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Topic Review (Newest First)

  • 06-23-2020, 09:34 PM
    I thought they were taking COPS off the air?
  • 06-23-2020, 07:13 PM
    A big leap forward? Don’t you mean a huge leap backward? I’m so sick and fucking tired of the Floyd groveling, he was a typical nigger drug addict and career criminal just like the rest of them. Had this nigger survived, he would certainly have been set feral within the same day and then we’d probably all be here furious about the murder of some innocent white girl.
    There is no such thing as systematic racism. It’s just an excuse for nigger failings. They can’t function in any civilized nation and that’s nobody else’s fault but theirs.
  • 06-23-2020, 09:57 AM
    They're already planning a new season of Dr Who's yer daddy?
  • 06-23-2020, 09:14 AM
    More nigger bullshit! I'm very close to turning away from broadcast TV altogether.

    As I mentioned elsewhere on the site, I make up my own little TV channel, so my wife and I can watch whole evenings of nigger-free TV, so I'm lucky. But if these TV broadcasters want to bring about their own demise, let's leave them to it.

    As I also mentioned elsewhere, one of the most popular programmes in recent years has been Doc Martin, shown on a commercial channel here in Britain. (I understand it's popular in many other countries too.)
    It is a superb programme anyway, but I wonder if part of its success (even if viewers don't realise it, as I didn't until recently) is due to the fact that throughout nine series over several years, I don't recall ever seeing a nigger in it.

    Apparently they're making one last series, so let's hope it isn't contaminated by the nigger filth.
  • 06-23-2020, 06:46 AM
    The truth

    Boon Broadcasting Corporation commits £100m to put groids on their channels

    Once again, the Boon Broadcasting Corporation demonstrates its disgusting coddling:

    The BBC is to increase diversity by investing £100m of its TV budget over a three year period to produce “diverse and inclusive content”.

    Director general Tony Hall has described the move, which will apply from April 2021, as “a big leap”.

    The BBC has set itself a mandatory target – 20% of off-screen talent must come from under-represented groups. That includes those with a disability or from a BAME or disadvantaged socio-economic background.

    There will also be three “tests” for diversity in the BBC’s TV output, with programmes needing to meet two of them to qualify – diverse stories and portrayal on-screen, diverse production teams and talent and diverse-led production companies. The announcement follows widespread Black Lives Matter protests, after the death of George Floyd while in police custody in the US.

    “The senseless killing of George Floyd – and what it tells us about the stain of systemic racism – has had a profound impact on all of us,” said Lord Hall. “It’s made us question ourselves about what more we can do to help tackle racism – and drive inclusion within our organisation and in society as a whole. “This is our response – it’s going to drive change in what we make and who makes it. It’s a big leap forward – and we’ll have more to announce in the coming weeks.
    Big leap” my a$$! I was sure the official UK propaganda network would've seized the opportunity to give us programs full of niggerbabble and TNB. It's been proven that woke films and series are a financial disaster (as practically no one watch them), yet these useless panderers persist. To quote Agent Smith from the Matrix, “why, BBC, why do you persist?”.

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