View Full Version : Canadian libtards can't bring wild niglets home! Waah!

05-29-2023, 11:28 AM
No one is allowed to import dangerous, invasive species.

Hysterical bitches think they want little Niggergerian tar babies, never thinking they'll get big and aggressive in no time and murder them in their beds.

Andrea Eaton officially adopted Maya from orphanage in August 2022; now living in Ghana awaiting citizenship

She MOVED to Africa for a niglet!!

Nine months after receiving her daughter's official adoption papers from Lagos State in Nigeria, Andrea Eaton of Tillsonburg, Ont., is still waiting to bring her daughter, Maya, home.

It's not an unfamiliar story — Canada has a track record of delaying entry to adopted Nigerian children (https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/nigeria-adoption-canada-1.6037667). It's a problem advocates say is inexcusable and contravenes Canada's international and domestic commitments to children.

We have enough niggers, thank you. Stay in Africa, Andrea. I'm pretty you'll have no trouble finding a nigger buck to pair up with and live happily ever after.

This woman is 50 years old. If she wants company she should get a dog or find something productive to do with her time other than moon over little feral piccaninnies.



Defund Welfare
05-29-2023, 08:07 PM
So if countries won’t let nigger lovers bring home their future felons, they’ll actually stay in Apefrica to raise them? Brilliant! We should be encouraging libtards to raise niglets in their native environment away from evil oppressive whitey! I’d support that.

05-29-2023, 09:37 PM
No one is allowed to import dangerous, invasive species.

Hysterical bitches think they want little Niggergerian tar babies, never thinking they'll get big and aggressive in no time and murder them in their beds.

She MOVED to Africa for a niglet!!

We have enough niggers, thank you. Stay in Africa, Andrea. I'm pretty you'll have no trouble finding a nigger buck to pair up with and live happily ever after.

This woman is 50 years old. If she wants company she should get a dog or find something productive to do with her time other than moon over little feral piccaninnies.



My sentiments EXACTLY!!

05-30-2023, 12:33 AM
So if countries won’t let nigger lovers bring home their future felons, they’ll actually stay in Apefrica to raise them? Brilliant! We should be encouraging libtards to raise niglets in their native environment away from evil oppressive whitey! I’d support that.

Dat's rite! All the adopted niglets from Apefrica or Haiti should be raised by these delusional Libtards in their own environments with their own species around them. I think it's cruelty to niglets to bring them here, surrounded by YT and snow.

06-03-2023, 09:44 AM
So if countries won’t let nigger lovers bring home their future felons, they’ll actually stay in Apefrica to raise them? Brilliant! We should be encouraging libtards to raise niglets in their native environment away from evil oppressive whitey! I’d support that.

That was my first though as well! Just imagine the paradise, a country without liberals! Niggers & sand niggers would leave soon after :D.

06-03-2023, 02:08 PM
That sowlette will eventually be a 300 lb battle-sow full up to the eyeballs with Canadian gibbs.

06-06-2023, 06:46 PM
They should just take the niggers deep in the jungle of Apeafrica and tell them they arrived in NYC or Chimpcogo or Detroit. For sure the niggers would believe they landed in a new land.