View Full Version : Sand nigger violently chimps out in Germany, urinates on a train conductor

02-17-2024, 09:11 AM

A disturbing incident unfolded during a routine ticket check aboard a regional train traversing Baden-Württemberg on Tuesday afternoon, with witnesses reporting a violent assault on a train conductor by an individual believed to be around 35 years old and of North African descent.

At Graben-Neudorf station in the Karlsruhe district, the assailant allegedly subjected the 57-year-old railway employee to a brutal attack involving punching, kicking, and choking, as confirmed by a police spokesperson, BILD reported (https://www.bild.de/regional/baden-wuerttemberg/regional/flaschenhals-stecher-verletzt-zugbegleiterin-und-passanten-87160194.bild.html).
According to the newspaper accounts, the perpetrator attempted to coerce the woman into performing oral sex and demanded she shout “Heil Hitler” before ultimately urinating on her.

For me, significantly older women are not attractive, but those niggers and sand niggers obviously can muhdick everything. Yes, maybe even an older woman is better than a camel or a goat.

According to a source in different language, the shitskin has been already caught, first killing a someone's dog, then attacking a 17 y.o. girl, after that he was held by bystanders and handed over to police.

02-17-2024, 02:23 PM

For me, significantly older women are not attractive, but those niggers and sand niggers obviously can muhdick everything. Yes, maybe even an older woman is better than a camel or a goat.

According to a source in different language, the shitskin has been already caught, first killing a someone's dog, then attacking a 17 y.o. girl, after that he was held by bystanders and handed over to police.

I remember reading about how in Ancient Times the Germanic tribes fought the Roman legions when Rome was near the peak of it's power. They were FEROCIOUS!! They need to regain that spirit and UNLEASH it on @$$lifter invaders!! It took Spain nearly 8 centuries but they expelled the moors. Germans need to do the same!! Denmark recently deported somoolicoon @$$lifter$ and crime went down 35%!! I wonder what the rape percentage went down to since @$$lifter$ love to commit al dik!!

02-18-2024, 01:20 PM
I remember reading about how in Ancient Times the Germanic tribes fought the Roman legions when Rome was near the peak of it's power. They were FEROCIOUS!! They need to regain that spirit and UNLEASH it on @$$lifter invaders!! It took Spain nearly 8 centuries but they expelled the moors. Germans need to do the same!! Denmark recently deported somoolicoon @$$lifter$ and crime went down 35%!! I wonder what the rape percentage went down to since @$$lifter$ love to commit al dik!!

Yes, that was most likely the Battle of the Teutoburg Forest

02-23-2024, 06:57 PM
I remember reading about how in Ancient Times the Germanic tribes fought the Roman legions when Rome was near the peak of it's power. They were FEROCIOUS!! They need to regain that spirit and UNLEASH it on @$$lifter invaders!! It took Spain nearly 8 centuries but they expelled the moors. Germans need to do the same!! Denmark recently deported somoolicoon @$$lifter$ and crime went down 35%!! I wonder what the rape percentage went down to since @$$lifter$ love to commit al dik!!

I think of the opening scene in "Gladiator". With its advanced, superior weapons, armour, battle tactics, and defense, the Roman army had all the trouble in the world to subdue the "barbarians" in Germania. Even in WWII, Germany conquered nearly all of Europe and may have done so had Hitler not made the egotistical and delusional decision to invade Russia.

And now, niggers and Muzzies invade and destroy with impunity.

Since I mentioned this, may as well post it. The German Shepherd is totally anachronistic, but I think the rest might be quite accurate.


02-23-2024, 07:45 PM
I think of the opening scene in "Gladiator". With its advanced, superior weapons, armour, battle tactics, and defense, the Roman army had all the trouble in the world to subdue the "barbarians" in Germania. Even in WWII, Germany conquered nearly all of Europe and may have done so had Hitler not made the egotistical and delusional decision to invade Russia.

And now, niggers and Muzzies invade and destroy with impunity.

