View Full Version : University of Georgia student murdered, body dumped in the woods: do we really need to guess?

02-23-2024, 06:44 PM
How do we know it was a nigger? Well, besides the M.O. of the typical savage nigger muh dikking and murdering a pretty white girl, a white suspect would have already been identified. This would have been all over the Lame Stream Media the moment a white man was arrested for rape and murder.

Georgia police on Friday detained a person of interest in the death of 22-year-old Laken Riley, a nursing student whose body was found in a wooded area on the University of Georgia's main campus in Athens.

James Hataway, a spokesperson for the university, said the person was being questioned in connection with the case; he did not release the name of the detainee.

"We want to stress that this continues to be an active, ongoing investigation, and we will provide further updates when circumstances warrant," Hataway said.


A friend reported Riley missing shortly after noon when she failed to return home from a run at the school's intramural fields earlier that morning, the university said.

University police officers subsequently found her in a wooded area behind a lake near the fields "unconscious and not breathing" with "visible injuries," the university said. Officers attempted to provide medical aid but she was pronounced dead at the scene.

Her cause and manner of death have not been disclosed.


The cops will release a name and other details once the public has forgotten about this, so that they can quietly cover up yet another heinous nigger crime.

Jim Crow
02-23-2024, 09:04 PM
You always know when the perp is a nigger. Liberal media won’t give an ethnic description. If it’s a white person who committed the crime, they go out of their way to let you know. liberals will do anything to protect their beloved niggers!

02-23-2024, 09:15 PM
I'll delete this thread later but keep it for now. I'm surprised, the named suspect is an illegal Hispanic from Venezuela. And that's the reason we know the name already. This would have been hushed up if it'd been a Trayvon or Dontequarious.

02-23-2024, 09:39 PM
How do we know it was a nigger? Well, besides the M.O. of the typical savage nigger muh dikking and murdering a pretty white girl, a white suspect would have already been identified. This would have been all over the Lame Stream Media the moment a white man was arrested for rape and murder.



The cops will release a name and other details once the public has forgotten about this, so that they can quietly cover up yet another heinous nigger crime.

Let Me guess!! Is the perp's name "tyrone shitavious jackscoon?! INQUIRING minds want to know!! Niggers RUIN everything!!

02-23-2024, 09:55 PM
I'll delete this thread later but keep it for now. I'm surprised, the named suspect is an illegal Hispanic from Venezuela. And that's the reason we know the name already. This would have been hushed up if it'd been a Trayvon or Dontequarious.

Might be a Venezuelan nigger.

One thing is for sure, Biden, Harris, and Mayorkas have committed High Treason! Evil sons-a-bitches!

Niggers are Useless
02-23-2024, 10:38 PM
Might be a Venezuelan nigger.

One thing is for sure, Biden, Harris, and Mayorkas have committed High Treason! Evil sons-a-bitches!


Niggers are Useless
02-23-2024, 10:50 PM
This girls' parents should be able to catapult this raping invader back across the rio Grande. The main concern should be to ensure that this piece of communist street scums nuts are tied securely to the catapult with barbed wire prior to launch. Maybe also set him on fire first, leave that to them to decide.
This and much more blood needs to be placed directly where it belongs in the Biden administrations hands. Those communists caused all this and need to be taken to task for it. These elite communist scum must be arrested and frog marched off to prison on live TV, that's the only way something will ever change.
She was probably not even a mud shark, the report I heard was that this raping piece of invader communist trash just saw her and thought it would be a good idea to get some of that then kill her.
Thanks joe b iden you built this. Now go and talk to her family why don't you you vile lowlife worm.

02-25-2024, 02:27 AM
I had deleted this thread because it seemed to not be a nigger, but guess what. I'm calling it: there's a lot more than one drop in that rapist-murderer.

The spigger and its brother came to the U.S. illegally, which didn't stop the brother from getting a job on campus. Scoping out victims, no doubt.



02-25-2024, 02:29 AM
She was probably not even a mud shark, the report I heard was that this raping piece of invader communist trash just saw her and thought it would be a good idea to get some of that then kill her.
Thanks joe b iden you built this. Now go and talk to her family why don't you you vile lowlife worm.

I like to give victims the benefit of the doubt, and you're right. There is no reason whatsoever to suspect she ever burned coal or went willingly. The poor girl.

02-25-2024, 08:50 AM
How do we know it was a nigger? Well, besides the M.O. of the typical savage nigger muh dikking and murdering a pretty white girl, a white suspect would have already been identified. This would have been all over the Lame Stream Media the moment a white man was arrested for rape and murder.



The cops will release a name and other details once the public has forgotten about this, so that they can quietly cover up yet another heinous nigger crime.


02-28-2024, 05:25 PM
I like to give victims the benefit of the doubt, and you're right. There is no reason whatsoever to suspect she ever burned coal or went willingly. The poor girl.

Seems like she was just out for a run and was attacked. She was a victim of opportunity for the rape ape.

02-28-2024, 11:37 PM
An illegal border nigger, courtesy of Joe Biden. How about a quick trial and hemp therapy? Death requires death.

02-29-2024, 10:42 AM
Apparently this fine piece of "diversity" smashed her head in to finish its infernal rapefest.


Good job shitwit "south americoon" , just think how many armed to the teeth redneck North American Southerners in Georgia will be seething with righteous
fury over the libtard insanity that was the CAUSE of this beautiful and smart young WHITE woman's death. There's a reason we HAVE a border , and immigration controls,
to prevent exactly this type of ANIMAL from GETTING IN !!!!

02-29-2024, 02:50 PM
Apparently this fine piece of "diversity" smashed her head in to finish its infernal rapefest.


Good job shitwit "south americoon" , just think how many armed to the teeth redneck North American Southerners in Georgia will be seething with righteous
fury over the libtard insanity that was the CAUSE of this beautiful and smart young WHITE woman's death. There's a reason we HAVE a border , and immigration controls,
to prevent exactly this type of ANIMAL from GETTING IN !!!!

I am not the biggest Michael Savage fan, but he's absolutely right that a country is defined by borders, language and culture. Lose just one, and you lose your country.

South of the border regard El Norte as a land to reconquer, and meanwhile they'll come over the border because our government is paying them. But that's just a small part, really. Worse is that the European governments want to reconquer North America, and illegal immigration from Latin/Latinigger America and Apefrica are just tools to bankrupt and beat down the American taxpayer.