View Full Version : Elon Musk likes a tweet that "Black Students Have Low IQs" and shouldn't be pilots RAY-SHISH!

Whitey Ford
01-11-2024, 05:24 PM
Elon Musk Cosigns Racist Claim That Black Students Have Low IQs


Now, Musk has similarly endorsed a tweet suggesting Black students at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) have lower IQs and shouldn't become pilots.

"It will take an airplane crashing and killing hundreds of people for them to change this crazy policy of DIE," he tweeted, in response to a post arguing that IQ averages were lower at HBCUs, and lower than the "average IQ of US Air Force pilots."

DIE was a likely intentionally rearranged acronym of DEI, which stands for "diversity, equity, and inclusion" initiatives.

The original post went as far as to imply that students at HBCUs had IQs that put them near "the threshold for what is considered 'borderline intellectual impairment.'"


01-11-2024, 11:15 PM
The globalist scum are shaking in their loafers because they know Elon is RIGHT. No matter how nigger-loving they claim to be, they all have white pilots flying their private jets.

I've never been on a flight where both pilots were niggers. If I ever saw two spades in the cockpit, I'd turn around, walk right out, and take the next flight. Modern flying is highly automated and the computer does most of the work, but if there's any kind of emergency and there are only niggers in the cockpit, the passengers are fucked. There was a great episode of "Air Crash Investigation" where a flight with two nigger buck pilots developed an emergency, and sho nuff the niggers fucked it up and crashed the plane when a human could have saved it. The nigger co-pilot's last words on the black box (nigger box) recorder were literally, "Ah dindu nuffins!"

:rofl :traybat :bugeye :sheeit

01-11-2024, 11:41 PM
Gravity, the laws of physics, and humans conspire to keep the black man down, erm, niggers, down. With so many rules, algebra is obviously racist to sub-simians, much less trigonometry and the calculus. Those damn racist men and women of science and math made it so hard for walnut microbrains to process.

Then there's common sense, logic, and context. Those are racist as well because they are favorable to human, not ape, thinking. How dare we not make this world equal!

Vector 1 + vector 2 at 45° intersection doesn't equal dindu or donknow nuffins. Stick to mopping the floor, niggers.

Really, if niggers become pilots, no computer can compensate for that ineptitude.

01-12-2024, 01:01 AM
Gravity, the laws of physics, and humans conspire to keep the black man down, erm, niggers, down. With so many rules, algebra is obviously racist to sub-simians, much less trigonometry and the calculus. Those damn racist men and women of science and math made it so hard for walnut microbrains to process.

Then there's common sense, logic, and context. Those are racist as well because they are favorable to human, not ape, thinking. How dare we not make this world equal!

Vector 1 + vector 2 at 45° intersection doesn't equal dindu or donknow nuffins. Stick to mopping the floor, niggers.

Really, if niggers become pilots, no computer can compensate for that ineptitude.

Facts are always raciss to niggers. Niggers coonsider it raciss that white mold is not toxic, but black mold is.

01-13-2024, 08:18 AM
It's only a matter of time until the first glorified ' all black crew ' start muh-dikkin in the cockpit and crash the plane. Elon has plenty of nigger experience from SA so you know he's right.

Defund Welfare
01-13-2024, 06:59 PM
No amount of arguments ever opens a libtards eyes. They’ll virtue signal to their dooms.
I agree with the earlier posters, you’re better off just mentioning all these snobs that have private jets all have White pilots. I’m sure odunga, biden, crump, all of these big nigger loving names wouldn’t dare get in a plane with two nigger pilots. They just hate Whites and that’s all that matters in their minds. Problem is they have to become victims of their own ideologies and that doesn’t happen fast enough for change.

Niggers are Useless
01-14-2024, 05:13 PM
No amount of nigger loving and worship is going to make niggers smarter. When libtards elevate niggers all they are really doing is lowering the standards for everyone else. I agree a cockpit full of niggers is a recipe for disaster. I wonder if nigger loving libtards will change their tune when planes full of fellow nigger loving libtards fall from the sky to their deaths at the hands of their exalted pets. I kind of doubt it. I only hope the planes don't crash on my property.

01-14-2024, 07:44 PM
No amount of arguments ever opens a libtards eyes. They’ll virtue signal to their dooms.
I agree with the earlier posters, you’re better off just mentioning all these snobs that have private jets all have White pilots. I’m sure odunga, biden, crump, all of these big nigger loving names wouldn’t dare get in a plane with two nigger pilots. They just hate Whites and that’s all that matters in their minds. Problem is they have to become victims of their own ideologies and that doesn’t happen fast enough for change.

Tru Dat!!

01-14-2024, 08:06 PM
FAA officially hiring retards and niggers..... Here you go folks !


01-14-2024, 09:38 PM
Get away from tall buildings. Get away from planet Earth.

I aint bin dun did dat!
01-14-2024, 11:01 PM
No amount of nigger loving and worship is going to make niggers smarter. When libtards elevate niggers all they are really doing is lowering the standards for everyone else. I agree a cockpit full of niggers is a recipe for disaster. I wonder if nigger loving libtards will change their tune when planes full of fellow nigger loving libtards fall from the sky to their deaths at the hands of their exalted pets. I kind of doubt it. I only hope the planes don't crash on my property.
Plenty of liberals have been killed by their pets. They still worship them. I bet you could bring a necromancer out to their graves, bring em back to life and they would still tell you the poor niggers were just oppressed and that’s why they were dead.