View Full Version : Nigger Jahmiah Steals a Cellphone

10-08-2023, 07:50 PM
"What I did?"

Palm Beach Gardens...

A new police bodycam video, but this industrial strength dose of TNB happened last year.

Nigger Jahmiah, 16 going on 30, walks up to a fellow student and asks to borrow his phone. Not being wise to the way of the nigger, the kid handed nigger Jahmiah the phone. Nigger Jahmiah promptly took off running with the phone. Police found nigger Jahmiah, chased niggerJahmiah, and arrested his sorry black ass at gunpoint. That's when the real TNB began. Surprise, surprise nigger Jahmiah had a another phone in his hand, and kept crying and wanting to "call his peoples." At one point during all of this horseshit an older sow shows up claiming to be a "cousin." The police tell that nigger to get lost.

Anyhow... a nigger's nigger all the way to the jail.

Tedious motherfuckers all the way. Should get 20 years for the fucked-up hairdo alone!


10-09-2023, 09:46 AM
The cost of keeping these fucking apes is astonishing. Niggers are a net deduction from any society. They require considerable financial upkeep to keep them in bananas and clown shoes. The cost of policing, police overtime and associated expenses goes straight to the door of every innocent property tax payer. Round them up and return to sender. It's the only fair option.

10-09-2023, 10:17 AM
"What I did?"

Palm Beach Gardens...

A new police bodycam video, but this industrial strength dose of TNB happened last year.

Nigger Jahmiah, 16 going on 30, walks up to a fellow student and asks to borrow his phone. Not being wise to the way of the nigger, the kid handed nigger Jahmiah the phone. Nigger Jahmiah promptly took off running with the phone. Police found nigger Jahmiah, chased niggerJahmiah, and arrested his sorry black ass at gunpoint. That's when the real TNB began. Surprise, surprise nigger Jahmiah had a another phone in his hand, and kept crying and wanting to "call his peoples." At one point during all of this horseshit an older sow shows up claiming to be a "cousin." The police tell that nigger to get lost.

Anyhow... a nigger's nigger all the way to the jail.

Tedious motherfuckers all the way. Should get 20 years for the fucked-up hairdo alone!



What a waste of time and resources. The popo will be sent to arrest nigger Jahmiah, 60-IQ worthless drain on society, another 20 times going forward.

10-09-2023, 11:11 AM
"What I did?"

Palm Beach Gardens...

A new police bodycam video, but this industrial strength dose of TNB happened last year.

Nigger Jahmiah, 16 going on 30, walks up to a fellow student and asks to borrow his phone. Not being wise to the way of the nigger, the kid handed nigger Jahmiah the phone. Nigger Jahmiah promptly took off running with the phone. Police found nigger Jahmiah, chased niggerJahmiah, and arrested his sorry black ass at gunpoint. That's when the real TNB began. Surprise, surprise nigger Jahmiah had a another phone in his hand, and kept crying and wanting to "call his peoples." At one point during all of this horseshit an older sow shows up claiming to be a "cousin." The police tell that nigger to get lost.

Anyhow... a nigger's nigger all the way to the jail.

Tedious motherfuckers all the way. Should get 20 years for the fucked-up hairdo alone!


Karma's a BEYOTCH and I'll BET that this nigger becomes one in prison. Get used to tossing the SALAD, shitavious!!

10-09-2023, 11:12 AM
The cost of keeping these fucking apes is astonishing. Niggers are a net deduction from any society. They require considerable financial upkeep to keep them in bananas and clown shoes. The cost of policing, police overtime and associated expenses goes straight to the door of every innocent property tax payer. Round them up and return to sender. It's the only fair option.


10-09-2023, 12:05 PM

We just can't afford to keep them anymore. Action needs to be taken urgently. Round 'em up and ship 'em back to the majesty of Wakanda. Everybody would be much happier.

Whitey Ford
10-09-2023, 01:03 PM
***Community Notes***

Sixteen year old Jahmia is a child prodigy/genius with an I.Q. of 165. He was only stealing the cellphone to help pay tuition for his Aeronautical Engineering (B. Tech/B.E.) classes at M.I.T. which he is hoping will help him fulfill his dream of someday working for NASA's rocket propulsion labs. His mammy is very sick and in the hospital, too. He is deeply sorry for his actions and might have made better choices in better circumstances.