Since I mentioned this, may as well post it. The German Shepherd is totally anachronistic, but I think the rest might be quite accurate.


One of my FAVORITE movies of ALL TIME!! Oliver Reed playing Proximo was EXCEPTIONAL!!

Jim Crow
02-23-2024, 08:59 PM
Attepted rape and three assaults causing bodily harm. The fucking feral ape had a very productive day. It should have its balls and hands amputated when caught. But I’m sure it won’t even get much of a slap on the wrist,if anything. Liberals have ruined the world.

02-23-2024, 09:17 PM
One of my FAVORITE movies of ALL TIME!! Oliver Reed playing Proximo was EXCEPTIONAL!!

Same. Too bad they had to stick a noble, magic nigger in it, but other than that I love this movie so much. Richard Harris gave an iconic performance as well.

Germany needs to stop groveling for forgiveness for the holocaust and protect its citizens who are being attacked, raped, and murdered constantly by the scum they are inviting in.

02-23-2024, 09:37 PM
Same. Too bad they had to stick a noble, magic nigger in it, but other than that I love this movie so much. Richard Harris gave an iconic performance as well.

Germany needs to stop groveling for forgiveness for the holocaust and protect its citizens who are being attacked, raped, and murdered constantly by the scum they are inviting in.

Yep!! Now that that b@+ch merkel is NO LONGER in office you would HOPE that Germans have seen the light!! But ALAS, they have NOT!!

Niggers are Useless
02-23-2024, 11:04 PM
Attepted rape and three assaults causing bodily harm. The fucking feral ape had a very productive day. It should have its balls and hands amputated when caught. But I’m sure it won’t even get much of a slap on the wrist,if anything. Liberals have ruined the world.

Bi den and Mayorkas will recruit this guy and give him a palatial home somewhere if south carolina. He's their type of scum.

02-24-2024, 04:38 AM
Yep!! Now that that b@+ch merkel is NO LONGER in office you would HOPE that Germans have seen the light!! But ALAS, they have NOT!!

The issue is Merkel was a head of CDU, the German conservative party, today's ruling coalition includes SPD (socialists, half-commies), Green party (woke lunatics), and FDP (centrist liberals). They even call it traffic-lights coalition (red-orange-green) government. So what would you expect?

CDU/CSU (In Bavaria, this party bears the name CSU, in the rest of the Germany, it is CDU.) has got rid of Merkel and has got rid of "welcome" policy as well, but they are now in the minority.

02-29-2024, 07:54 AM
The issue is Merkel was a head of CDU, the German conservative party, today's ruling coalition includes SPD (socialists, half-commies), Green party (woke lunatics), and FDP (centrist liberals). They even call it traffic-lights coalition (red-orange-green) government. So what would you expect? CDU/CSU (In Bavaria, this party bears the name CSU, in the rest of the Germany, it is CDU.) has got rid of Merkel and has got rid of "welcome" policy as well, but they are now in the minority. You are absolutely right! Merkel was bad, she did to Germany what Barack Hussein O'nigger did to the US. But now people 'voted' (with the help of thousands of left wing ngo's and the media, of course) for a ultra socialis regime. Green party & SPD (Sozial Demokratische Partei Deutschands = Socialist). They managed within one year to completely ruin the economy, none of their ministers has an education etc. Loads of fascist laws, if you "hate" a politician of the green party -> at least 2 years in jail. If you're an asslifter and you kill a human -> You are free, because the human obviously hurt your feelings. Just like the new Canadian laws. Complete clowncountry. Example: Annalena Niggerbock, the 'foreign minister', who claims to have studied in London for a year (but refuses to show her college degree), does not speak proper Engish. (Which in theory wouldn't be a problem, I am not better. But I am not the foreign minister of Germany, and I don't claim that I can speak fluent.) Well, in German state TV, the 'journalists' claim that everybody who says that she can't spekak proper English ist misogynistic. The same goes for people who criticize that she spends €300 per DAY of taxpayer money for her haircut: https://twitter.com/OERRBlog/status/1762940169068445969