View Full Version : Niggers sucker punch and beat white man in Chimpcongo...where's the outrage ?

09-26-2023, 07:02 PM
An innocent human is walking down the street eating a pizza slice. A pair of shit beasts rain punches down on the poor guy in a clear racist attack. Where is the outrage ? Fucking niggers. They need rounding and shipping immediately. Fuck I hate the tar menace.


A Chicago man enjoying a slice of pizza was savagely beaten and robbed by two brutes in a brazen daylight attack caught on camera Monday — a day before the House Judiciary Committee visited town to hear testimony about how “soft-on-crime” policies have turned the Windy City into an “active warzone.”

09-27-2023, 01:12 AM
I saw a liberal asshole comment that niggers are like this because whites use guns as more violent means to harm blacks.

Two wrongs don't make a right, idiot. Any form of violence is not acceptable in any context in a civilized society.

Now self defense is not violence per se, it's the necessary response to protect your own life against deadly attacks, and is justified.

09-27-2023, 12:08 PM
My comment got shot down for violating TOS :lol

09-27-2023, 02:52 PM
You'd think the guy could hear the niggers running up behind him, but he didn't indicate it.

Also, why would ANYONE in their right mind live in a place called "BuckTown"? :rofl

10-06-2023, 12:31 AM
I saw a liberal asshole comment that niggers are like this because whites use guns as more violent means to harm blacks.

That's true about "whites use guns." They're called police officers, doing their jobs against nigger criminals.

10-06-2023, 06:47 AM
I saw a liberal asshole comment that niggers are like this because whites use guns as more violent means to harm blacks.

Two wrongs don't make a right, idiot. Any form of violence is not acceptable in any context in a civilized society.

Now self defense is not violence per se, it's the necessary response to protect your own life against deadly attacks, and is justified.

Unfortunately if you live in a "blue" city, ESPECIALLY with a soros funded attorney you are NOT allowed to defend yourself!!

10-09-2023, 12:19 AM
Exercise your Constitutionally guaranteed and protected Basic Human Right to keep and bear arms. Always. Never live in a city or state run by raving psychotic Democrats.Ever.

10-09-2023, 04:55 PM
I saw a liberal asshole comment that niggers are like this because whites use guns as more violent means to harm blacks.even most shootings are niggers on human, so that liberal was just out shitting nonsense

Jim Crow
10-09-2023, 05:27 PM
I saw a liberal asshole comment that niggers are like this because whites use guns as more violent means to harm blacks.

Two wrongs don't make a right, idiot. Any form of violence is not acceptable in any context in a civilized society.

Now self defense is not violence per se, it's the necessary response to protect your own life against deadly attacks, and is justified.

Liberals will say anything to protect they useless nigger pets. That’s why I hate liberals as much and sometimes more than I hate niggers. Liberals contribute to most of our nigger problems.

10-09-2023, 08:21 PM
even most shootings are niggers on human, so that liberal was just shitting nonsense

Tru Dat!!