View Full Version : "AK" Nigger vs East Texas Law Enforcement

12-31-2023, 11:31 PM
A mouthey midget nigger turns getting "trespassed" out of a motel room into an arrest.

The video title says AK, but it wasn't. More on that in a minute.

The video starts with police already telling the nigger he has to go, because the curry niggers who run the motel want him gone and have verbally "trespassed" him off the property. The nigger just keeps mouthing off about wanting to get his shot. Finally the officer tells the nigger he will take him up to the room to get his shit, not realizing the nigger had a rifle.

As soon as the officer and the nigger get to the room, the nigger tries to shut the door on the officer. The officer, starts to get forceful, and we see a second officer run up. Officer 2 immediately sprays the nigger in the fsce with nigger spray. It's after that the officer discovered the rifle.

Of course, the nigger resists until the bitter end, falling limp. The two officers carry the nigger to the car, and stuff his ass inside. One of the officers tells the nigger if he starts kicking the insides of his police car, there is going to be a problem. Since they used nigger spray, EMS came to look the nigger over, before he was hauled to jail. The officer warns the nigger that if he hurts one of the EMS guys, he would get his ass whipped.

East Texans really have no use for niggers.

At the jail the nigger starts get mouthy again.



Ray Cizzums
01-01-2024, 01:20 AM
I guess this schvugger didn't have any felony convictions, or he'd have been charged for the weapon.
That nigger spray put a funny look on his face, for sure. Too bad the cops can't give him a "tune up".

01-01-2024, 11:10 PM
I guess this schvugger didn't have any felony convictions, or he'd have been charged for the weapon.
That nigger spray put a funny look on his face, for sure. Too bad the cops can't give him a "tune up".

Indeed. Wasn't that long ago this nigger would have been disappeared out in the Piney Woods.

The nigger reminded me of the pet nigger on Miami Vice. "Noogie." He was a little pygmy nigger full of lip. Stupid looking.

01-02-2024, 02:10 AM
In the old days the nigger would have been gator snacks in east Texas. Everybody was related to somebody that didn't cotton to unruly niggers! I miss the old days.