View Full Version : Too many Finns in...Finland

10-12-2023, 01:12 PM
Sand nigger sow compains that there are Finns in Finnland! What would they say if Humans would say something like this in any nigger or asslifter country?! Oh how do I hate the liberal traitors who brought in these people!

Edit: I just remembered a similar incident in Scottland from a few years ago. Surprisingly, I could find a video:

10-15-2023, 01:51 PM
There are 56 other Islamic shithole countries she can park her ungrateful white hating ass in

Niggers are Useless
10-15-2023, 02:38 PM
Her husband needs to remove her head for being out in public un escorted. Although it's debatable if even that would shut her up. Fucking mudslimes ungrateful lighter version of nigger.

10-16-2023, 07:08 PM
There are 56 other Islamic shithole countries she can park her ungrateful white hating ass in
EXACLTLY!!!! But then who could she blame for her misery? And without 'infidels', who would feed her?

10-16-2023, 10:47 PM
Sand nigger sow compains that there are Finns in Finnland! What would they say if Humans would say something like this in any nigger or asslifter country?! Oh how do I hate the liberal traitors who brought in these people!

Edit: I just remembered a similar incident in Scottland from a few years ago. Surprisingly, I could find a video:

You gotta be seeing this in Switzerland as well... They are an existential threat. History has shown there is but one answer.

Who would feed her? She and her filthy, sub-human lot EXPECT - NO DEMAND - that we feed her. They consider it a Jizya... A tax we pay to them.

Blood now boiling...............

Whitey Ford
10-17-2023, 12:49 AM
Europeans apparently are the only culture that invites cancer into their countries and then feeds, nurtures and cultivates the cancer. Good grief.

10-17-2023, 06:48 AM
You gotta be seeing this in Switzerland as well... They are an existential threat. History has shown there is but one answer.
Exactly! Of course we do have that problem here as well! Massively! I just don't know where to move, because as the fellow citizens of Europe continue on voting left, that's probably the only option left. (But I am too old to emmigrate to NZ or Australia. And the slavic languages are hard to learn.)

Who would feed her? She and her filthy, sub-human lot EXPECT - NO DEMAND - that we feed her. They consider it a Jizya... A tax we pay to them.
So true! And yet almost nobody knows. And when you tell this the average peson, they usually say "oh, but they don't do that anymore". Their fear of being called a racist is stronger than their instict for self-preservation. The ignorance of the masses is hair-raising!

Blood now boiling...............
Mine as well. Constantly! Don't need central heating anymore :D.


10-17-2023, 07:21 AM
There are 56 other Islamic shithole countries she can park her ungrateful white hating ass in

My sentiments, EXACTLY!!