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View Full Version : Ain't nobody paying to feed my kids.

11-11-2017, 05:58 PM
I had a good laugh with the cashier at the grocery store today.

Yesterday In front of me was a young woman. Probably mid 20s holding her infant. She rang up about $30 worth of food but her debit card was declined. She asked to put some stuff back and try again and guess who? A nigger sow behind me started making the heavy breathing noises because she might have to wait a minute or so longer. I didn't get the sense the young woman was a scammer so I offered to pay for her food. She just appears to be having a tough time making ends meet and did not have that I just spent my money on bling look. No baby should be without food. She seemed very appreciative but declined. Of course I insisted and she finally accepted. Said her husband got laid off and money was very tight. She didn't have a cart full of steaks and lobster. It was stuff like hot dogs and cheap living food. Of course this was a huge inconvenience to the nigger sow. Nobody else in line seemed to mind waiting.

The sow behind me smacking her lips says "Ain't nobody ever pay to feed muh keeds but me. You need to get a job." You could tell everyone in line hated this nigger. The younger woman seemed mortified. You know, the kind of embarrassment most people have when they need help and become the center of attention. So anyway, I go back to the grocery store this morning to get some bread. The same cashier is there and says to me the same line with a smirk that the sow said. Then informs me she paid with EBT and ZERO cash. As if we had to guess the nigger was going to have food stamps.

11-11-2017, 06:31 PM
Niggers and their 'entitlement' mentality thinking EBT is their money and not the human tax payers.

On a side not: what nigger isn't on the dole, sucking off of whitey.

Cracka Jack
11-12-2017, 07:00 PM
If the "Great Society" programs weren't created we'd had 95% fewer niggers knuckling around. The number one item on my bucket list is to go to LBJ's grave and shit on it.

You did a good thing BoH. Hopefully her situation improves soon.

justin igger
11-13-2017, 12:29 AM
Niggers think EBT is they pay..breathing and shitting must be their job.

Sheboon DeLuxe
11-13-2017, 12:52 PM
You're a good man, Bottle of Hate.

Tar Remover
11-22-2017, 06:59 AM
I'd pay to feed that nigger bitch AND her sprogs............. to alligators!

Call Me Bwana
11-30-2017, 02:13 AM
I'd pay to feed that nigger bitch AND her sprogs............. to alligators!


Purple Gummed Tree Climber
12-17-2017, 05:13 PM
"The number one item on my bucket list is to go to LBJ's grave and shit on it."....


Let me know when you're going. It would be my honor to hold the roll of toilet paper for you !

12-18-2017, 10:10 AM
I'm glad our president hates niggers

Cat fur allergic
12-18-2017, 01:37 PM
If the "Great Society" programs weren't created we'd had 95% fewer niggers knuckling around. The number one item on my bucket list is to go to LBJ's grave and shit on it.

You did a good thing BoH. Hopefully her situation improves soon.

He is one of the most hated men in history, but I don't know man you might not get close enough to shit on his grave, carry it in a plastic bag and dump it ;p.

12-19-2017, 03:54 PM
I knew a nigger sow, who was honestly blown away that not everyone got food stamps or Section 8 housing. She couldn't wrap her head around it at all.

12-19-2017, 06:41 PM
I knew a nigger sow, who was honestly blown away that not everyone got food stamps or Section 8 housing. She couldn't wrap her head around it at all.

You CANNOT fix stupid no matter how hard we try