View Full Version : Comanche Nigger Confesses to Murder

01-15-2024, 11:42 PM
Basketball Nigger Chance Comanche pretended to be a "client" in order to lure a prostitute out so he and his ho could murder her.

The two niggers bound the victim's hands and Nigger Chance strangled her with a computer cord while his sow strangled her with her bare hands. They wanted to make sure the bitch was dead!

This was capital murder. The two niggers need to be introduced to a short rope and a tall tree. I'm sure the punishment will be much less.

Niggers are truly despicable, savage beasts.


01-16-2024, 02:37 PM
If the courts believe in recycling they should know what else they can use that computer cord the nigger used to strangle. I bet it would work well with any tree.

Whitey Ford
01-16-2024, 03:09 PM

Too bad a force of nature couldn't have come along and just killed all three at once. Would've saved the world from genetic damage and taxpayer liability.

01-17-2024, 12:34 AM
If the courts believe in recycling they should know what else they can use that computer cord the nigger used to strangle. I bet it would work well with any tree.

That's what I love about rope. Reusable and recyclable.