P.S. Whitey be Ray-Shish! :lol

10-09-2023, 01:59 PM
***Community Notes***

Sixteen year old Jahmia is a child prodigy/genius with an I.Q. of 165 and his smile lights up every room he enters. He was only stealing the cellphone to help pay tuition for his Aeronautical Engineering (B. Tech/B.E.) classes at M.I.T. which he is hoping will help him fulfill his dream of someday working for NASA's rocket propulsion labs. His mammy is very sick and in the hospital, too. He is deeply sorry for his actions and might have made better choices in better circumstances.

P.S. Whitey be Ray-Shish! :lol


10-09-2023, 02:10 PM
There's a typo. IQ be 16, more realistically, but maybe a magic at 65. A mind is a terrible thing to waste, especially a nigger's, which could be the next rocket scientist.

BTW, Nobel Prize racist, no negroid.

10-09-2023, 05:06 PM
A mind is a terrible thing to waste.

Agreed....but you have to start with one first and the tar monster is mindless, as they keep on demonstrating to us all time and time again.

Fucking niggers.

Jim Crow
10-09-2023, 05:17 PM
A nigger doing what niggers do.Steal!

10-09-2023, 06:08 PM
Agreed....but you have to start with one first and the tar monster is mindless, as they keep on demonstrating to us all time and time again.

Fucking niggers.

I was echoing the old United Negro College Fund's gibsmedat campaign in the 80s. Ironic, since negroes have no minds! They have walnut sized proto-monkey brain, yet you can't call it a mind. Don't we agree, they have no self consciousness, no self control, no morality? Gorillas are more peaceful than niggers!

10-09-2023, 07:19 PM
I was echoing the old United Negro College Fund's gibsmedat campaign in the 80s.

And so many fucking innocents swallowed that shit-show ! You can't shine shit, doesn't matter how hard you try. Niggers are certified useless and that's why they're black, so we can all identify them right off the bat !! Upright skunks.

Now I think about it, niggers are pretty smart for animals. They can babble and shuffle and almost emulate humans in many ways. You think of talking parrots and bears that can walk upright like men. They've gone about as far as they can ago, a bit like Kansas City being up-to-date, as the song goes !


10-09-2023, 08:19 PM
We just can't afford to keep them anymore. Action needs to be taken urgently. Round 'em up and ship 'em back to the majesty of Wakanda. Everybody would be much happier.

I'd be MUCH happier if they ROCK FISHED on the way over!!

10-10-2023, 02:54 AM
I was echoing the old United Negro College Fund's gibsmedat campaign in the 80s. Ironic, since negroes have no minds! They have walnut sized proto-monkey brain, yet you can't call it a mind. Don't we agree, they have no self consciousness, no self control, no morality? Gorillas are more peaceful than niggers!

Gorillas are more peaceful, more docile, and are capable of feeling and giving love. A nigger can't do any of that. They have no souls.

Defund Welfare
10-10-2023, 09:47 AM
The kid is lucky Jahmiah was such a nigger that his monkeyshines got him busted rapidly after he lended the nigger something valuable, he probably wouldn’t have ever seen it again.
I have no doubt that niggers smile would light up a room, a nigger smiling is up to no good.

10-11-2023, 10:49 PM
"What I did?"

Palm Beach Gardens...

A new police bodycam video, but this industrial strength dose of TNB happened last year.

Nigger Jahmiah, 16 going on 30, walks up to a fellow student and asks to borrow his phone. Not being wise to the way of the nigger, the kid handed nigger Jahmiah the phone. Nigger Jahmiah promptly took off running with the phone. Police found nigger Jahmiah, chased niggerJahmiah, and arrested his sorry black ass at gunpoint. That's when the real TNB began. Surprise, surprise nigger Jahmiah had a another phone in his hand, and kept crying and wanting to "call his peoples." At one point during all of this horseshit an older sow shows up claiming to be a "cousin." The police tell that nigger to get lost.

Anyhow... a nigger's nigger all the way to the jail.

Tedious motherfuckers all the way. Should get 20 years for the fucked-up hairdo alone!


If some nog rolls up ooking "yo, lemme hole yo sail foam", don't do it. Humans know this.

10-12-2023, 11:18 AM
The cost of keeping these fucking apes is astonishing. Niggers are a net deduction from any society. They require considerable financial upkeep to keep them in bananas and clown shoes. The cost of policing, police overtime and associated expenses goes straight to the door of every innocent property tax payer. Round them up and return to sender. It's the only fair option.
My sentiments, EXACTLY! And just imagine what the niggers in the receiving countries would do to their useless mates. I smell bush-meat!