View Full Version : The Welfare Bunch - Parody of The Brady Bunch theme

01-16-2024, 04:13 PM
Here's the story of a nigger lady
Who was bringing up three hos of her own
They were all living on welfare
And the oldest one's done time

Here's the story of a man named Leroy
Who was raising three niglets of his own
They were broke and had no money
And soon they'll have no home

One day Leroy got evicted
And he knew he had to have a plan
He would move in with the nigger lady,
And get more welfare with a big new fam

The Welfare Bunch
The Welfare Bunch
That's the way we bacame the Welfare Bunch

01-25-2024, 01:13 PM
I am loving these! :lol

01-31-2024, 01:46 PM
Except the "compassionate" libtards from Welfare/EBT/Family protection will show up the first time Leroy smacks up his new sowboon and put him back in the "skreet".

Mammy the welfare queen, gets 3 more niglets and 3 mo' gibs tickets to easy "skreet" , well until she ghetto lobsters one of the screaming shitlets. :africa

That shit show would have a VERY short run.

Whitey Ford
02-01-2024, 04:50 PM
I love The Brady Bunch.

A long, long time ago, a producer named Sherwood Schwartz read a news story about how divorce was on the rise, and this made him sad. So he dreamed up a sitcom about how two divorced families came together to make one big happy family. He also was responsible for Gilligan's Island.

His fellow Hollywood types told him; "You can't sell this! There's nothing provocative here. There's no violence or drug use..........blah blah blah." He refused to believe them. He told them that he could sell wholesome, family oriented content on the grounds of creativity. He was right.

Sherwood has passed on, but his legacy lives on. Too bad Hollywood didn't learn anything from him.

02-05-2024, 10:02 PM
Sherwood has passed on, but his legacy lives on. Too bad Hollywood didn't learn anything from him.

Too bad Hollywood ate itself with the depraved side of everything, now it can all go to hell for all I care.
They may as well make Will Smiff their mascot and host of every N-Ogscar from here on out.
They can stick their abject garbage straight up their stinking ASS !

I heard Charlie Sheen has a new show in the works, 1 guy and 5 crack HOs, guess it'll be a hit.

Whitey Ford
02-06-2024, 12:17 AM
I heard Charlie Sheen has a new show in the works, 1 guy and 5 crack HOs, guess it'll be a hit.

The reason you don't hear from Charlie anymore is that he allegedly molested Corey Haim when he was underage. Corey Feldman has been complaining about that for several years now. There was also a video making the rounds of him blowing a drag queen, which is probably how he caught AIDS. Charlie is a trainwreck.

I got a sitcom: Roommates. When two divorced, middle aged, recovering men (Hunter Biden and Charlie Sheen) move in together, the wacky hijinks just never stop. Kind of like The Odd Couple just ten times more insane.

In the pilot episode a judge sentences Charlie and Hunter to live together in a sobering arrangement to avoid jail time. They decide to have some escort girls come over since they can't get high or drunk because of court ordered piss testing. They discover that they don't have the funds for escort girls tho, so Hunter takes his dad's credit card and uses it to log on to OnlyFans. They end up having a circle jerk while watching OnlyFans. But, when they finish jerking, they discover with shock and horror that the OnlyFans model they were spanking it to is Charlie's daughter Sami Sheen (she does actually have an OnlyFans account.)


02-06-2024, 12:28 AM
The reason you don't hear from Charlie anymore is that he allegedly molested Corey Haim when he was underage. Corey Feldman has been complaining about that for several years now. There was also a video making the rounds of him blowing a drag queen, which is probably how he caught AIDS. Charlie is a trainwreck.

I got a sitcom: Roommates. When two divorced, middle aged, recovering men (Hunter Biden and Charlie Sheen) move in together, the wacky hijinks just never stop. Kind of like The Odd Couple just ten times more insane.

In the pilot episode a judge sentences Charlie and Hunter to live together in a sobering arrangement to avoid jail time. They decide to have some escort girls come over since they can't get high or drunk because of court ordered piss testing. They discover that they don't have the funds for escort girls tho, so Hunter takes his dad's credit card and uses it to log on to OnlyFans. They end up having a circle jerk while watching OnlyFans. But, when they finish jerking, they discover with shock and horror that the OnlyFans model they were spanking it to is Charlie's daughter Sami Sheen (she does actually have an OnlyFans account.)


A very fitting end for a very shitty drug addled pervert. His daughter whoring herself on OnlyFools, priceless.

She probably fucks niggers too.

Jim Crow
02-06-2024, 08:01 AM
Hopefully, Leroy burned the house down one night while cooking crack with his fambly in it,so they became the batwinged bunch!

02-06-2024, 11:47 AM
The reason you don't hear from Charlie anymore is that he allegedly molested Corey Haim when he was underage. Corey Feldman has been complaining about that for several years now. There was also a video making the rounds of him blowing a drag queen, which is probably how he caught AIDS. Charlie is a trainwreck.

I got a sitcom: Roommates. When two divorced, middle aged, recovering men (Hunter Biden and Charlie Sheen) move in together, the wacky hijinks just never stop. Kind of like The Odd Couple just ten times more insane.

In the pilot episode a judge sentences Charlie and Hunter to live together in a sobering arrangement to avoid jail time. They decide to have some escort girls come over since they can't get high or drunk because of court ordered piss testing. They discover that they don't have the funds for escort girls tho, so Hunter takes his dad's credit card and uses it to log on to OnlyFans. They end up having a circle jerk while watching OnlyFans. But, when they finish jerking, they discover with shock and horror that the OnlyFans model they were spanking it to is Charlie's daughter Sami Sheen (she does actually have an OnlyFans account.)


I beg of you, send this proposal to Hollyweird. I just bet they'd pick it up. After all, they have shows celebrating teen girls getting knocked up, bestiality-ridden "dating" shows, and popular 1000lb mudshark retards, so why not your idea? You'll be rich and you can buy a "Humans Only" island and we can all live there happily ever after!
