM
    Chimpout has saved many lives, I’m sure.
    Avoiding the groid is always a good decision.
  • 03-20-2021, 10:26 PM
    Coon Club Road
    Chimpout provides a wealth of information... some of it can be life saving... and it is available at your fingertips 24/7.
  • 03-20-2021, 09:09 PM

    Thanks chimpout is teaching me so many new descriptions for the nigger! Here in the UK we have a more limited vocabulary when it comes to describing the vile KFC munchers.
    Years ago we used - coons, darkies, nig-nogs, baboons. Some of these words were used openly, but now you’d risk arrest if you said these words in public. The youth are being brain washed to consider niggers as equals or even superiors, and their brains can hardly contain such racist words without feeling great shame. So is doing a great service in keeping the truth alive, especially for those of us in countries where free-speech is limited.

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