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View Full Version : This is the first post I've ever made here

04-17-2017, 05:38 PM
Or in the two previous names of this glorious institution. Welcome back! You were missed.

As an employee of a discount department store, then a grocery store, if I'd posted every bit of monkeyshines witnessed, I'd be insane. From the flomp flomp flomp of buffalos not picking up their hooves, to the full-volume conversations, to the food stamps and DECLINED credit cards......oooh, flashbacks. It's bad enough living through, then having to remember and craft a story out of. Though I have loved the stories written by y'all, because they proved there were others not falling for any diversity nonsense.

Anyway, I'm in an office now that is 100% fishbelly white. May it always be so. The customers are a different story, so look out for a few tales when it's quiet at work.

04-17-2017, 10:28 PM
Welcome back! Good to have you!

Koolaid Hair
04-17-2017, 10:41 PM
Welcome. Please do share! I would love to read some of your tales of niggetry.