View Full Version : 6 yo murder niglet proclaimed ‘I shot that bitch dead’ to principal after blasting YT teacher with mammy's paw gun

08-09-2023, 07:10 PM
This is an update to a months old thread. Surprised they even let it get out...

“I did it … I shot that bitch dead,” the pint-sized pistol packer bragged, the docs show. “I got my mom’s gun last night.”


p.s. Thanks mods for the new tag.. and to all chimpers for the diligent documentation of the niggerishness befouling all decent society

08-09-2023, 07:42 PM
wonderful. suing the school.
and the little felon? Send it to the middle east. The Arabs handle them very well. They can only commit one attempted murder.

08-09-2023, 08:44 PM
If only the kid nigger had any sense it would of used its ape mother as a target practice. Might of prevented the tragedy.

DR Spook
08-10-2023, 05:19 AM
This shit scares the hell out of me. Mrs Spook is a teacher. Every single year the niglets get more and more brazen and violent. Thankfully she only has a couple in her class, but one is too many. I’m praying she makes it to retirement in a couple more years.

08-10-2023, 08:57 AM
This shit scares the hell out of me. Mrs Spook is a teacher. Every single year the niglets get more and more brazen and violent. Thankfully she only has a couple in her class, but one is too many. I’m praying she makes it to retirement in a couple more years.

why are they in school? do they know why they are in school? they do not belong in school. they should return to the jungle.