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  • 10-08-2024, 08:05 AM

    It's common sense

    Pretty much every nigger is a complete waste of matter. If an engineer designed a car with a 97.5% failure rate, most buyers would stay the hell away from it. The same logic applies to human-nigger interaction. If the odds of being assaulted/raped/murdered/or have your shit stolen by a jungle bunny, what's wrong with avoiding them like the fucking plague? I'm not a gambler, so why risk $1,000 if it's almost garanteed you're gonna leave with $25. - Fuck.that.shit!
  • 10-05-2024, 03:06 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by CoonsЯus View Post
    Rounding them up and sending them all back to Wakanda is the only viable solution. They'd be much happier there.
    A long time ago, I knew a recently arrived upper middle class (legal) caucasian immigrant family from Mexico. They were fooled by a sleazy realtor who leased them a house next to a freaking ghetto. To their surprise, some of their 'nigbors' broke into their home one time when they went out. These nice, polite, and well-to-do people had never experienced a break-in even in their crime-riddled homeland, yet here, where the Law is supposed to mean something, some goddamned NAPAs tore open their expensive Italian leather furniture looking for drugs, went through their clothes, stole their jewelry, their TVs, and most of their electronics.

    We all know niggers excel at making America look bad. I, as an American, felt ashamed for what happed to them.
  • 09-25-2024, 07:44 PM

    Niggar loving elderly hypocrite

    Soooo I had a jerk nearly hit my car, drunk as a skunk with an open beer can…with a she-grisss dark as tar teen baboon riding shot gun. This is the same Ryder jr. Who swore up a down no niggers allowed. Made a big stink no old broads only liked white under 20 supposed to be selling shit for his business. Hehe now turns out he’s nuthin more than a drunk mud lover. Dumb ass even threatened to shoot me to protect his niggar goddess. I took his plate but didn’t bother …. Nothin more pathetic than an old white nigger lover neck. And the stinky nigglet to prove it.
  • 02-01-2024, 09:45 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by PlanetOfTheApes View Post
    I made the mistake of renting a house next to a nigger horde base, now I get to watch everyday as they throw trash in my yard and waste oxygen.
    I grew up giving them a more than fair chance, but time and time again I was proven a fool.

    The craziest part to me is how people are still sympathetic to these animals. The only way I can rationalize that is they haven't had to encounter them in their real lives yet so they just don't know.
    With the way they behave, I don't see how there could ever be room for them in the future of humanity. Nothing will ever be enough for them, and eventually they will have to be stopped.
    Welcome to Chimpout!! Now start BASHING niggers!!
  • 02-01-2024, 02:13 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    They indoctrinate the American niggar with Islam in prison.
    The ultimate religion of violence has found plenty of converts in niggers. The original "Christian" niggers were bad enough with all the voodoo. Now at least half the nigger "churches" in the U.S. are Nation of Islam, like the Chimpcago one that the Obamas went to. Their talk of "black liberation" is nothing but vile justification of niggers doing whatever they want.
  • 01-28-2024, 02:11 PM

    The dark plague continues, don’t forget Islamabad niggas

    So on the other chimpout, some people are liking our Sandniggar enemies, guess what I’m a German and they are ruining all of Europe because we are weak not stopping the cancer. If there was a train they would be the first made into soap. So spare me the gushing about they are not the same. We are all the infidels to them. They sleep with boys in their country and sell women like chattel. There is nothing redeeming about a mosque ass to face. Iam ashamed any European would gush about the migration of the terrorists who turned Sweden into Iraq. They indoctrinate the American niggar with Islam in prison.
  • 12-03-2023, 07:10 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    Man, so I work at a Gas station where niggers are super common. A lot of them are very angry and poor. Selling swisher sweets and getting complaints on how expensive $1.50 a pack is overprice gets old. They always demand respect but never have the common courtesy to say “thank you or see yea” it’s always “Awrite” or “ite”. EBT is so fucking common that it makes me depressed on wondering why I have to work for a god damn living. I don’t have the luxury to make 200,000 a year to live in a white suburbs. Nigger woman always dress in shower caps and tight clothes that makes them look like prostitutes with big lips. The guys always say showing their ass, and I have my job but without education…it’s easy 70,000. I can’t fucking stand pleasing these fucking animals.
    Feel sorry for you my friend. You've been up and close to the beast as nobody could tell a tale like that without smelling and seeing the shit monsters first hand !
  • 12-03-2023, 02:15 PM
    Tar Remover
    There IS no room for them in humanity. They are niggers. There is barely room in a cage....
  • 11-27-2023, 11:13 PM

