View Full Version : Martin Luthor King Day Celabration

01-13-2024, 09:01 PM
I will be watching Blazing Saddles and Planet of the Apes to show my appreciation for that nigger holiday. I will watch those again on Juneteenth. I hope a few people who read this will watch even a few clips of those movies.

Niggers are Useless
01-14-2024, 04:54 PM
Blazing Saddles is the best. The sheriff is a Nigger! and Where the white women at? Marching looting koon day should be special with the amount of nigger on nigger violence that will occur to celebrate their culture and shiiit.

01-14-2024, 05:00 PM
I am a white Christian. Why, then, am I being forced to observe martian lucifer coon's birthday!!!!!?????

Keep Britain White
01-14-2024, 07:14 PM
I am a white Christian. Why, then, am I being forced to observe martian lucifer coon's birthday!!!!!?????

Why do you feel you have to observe it? The way to fight this nigger shit is to absolutely ignore it. Pay it no attention, and go about your life in the normal way.
Same with all the wokey snowflakes; just ignore everything that they're trying to foist upon us.

01-14-2024, 08:07 PM
We know it as James Earl Ray day around here. Makes it do-able !! :lol

01-15-2024, 03:38 AM
I will be watching Blazing Saddles and Planet of the Apes to show my appreciation for that nigger holiday. I will watch those again on Juneteenth. I hope a few people who read this will watch even a few clips of those movies.

I have one response. UP YOURS NIGGER. You dirty spear chuckers. You are nothing but filthy apes.

animal mother
01-15-2024, 03:42 PM
I celebrate Martian Looter Kang day on April 4th, the day it got it’s bat wings.

01-15-2024, 04:51 PM
Da Day of Da Boy!

Useless plagiarizing nigger.

01-15-2024, 07:06 PM
I agree. Totally ignore them. If its not a big popular "thing" the woke snowflakes will be less interested and find a new cause to support. Maybe... just maybe they will figure out they are supporting primates and then move over to supporting whales or some ocen creature thas helpful.

01-16-2024, 05:08 AM
I noticed not as much noise this time around from their democrat enablers. Maybe because they got tired of being reminded they were the ones that actually goodified him bahahaha!!

Tell it like it is
01-20-2024, 11:22 AM
We know it as James Earl Ray day around here. Makes it do-able !! :lol

Found myself In Memphis about 30 years ago at an autograph and memorabilia show.
Saw an autographed pic of Ray with the words " wish I was still out there with you!"
This would have been around the time of his death.
I cannot condone murder, but his commitment to saving our nation is beyond question.
He was willing to give his freedom for the cause, and now our weak, defeated asses won't even put a confederate flag or pro-white decal on our car or truck for fear of offending someone.
Looks like not only did we bury James Earl, but also any shred of determination to make a difference.
Nero fiddled while Rome burned, and we tap on our phones while our nation succumbs to the mud colored hordes.
At least at my age, I,like JER, will not have to witness the final,pathetic death throes of a nation that sacrificed itself on the pagan alter of political correctness and DEI.

Nate Higgers
02-05-2024, 09:35 PM
I'll watch American History X, the scene where Derek curbstomps that nigger monkey's skull