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  • 06-13-2020, 07:00 AM
    Sunj Luddz
    Hi its sunj by the way, just wanted to say fuck niggers and fuck this oil drilling fucktard de blasio who oversees that new yorK hell hole full of raisin heads. The raisin new york had so many deaths from cornvirus is because it full of people of african descent and autistic liberals. It is well known that horrible coon scum have terrible disease resistance and are extra susceptible to viruses such as aids with their abhorrent lifestyles which include spreading STIs via promiscuous black whores, never showering, sharing blunts with wet roaches, sharing needles, eating food off the floor and secretly being homos. Those loud mouthed primates also spread disease via mouth droplets with their high pitched shrieks. I am praying despite being atheism that africa gets hit harder by the virus so that the supply chain of nigger exports is disrupted. Oh its sunj by the way
  • 06-11-2020, 11:48 AM
    The truth

    De Blasio's mulatto confronted its father about its “white privilege”

    That sick oil-driller's daughter-sow confronted its jizz donor about the so-called “white privilege”:

    Mayor Bill de Blasio said Tuesday his biracial daughter has previously confronted him about his “white privilege.”

    “She would talk to me about my own white privilege … she’s usually right,” de Blasio said of his 25-year-old daughter, Chiara, during a TIME 100 Talks virtual event focusing on how leaders are responding to the overlapping global crises of social injustice and coronavirus.
    Then why wouldn't the sow go back to dah muddaland if every White is so privileged? The truth is that niggers are privileged in about every domain to make up for their low IQ, tendency to commit crimes, and obbression and sheeit during slavery. NAPAs have Affirmative Action, EBT, entire books, teebee programs, sports and skoos for them, movies starring magical niggers in it, less convictions, millions of coddlers supporting them..., and yet, somehow, niggers are still prejudiced.

    Niggers have virtually done nothing to contribute to society (except picking cotton when they were enslaved... it's not like it was a difficult task, and remember that niggers enslave each other since their cursed species appeared), they became nuisances of the highest order since they were freed, and still expect always more despite the massive amount of coddling.

    The fact that these grease apes are allowed to run wild, burn cities, and make these extravagant demands while looting and killing shows who are the real privileged here.

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