    felonious mohammadens

    It is as simple as this, the nigger and the mohammaden are a sub species of human that were sent out with the curse of ham many years ago and it is in biblical times and since they were not holy people they were not talked about in the bible. Hence them surviving all of these years. Blacks have improved to some extent because they have had mixed children with white people and other races but the darker the nigger the more likely in is to commit more crimes.
    But make no mistake the mohammaden has kept their sub species intact because they hate white people and all other races of people which is why they have stayed as the low iq screwed up people they are. There have been many studies that show the average IQ in Palestine is around 67 which says a lot. Sand dune coons or sand niggers whatever you want to call them are meant to be the true demons on Earth and they will be the people we will all have to fight one day just to protect our homes from being broken into and the nationalism they have inspired in all Islamic people will actually lead to some pretty messed up things.
    Giving Islamic people a platform to speak on is the most terrible thing anyone could have ever done.
    By allowing Islamic people to speak on a platform it actually leads to more people converting to Islam or supporting it and they use that as their first method to gain people for their great plan but then they also have as many children as possible to continue to fulfill their great plan - which is why everyone should truly hate these bastards.
    I am willing to put my life on the line for Israel just because of this and I will because everyone should be willing to fight the demon sub species and never want to see an Israeli girl raped or an Israeli child taken from their family ever again. It is up to those of us who truly hate the sub species known as the mohammadens to fight for Israel.
  • 10-01-2023, 06:11 PM
    Niggers are Useless
    No niggers signed the constitution.
    Yes, two reasons, 1: we were still using them as farm equipment 2: As such we never wasted time trying to teach them to read.
    Also, Yes MAGA needs to be here now, 24 is too long to wait. The nigger loving shit pants thief in the white house is single handedly destroying anything that is left of American values.
    Welcome and enjoy bashing the niggers.
  • 09-18-2023, 08:38 AM
    Niggers are right about one thing, racism is learned. It's learned by dealing with Niggers all my life.
  • 08-23-2023, 01:03 PM

    Niggers in retail Dallas.

    Man, so I work at a Gas station where niggers are super common. A lot of them are very angry and poor. Selling swisher sweets and getting complaints on how expensive $1.50 a pack is overprice gets old. They always demand respect but never have the common courtesy to say “thank you or see yea” it’s always “Awrite” or “ite”. EBT is so fucking common that it makes me depressed on wondering why I have to work for a god damn living. I don’t have the luxury to make 200,000 a year to live in a white suburbs. Nigger woman always dress in shower caps and tight clothes that makes them look like prostitutes with big lips. The guys always say showing their ass, and I have my job but without education…it’s easy 70,000. I can’t fucking stand pleasing these fucking animals.
  • 08-14-2023, 03:37 PM
    I hate that I gotta live on disability in poverty for rest of my life. Whenever I go for healthcare appointments, I more than likely will run into them

    I don't know if anyone else has this fear like I do but I always feel like I'm going to run into them with their little kids. Like at a doctors office and with me minding my own business Their little kids will start touching me for no reason. And I politely tell them no and tell the nigger parents that you need get their kids away from me. I feel like that will set them off and want to start fighting me.

    I don't know if anyone else feels the same but I can't stop feeling that way
  • 07-03-2023, 08:26 PM

    I Hate Niggers

    I've been wanting to say that for so long. Think I'll say it again.
  • 07-02-2023, 10:29 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by PlanetOfTheApes View Post
    I made the mistake of renting a house next to a nigger horde base, now I get to watch everyday as they throw trash in my yard and waste oxygen.
    I grew up giving them a more than fair chance, but time and time again I was proven a fool.

    The craziest part to me is how people are still sympathetic to these animals. The only way I can rationalize that is they haven't had to encounter them in their real lives yet so they just don't know.
    With the way they behave, I don't see how there could ever be room for them in the future of humanity. Nothing will ever be enough for them, and eventually they will have to be stopped.
    Brother, I really sympathize with you. I had already had childhood experiences with niggers to know that they're nothing like us. That prepared me for when my family moved. Of all the possibilities, we wound up next door to a coalburner that mated with Satan's son to produce the three worst niglets you can imagine. Trespassing, theft, you name it. The oldest was in 3rd grade and already had a history of trying to molest the littler white girls on the school playground.

