View Full Version : DC Nigger Shoots Police... Gets Unalived

10-26-2023, 11:06 PM
Nigger Arthur Porter, 33, was menacing women with his HiPoint. Police were called and the shit hit the fan.

In typical nigger fashion, as soon as the po po showed up, the nigger started walking away quickly. As the first officer, a rookie, caught up to the nigger, the nigger started running and shooting at the officers, striking several, including the rookie, who handled himself well, considering.

In short order police put Nigger Arthur down.

Like clockwork the "family" was out and doing what nigger families do when police put their precious little angel down. Nigger Arthur was still alive, but all the nigger sows that were chimping-out prevented EMS from immediately rendering life saving aid. So... perfect!

Well... one less nigger is always a good thing!


10-27-2023, 07:24 AM
The nigger just did what niggers do! Hopefully the officers will recover!

Ray Cizzums
10-29-2023, 02:54 PM
No batwings, but satisfying nonetheless...