View Full Version : Pope Thinks RAPE and TERROR are Just Part of the ‘Refugee Experience’

08-21-2017, 07:21 AM
The Pope doesn’t hide his progressive ways, but he’s taking this “globalist” thing to a whole new level. The man who lives behind a GIGANTIC wall, safe from anyone who does not look, talk, or think like him, is telling the rest of us that migrants’ rights TRUMP any “national security” issues or concerns that we may have. In other words, rape, terrorism, drugs, sex trafficking and other crimes are just “part and parcel” of inviting “migrants” into your country. Gee, no thanks. When the Pope starts taking refugees into Vatican City, then we’ll talk. From AP VATICAN CITY (AP)

More... (http://truthfeed.com/pope-thinks-rape-and-terror-are-just-part-of-the-refugee-experience/103030/)