    I saw the buck pappy just one time, because it was almost constantly in jail for years. I don't know if it violated parole or had escaped, but one day the cops were asking around if anyone saw the nigger. I heard it eventually died in jail, probably from AIDS or some other common disease at NU.
  • 06-19-2023, 03:06 PM

    Now they blame white people because they can't swim

    I'm sick of hearing about drowning negroes cus white people didn't teach them to swim.
  • 06-07-2023, 06:53 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by PlanetOfTheApes View Post
    I made the mistake of renting a house next to a nigger horde base, now I get to watch everyday as they throw trash in my yard and waste oxygen.
    I grew up giving them a more than fair chance, but time and time again I was proven a fool.

    The craziest part to me is how people are still sympathetic to these animals. The only way I can rationalize that is they haven't had to encounter them in their real lives yet so they just don't know.
    With the way they behave, I don't see how there could ever be room for them in the future of humanity. Nothing will ever be enough for them, and eventually they will have to be stopped.
    Rounding them up and sending them all back to Wakanda is the only viable solution. They'd be much happier there.
  • 06-06-2023, 07:21 PM
    I made the mistake of renting a house next to a nigger horde base, now I get to watch everyday as they throw trash in my yard and waste oxygen.
    I grew up giving them a more than fair chance, but time and time again I was proven a fool.

    The craziest part to me is how people are still sympathetic to these animals. The only way I can rationalize that is they haven't had to encounter them in their real lives yet so they just don't know.
    With the way they behave, I don't see how there could ever be room for them in the future of humanity. Nothing will ever be enough for them, and eventually they will have to be stopped.
  • 06-04-2023, 07:14 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    I’m over 60 and was subjected to non-stop pro-nigger propaganda throughout my entire education. We were forced to read “Roots”. We were taught that niggers were “just like us” but held back by YT. Plus, Norman Lear’s TV shows constantly put the niggers on a pedestal while mocking White men as “Archie Bunkers” while the niggers were enlightened, smart, and peace loving.

    Needless to say, I adopted a nigger-loving point of view since I was exposed to almost zero niggers at my school. There was one and he only lasted for one half of the year in HS. Other than a few asian chicks and a handful of hispanics, my schools were 95% White.

    It wasn’t until I graduated from college and got my first job in the city of Detoilet when I had to deal with entitled, ignorant, corrupt, lazy but constantly promoted apefirmative action groids that my eyes were opened. Want to fuck something up completely? Assign a nigger to the task. Want money to be embezzled? Put a nigger in a position of trust. Want to be abused at work, threatened physically, and then lied about to management? Work with niggers. They stick together against YT and will lie, cheat, and steal to pull one over on humans, without exception. They stick together, except, of course when they murder each other over some small perceived slight or “diss”.

    Racism isn’t caused by TV and movies. It’s not caused by online “hate groups”. It’s not caused by parents. Racism results from NIGGERS!

    It’s the logical conclusion after dealing with REAL niggers, not the imaginary ones portrayed on TV, movies, advertisements, and social media.

    Niggers are a cancer to human civilization. Niggers should be severely restricted and isolated. I moved a dozen years ago when the niggers from the next town over started traveling to my 97% White town thanks to the Nigmart that opened up near my home. I got the fuck out just in time it turns out since crimes that were never seen in my previous city started happening with regularity. Thankfully, I’m in a rural area now that is almost 100% nigger free. But, I stay vigilant. I’ll move again after I’m retired if the plague starts infesting my town. And, I’ll move to a state and an area of the state that has the lowest percentage of niggers. I’ve traveled the world for business and can honestly say that no real country likes niggers; especially in Asia. They know what the beast is all about. Anyway, thanks for the forum which I lurk in frequently. It’s a great outlet for REALITY since one can literally be fired and ostracized for speaking THE TRUTH these days!
    Excellent post. Please sign on up and share your world with the like minded here at CO. A problem shared......
  • 05-20-2023, 06:57 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by Banana Republic View Post
    Unfortunately I live here in Apezil, a niggerfuxated degenerate, trashy and filthy apeland.
    I've noticed that when I traveled to whiter regions the white employees were more polite and prettier while the mongrels, mulattoes, and other such shit were ruder and more uglier.

    Filthy chimps.
    Fuck you, Apezil, cursed land!!!
    I heard Southern Brazil is mostly white of Northern Italian and German descent. Maybe move there?
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