View Full Version : The Black Plague was a ray-shish muhfugga

Whitey Ford
11-21-2023, 01:07 PM
Black women most likely to die in medieval London plague

How can a plague kill a plague?

Black women of African descent were more likely to die of the medieval plague in London, academics at the Museum of London have found.

The study is the first archaeological exploration showing how racism influenced a person's risk of death during what was known as the Great Pestilence or Great Mortality.

The research is based on 145 individuals from three cemeteries.

The outbreak is believed to have claimed the lives of 35,000 Londoners.


11-21-2023, 06:49 PM
Ah, the BBC. Our unimpeachable source for news of all things nigger.

So the Bubonic plague was rayciss? Didn't those YT medieval folks dying in the millions (200 million approx) even care about their niggers? They must have been too non-PC.

Defund Welfare
11-21-2023, 10:44 PM
People actually believe this crap too, I guess they never paid attention in history class so they won’t ask the most obvious rebuke with that statement.
All I know is the Black Plague never ended, and has gotten much worse since then. It’s even materialized into flesh!

11-21-2023, 11:35 PM
Ah, the BBC. Our unimpeachable source for news of all things nigger.

So the Bubonic plague was rayciss? Didn't those YT medieval folks dying in the millions (200 million approx) even care about their niggers? They must have been too non-PC.

Back then, they DIDN'T have niggers in Europe!! But that DOESN'T stop niggers from bitching!!

11-21-2023, 11:49 PM
Back then, they DIDN'T have niggers in Europe!! But that DOESN'T stop niggers from bitching!!

Dr Onyeka Nubia, nigger, says there were niggers there.

Africans have been present in England for more than two thousand years, but we rarely see them or hear about them. And often their existence is dismissed as a figment of 'political correctness' or 'wokism.' This lecture will critically assess the myth of England's story as a 'sacred white space' and examine the evidence for diversity in medieval and early modern history. Africans are integral to English history and forgetting this diminishes Englishness, by preventing us from understanding ourselves.

Yes, I'm sure diversity was embraced. 23888

The BBC - which goes to great lengths to falsify history, - and Dr. Nigger will educate you on the importance of savage Africoons in Medieval Europe.


Ray Cizzums
11-22-2023, 12:33 AM
I'm saying "The Great Pestilence" of modern times is the funky black-a-roon.
It's high time we stamp it out....

11-23-2023, 09:00 AM
Dr Onyeka Nubia, nigger, says there were niggers there.

Yes, I'm sure diversity was embraced. 23888

The BBC - which goes to great lengths to falsify history, - and Dr. Nigger will educate you on the importance of savage Africoons in Medieval Europe.


Yep!! The "druids" were niggers!! NOT!!

11-23-2023, 01:42 PM
If niggers were the first Vikangz, the first Scandinavians, then sure they'd be the first British as well. But we don't see white people with curly nigger wool, do we, and all greatness and inventions certainly did not arise from nigger IQ. There were no magic niggers then.

British niggers, a fucking joke. Look nigger, you may have any passport, including Wakanda, but you still look like an ape, greasy, filthy and savage looking. Your passport doesn't make you human.