View Full Version : ghetto lottery jackpot for Utah mammy of autodeleted sprog

02-07-2024, 03:30 PM
from: https://blavity.com/utah-school-district-pay-2m-settlement-black-girl-died-suicide


This is pretty funny, I'll let the journalism speak for itself mostly. All niggaz with problems nowadays are autistic. Gotta wonder how it did the job.

When Isabella "Izzy" Tichenor died by suicide in November, her mother alleged that the 10-year-old Black and autistic student at Foxboro Elementary in Farmington, Utah, had been bullied because of her race and disability. After the girl’s death in November 2021, the family asked for $14 million."

Goddamn! That's like, a year of frivolous spending! But it's very funny because of the cynical response:

A statue of Tichenor will reportedly be put inside her school’s library. The district has also hired Jackie Thompson, an educator and civil rights activist, to help with necessary reforms and offer training, as the Department of Justice requires."

What sort of horrific psychological trauma could have made the chimpette skip rope?

In a newly released investigative report commissioned by the district, a three-person review team learned that Izzy was told by classmates and teachers that she smelled and needed to bathe, but found no "direct evidence" the girl had been bullied on the basis of her race or disability."

Oh. White children, growing up in a morally and racially healthy place, obviously don't understand why any human-looking creature smells like a putrid dumpster and innocently point it out. Teachers probably expressed genuine concern for the natural condition of the poor chimpette. And now taxpayers are funding some 'activist' to come to campus to tell white people not to tell niggers that they stink. Let mammy speak:

Just because you win some money, [it] doesn’t compare to the child not being there,” Brittany Tichenor-Cox, the 10-year-old’s mother, said in a news conference.

You let a monkey speak and all it can do is bend over, hop around smacking its ass and ook and eek. What 'muh dik' is to the
male, 'muh baybee' is to the female. What a cynical subhuman. Everyone knows niggers hate their progeny, and that they have no regard for mental disorders. The sprog, being an autistic nigger, smelled like shit because A.) autists don't value hygeine or B.) mammy eventually couldn't be arsed to wash the niglet herself, what with all the autistic monkey screeching. We also know exactly what kind of 'racism' we're talking about, and it's not the kind that killed Johnathon Lewis.

The nigress and her attorney did not comment to cnn about the investigation. Furthermore, "The independent review also noted that no records show any diagnosis of autism for Izzy."

Oh the monkey paw, clawing for sympathy and gibs.

Some experts regard bullying as one of the leading causes of death by suicide in Black youths."

Along with playing with guns and rockfishing.

Experts point to additional mental health resources, training for school staff, and education on Black history as potential solutions."

More whitey tax money, useless trainings, and 'YOU USED TO BE SHOT BY WATER CANNONS. BR GRATEFUL." Cool. I'm sure this will solve everything...but wait, what was the problem?

02-09-2024, 01:06 PM
just making an addendum to this because I really should have:


So the district is going to pay mammy a cool $2mil (cha-ching!) and I read somewhere that the district is giving gibs to other 'skriminashun complainers. Maybe now the fambly can afford hot water to bathe.

""The only thing that the family really wants to do is make sure that the system is impacted by this terrible occurrence and then and in order to impact the system, it's going to require that the school district cough up a huge sum of money so that they know that they can never afford to do it again," [lawyer] Ayres said."

OK lol