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View Full Version : Nigger in my ER today threatens lawsuit at my hospital

11-02-2017, 09:09 PM
A welfare princes today was rushed to my ER. Her weight is 489.7 pounds. She claims that the electronic wheelchair at Walmart tipped her over on her side and she was in massive pain all over her body. So the amberlamps was called and she was taken to our ER. She claimed she was in so much pain that she could not get out of the wheelchair she was in to get onto an ER bed. XRAY had to come with their portable XRAY machine. The nigger was saying oh this pain is way to much Lord Jesus help me. All her test came back normal except for the typical diabetes and stuff that niggers have. The police arrived at the hospital and arrested the nigger. According to the video at Walmart she stepped off the cart walked a couple of feet and she laid herself on the floor in the sports department in the Walmart. Employees heard her screaming and they attended to her. Walmart has pressed numerous felony charges against her. Las Vegas Police have pressed numerous charges on her. And she is going to sue every person that is in the ER right now for 1 million dollars from each person in the ER for not giving her any pain medicine she claims that she has some sort of powerful attorney and we will all pay for her not receiveing any pain medicines. 3 DR'S reviewed her case they decided that she was faking her injuries and seeking narcotic drugs she is now on a national data base for drug seeking and the hospital discharged her with a police escort to the Clark County Detention Center

Rape Ape
11-02-2017, 10:19 PM
And she is going to sue every person that is in the ER right now for 1 million dollars


I'd bet Shartqueefa the Hutt staged the whole Nog and Tractor show just to try to get it sum dem drugz in da EEE AHH.

11-02-2017, 10:22 PM
A welfare princes today was rushed to my ER. Her weight is 489.7 pounds. She claims that the electronic wheelchair at Walmart tipped her over on her side and she was in massive pain all over her body. So the amberlamps was called and she was taken to our ER. She claimed she was in so much pain that she could not get out of the wheelchair she was in to get onto an ER bed. XRAY had to come with their portable XRAY machine. The nigger was saying oh this pain is way to much Lord Jesus help me. All her test came back normal except for the typical diabetes and stuff that niggers have. The police arrived at the hospital and arrested the nigger. According to the video at Walmart she stepped off the cart walked a couple of feet and she laid herself on the floor in the sports department in the Walmart. Employees heard her screaming and they attended to her. Walmart has pressed numerous felony charges against her. Las Vegas Police have pressed numerous charges on her. And she is going to sue every person that is in the ER right now for 1 million dollars from each person in the ER for not giving her any pain medicine she claims that she has some sort of powerful attorney and we will all pay for her not receiveing any pain medicines. 3 DR'S reviewed her case they decided that she was faking her injuries and seeking narcotic drugs she is now on a national data base for drug seeking and the hospital discharged her with a police escort to the Clark County Detention Center

Oh yeah, I know the mantra, "Oh Lordy Jesus, etc". I am surprised that you did not have to utilize the zoo vet services. Lucky for hospital staff they were able to use portable XRAY machine. Good thing her sorry ass was captured on "Smile, you're on Candid Camera".

11-03-2017, 12:23 AM
Be careful Nevada,this might be her "powerful" lawyer.

Johnny Lee is best known as the shyster lawyer Algonquin J. Calhoun in the Amos 'N' Andy TV Series. In some of the 1948-49 radio episodes where the Calhoun character is introduced, he is referred to as "Five Percent Calhoun" because his fee was 5% of whatever he got for his clients.

11-03-2017, 08:30 AM
Good god...a 500 pound welfare sow, flapping it's blue gums, stinking up and contaminating the entire ER.

I Can't even begin to imagine the putrid stench that oozed off that horrid thing.

SC Anemia
11-03-2017, 11:45 AM
Lemme guess Nevada, HDL so low it can hardly be discerned, LDL number has a comma in it and it's triglycerides have their own zip code.

At least we know that with all that and the 'beetees' this sow is only a cheeseburger or two from da upper room.

Moolie Mook
11-03-2017, 01:54 PM
While the police were hauling it away and it was ooking and eeking about lawyers and lawsuits, I wish you could have been like this:


11-03-2017, 03:21 PM
Update: Just heard that the nigger will also be charged with creating a false emergency 5 counts. This is a Homeland Security charge added to her other charges.

11-09-2017, 10:24 PM
489.7 LBS? Did you have to take her to the cargo deck at the airport to weight that sow? Usually those extra wide 12 x 12 foot pallets need multiple scales. At work when we do extensive modifications to aircraft we have to reweigh them. It takes a special scale under each wheel. My question is, how did you get the sow to stand up straight with 1 foot on each scale long enough to get that number or was this number based on an estimated size and density like they do when they ship vehicles?

11-09-2017, 10:42 PM
The ER gurneys and ambulance gurneys have weight scales on the top and bottom of gurney so it is always pretty accurate of a niggers weight.

Moolie Mook
11-09-2017, 10:51 PM
The ER gurneys and ambulance gurneys have weight scales on the top and bottom of gurney so it is always pretty accurate of a niggers weight.

Just curious, what's the max on those scales?

11-09-2017, 10:54 PM
I am not sure I will ask an EMT next time I see them.

11-11-2017, 04:44 PM
I don't quite get this. A 489.7 lb. nigress would usually be very light on its feet, very lithe, virtually dancing its way back and forth between da club and the larder, where the extra Crisco is kept. Those 600+ lb. heifers are the ones you have to watch out for.

On a side note, I can't imagine you don't see a nigger threatening to sue the hospital each and every day. Threatening to sue is the one tendency a nigger has that could overtake their record for murder.

11-11-2017, 05:52 PM
Hello talked to an EMT most ambulance gurneys can show at its highest 999.9 lbs on the display. Also the ER gurneys in our hospital can weigh at our highest is also 999.9 lbs.