View Full Version : Winter is Coming…and Trudeau Wants to Give Illegals at the Border THIS!

09-03-2017, 03:55 PM
If there’s one thing Justin Trudeau knows how to do, it’s blowing money on ridiculous things. Now that winter will soon be upon us, Trudeau wants to give illegals waiting around his border big, fancy, heated trailers. Really, these illegals should return south if they can’t handle the winter, not given thousands of dollars worth of shelter. From The Daily Caller After engaging the Canadian military to build a tent city for illegal refugees crossing at the Quebec-New York border, the Trudeau government now wants to*buy trailers for them*since winter is coming. The government issued a tender seeking bids on

More... (http://truthfeed.com/winter-is-coming-and-trudeau-wants-to-give-illegals-at-the-border-this/106414/)