View Full Version : Hey YT got a dolla yo ? If not, a 15 year ole nigger will be happy to shoot you in the head when you don't dump the gibs

10-16-2023, 03:36 PM
That's right teenapers are all expecting the magic nigger treatment these days. Millennial niggers have told its Gen Z offsprang that yes they are entitled to EVERYTHANG !
If it's not delivered on demand, well it's time to start the MURDER, LOOTING, and BURNING among other favorite felonies. I got that out of order of course... BLM , there.
And don't get me started on EQI. The demonrat that coddled plenty of coons was the one who took the bullet. Glad to see you getting the results you AXED fo' libtards !
The coons you love just better not AXE you for a dolla dolla bill tho, yo ? :lol



Marse Igor
10-16-2023, 04:53 PM
It's always amusing to me when coon codlers' pets turn on them. I'm sure this nigger lover's last thoughts were "this can't be happening, I'm not racist" right before his brains splashed all over the sidewalk.

Niggers are Useless
10-16-2023, 05:08 PM
It's always amusing to me when coon codlers' pets turn on them. I'm sure this nigger lover's last thoughts were "this can't be happening, I'm not racist" right before his brains splashed all over the sidewalk.

Exactly, but I did chuckle a little... Brains-- Libtards/Coddlers that word seems to be an oxymoron when connected to these people, but hey something has to be keeping them upright.
I am always glad when their favorite pets bring home their TNB to the libtard coddler households. I am sure this coddlers superior attitude chilled out a little with the new vent hole.

10-16-2023, 06:08 PM
It's always amusing to me when coon codlers' pets turn on them. I'm sure this nigger lover's last thoughts were "this can't be happening, I'm not racist" right before his brains splashed all over the sidewalk.
Indeed! Karmic retribution.

Ray Cizzums
10-16-2023, 06:25 PM
That's right teenapers are all expecting the magic nigger treatment these days. Millennial niggers have told it's Gen Z offsprang that yes they are entitled to EVERYTHANG !
If it's not delivered on demand, well it's time to start the MURDER, LOOTING, and BURNING among other favorite felonies. I got that out of order of course... BLM , there.
And don't get me started on EQI. The demonrat that coddled plenty of coons was the one who took the bullet. Glad to see you getting the results you AXED fo' libtards !
The coons you love just better not AXE you for a dolla dolla bill tho, yo ? :lol
Colin Flaherty said it best : "They don't need a light. They're not lost. Their car didn't break down.
They don't need to use your phone, or know what time it is."

10-17-2023, 09:09 AM
They just never knew how to evaluate niggers. They should realize they should be tried as a nigger. The reason for this is when it comes to a nigger there is nothing in the head...it's empty. Nothing to evaluate.

10-17-2023, 11:49 AM
They just never knew how to evaluate niggers. They should realize they should be tried as a nigger. The reason for this is when it comes to a nigger there is nothing in the head...it's empty. Nothing to evaluate.

And they have a sense of ENTITLEMENT and a propensity for VIOLENCE!!

I aint bin dun did dat!
10-17-2023, 04:05 PM
If he didn’t give the niggy a dollar, he is a rayciss and deserves what he got. Amirite?

Whitey Ford
10-17-2023, 08:00 PM
He was a good man. A man of principle. A man of equity. A woke man of action, equity and fairness.

At the time of the shooting, Lawson was knocking on doors for a City Council candidate, according to the State Journal.

He was busy in his quest to introduce to to the public, the people of Lansing, a new candidate whom he believed to be the best and most equitable person for the job. That person was a person of color, as he felt it should be, to atone for the many sins of the white man's horrific track record of racism, injustice and unfairness to the black race. She was also non-binary specific, left handed, a vegan, lesbian, marxist, a frisbee golf player who dug hackeysacks, smelled like patchouli and really, really, really fucking hated Trump and all that he stood for.


His day was almost over. And soon he would be home, safe in the confines of his living room eating his nightly TV dinner with his cat, Mr. Mittens and his pug dog JoJo. That night he was eager to watch the first episode of the new documentary series on PBS "A History of the White Man's Racisms Against the Disadvantaged Colored Peoples." It was directed by Ken Burns. Everybody knows Ken Burns writes and directs good shit.


But then, a young and disadvantaged colored child, withered by the racisms of the modern whitey age approached.

White muhfuggahs, gibs me a dolla an sheeit so's ahhz kins gets muh freak on an' sheeit.


Oh well, you get the rest.....

Ray Cizzums
10-17-2023, 08:53 PM
He was a good man. A man of principle. A man of equity. A woke man of action, equity and fairness.
He was busy in his quest to introduce to to the public, the people of Lansing, a new candidate whom he believed to be the best and most equitable person for the job.
Great post, Whitey. I love to tear into door-knockers, and ruin their day. Dipshits selling solar power schemes, FIOS cable television nigger salesman,
and the latest commie scammers : wind power advocates. But my favorite of all time was a nice college kid, campaigning for a shit-for-brains local
congresswoman - Carolyn McCarthy. Her claim to fame was her husband being one of 16 people killed, by Jamaicoon nigger Colin Ferguson, in the 1993
LIRR massacre. Instead of railing about illegal immigration, or out-of-control nigger crime, this libturd witch decided tripling down on gun control was
her ticket to congress. I wrote to her every year, and told her she was a dried-up Mineola dish-hag, who's husband was dead because Demmorhoids
let foreign scumbags run wild. I told the kid that, and he says "Well, she's my aunt", but he was also highly amused. I said "You tell her you met the
guy who calls her a dried up Mineola dish-hag every year". He said he would do so.... :lol

10-17-2023, 09:25 PM
His day was almost over. And soon he would be home, safe in the confines of his living room eating his nightly TV dinner with his cat, Mr. Mittens and his pug dog JoJo. That night he was eager to watch the first episode of the new documentary series on PBS "A History of the White Man's Racisms Against the Disadvantaged Colored Peoples." It was directed by Ken Burns. Everybody knows Ken Burns writes and directs good shit.

But then, a young and disadvantaged colored child, withered by the racisms of the modern whitey age approached.


Oh well, you get the rest.....

Yes we do get the rest.. hilarious ! :lol This was a simp who just couldn't wait to wake up fresh every day to go out and pet a smelly hood chimp,
almost expected a paragraph about how he cross dressed on Thursdays to show solidarity with downlow tranny bucks ! :lol

So as you can see the drooling media posts this "baby face" groidlet's old pic from when it first set out on its felonious career, so that it can be Trayvonified to the public,
and they can get this budding shitstick back on the street to kill as many YT as the "strike count" will allow.