View Full Version : First Nigger Sow "Judge" in Cincinnati: 7 Felony Charges, Disbarred.

05-04-2024, 08:27 PM
Take one useless nigger, give it some authority, and TNB is sure to follow.

Nigger Tracy Hunter graduated from Cincinnati Law School and rather that attempting to practice law, decided to run for office as a judge in a juvenile court. Despite zero experience, her fellow niggers elected her dumb ass.

According to reports, this vile sheboon immediately started doing things differently than how any court operates. She started acting as both judge AND prosecutor during certain hearings, going so far as ruling her own witnesses out of order!

In other cases she backdated court documents, then cited attorneys for "contempt of court" for not being there on that altered date.

In the end, Nigger Tracy was charged with 7 separate felonies. She was also disbarred. She has some 2 dozen law suits pending against her, though I'm not sure what a victory would mean, as the nigger certain wouldn't have anything of value to take as payment.

Nigger Tracy, who had to be physically dragged out of the courtroom, was in way over her head as a judge, and was prone to panic attacks. More than once paramedics had to haul her out of court and off to the vet.

Another totally useless nigger in a position of power and authority. Of course, the nigger is merely a "victim of racism and sexism." (In it's brainless head anyway.)

Niggers shouldn't be allowed to hold positions of power, authority, or teaching. They simply aren't capable!


05-05-2024, 01:20 AM
A nigger judge. A nigger jurist. Oxymorons, or in this case, just moronic.

A jury is a trier of facts. A judge is a trier of laws. To act as judge and prosecutor, hell, that's really convoluted. Only a brainless nigger would do that. Some human concepts just aren't suited to sub-simian walnut brains.

Jim Crow
05-05-2024, 07:23 AM
Niggers shouldn’t be in a responsible position that requires judgment, honesty,integrity or more than a 70 IQ. They beasts are barely capable of performing janitorial tasks without stealing muh diking or fucking something up.
I was at McDonald’s for breakfast with my grandson before I took him to comic book day yesterday.The table cleaning nigger had to come back three times to clean our table. Finally, I got some napkins and a cup of water and finished cleaning it myself! The kid noticed there was something wrong w/nigger. I explained”kid,all niggers are useless”

05-05-2024, 03:32 PM
Niggers shouldn’t be in a responsible position that requires judgment, honesty,integrity or more than a 70 IQ. They beasts are barely capable of performing janitorial tasks without stealing muh diking or fucking something up.
I was at McDonald’s for breakfast with my grandson before I took him to comic book day yesterday.The table cleaning nigger had to come back three times to clean our table. Finally, I got some napkins and a cup of water and finished cleaning it myself! The kid noticed there was something wrong w/nigger. I explained”kid,all niggers are useless”

Teaching him right!

Niggers are incapable of functioning in civilized human society.

Better when they were in the fields.

Whitey Ford
05-05-2024, 04:53 PM
Quotas on law school admissions and affirmative action. Its been going on for years and we are now seeing the fruit that it bears. I've seen cases where the defendant, the plaintiff or prosecutor, the judge, the arresting officer and the jury were all niggers. In these pockets of niggerdom where niggers have been artificially elevated above qualified humans, you're going to (and already are) see nigger incompetence, ineptitude and corruption like something out africa.

Factor in the fact that that America hating scumbag Soros likes funding him some nigger D.A.s and we are looking at bad, bad, times.

I aint bin dun did dat!
05-05-2024, 11:39 PM
Tis nigger can see 180 degrees with the gap between those eyes. Looks like something out of a cartoon. Maybe hollywood can spring it from jail to star in the next nigger mermaid movie.

Jim Crow
05-06-2024, 06:34 AM
Teaching him right!

Niggers are incapable of functioning in civilized human society.

Better when they were in the fields.

Even in the fields,they had to be supervised w/a 12ga shotgun at their back!

05-07-2024, 06:07 PM
Even in the fields,they had to be supervised w/a 12ga shotgun at their back!

Oh yeah. No nigger ever worked without a little encouragement!