View Full Version : LeBoon James perturbed by squatters.

04-11-2024, 01:44 PM
LeBoon James CRIES About Squatters

Squatters now have rights, particularly in CA and NY, and cannot be kicked out. A homeowner in NY who tried to force them out was arrested. It seems only Gov. DeSantis in FL has a backbone.

Gov. Ron DeSantis signed the "Property Rights" bill ( (https://www.flsenate.gov/Session/Bill/2024/621/BillText/er/PDF)HB 621) (https://www.flsenate.gov/Session/Bill/2024/621/BillText/er/PDF), which seeks to provide homeowners remedies against squatting and increases penalties on squatters.

“We are putting an end to the squatters scam in Florida (https://www.tallahassee.com/story/news/local/2024/03/04/santa-rosa-squatting-problem-at-milton-tom-sawyer-road-residence/72761951007/),” DeSantis said in an announcement (https://www.flgov.com/2024/03/27/governor-desantis-signs-legislation-to-end-the-squatters-scam-in-florida/). “While other states are siding with the squatters, we are protecting property owners and punishing criminals looking to game the system.”


As for CA, it seems the Libtards are getting a taste of what they voted for:

"we should be grateful to these squatters, they’ve found the best way to expose wealthy liberals to the consequences of their votes!

They support open borders but live in gated communities"

