View Full Version : Superjailnigger Kavian tunnels through cell wall into next cell to stab Derondney

Whitey Ford
05-22-2023, 08:30 PM
Inmate tunnels through wall, stabs man in neighboring cell, prison officials say


That's some perserverance right there. I used to say that niggers lack ambition, looks like I was wrong. :lol

A Georgia inmate tunneled through a wall in a jail facility in Fulton County, Georgia, in an attempt to harm a man in a neighboring cell, law enforcement said.

Kavian Thomas allegedly dug a hole through a wall in a shower stall at Rice Street jail on May 17, granting him access to the adjacent cell block. He then launched an attack on Derondney Russell, another inmate Fulton County Sheriff's Office said in a press release Thursday.

Thomas stabbed Russell multiple times once he successfully entered Russell's cell, according to the release. Russell sustained "superficial stab wounds to his upper body" and was treated in the medical unit of the jail for his injuries, officials said


DR Spook
05-22-2023, 09:50 PM
Leave it to a nigger to do all that work tunneling and still manage to not make the other nigger good.

05-22-2023, 10:26 PM
Leave it to a nigger to do all that work tunneling and still manage to not make the other nigger good.

Niggers are as BAD at stabbing as they are at shooting!!

I aint bin dun did dat!
05-22-2023, 10:29 PM
Leave it to a nigger to do all that work tunneling and still manage to not make the other nigger good.
He probably whittled that toothbrush down to a nub just getting in there. Should have saved a second toothbrush! :lol
“Sheeit, muh stabby be broke, let muh tunna back troo heya!” :lol

Jim Crow
05-23-2023, 07:53 AM
All that work and no batwings? stupid Nager couldn’t even figure out where the major arteries are.Total failure!Lol!

05-23-2023, 09:25 AM
Not only typical nigger lips in the picture...but the eyes of a coconut. It is just too bad the nigger didn't have a map leading to Apeafrica before it started digging.

DR Spook
05-23-2023, 09:37 AM
Not only typical nigger lips in the picture...but the eyes of a coconut. I just too bad the nigger didn't have a map leading to Apeafrica before it started digging.

It wouldn’t mater if it had a map. Niggers cant read.

Whitey Ford
05-23-2023, 03:22 PM
He probably whittled that toothbrush down to a nub just getting in there. Should have saved a second toothbrush! :lol
“Sheeit, muh stabby be broke, let muh tunna back troo heya!” :lol

That nigger had the best tools a jailnigger could muster. I myself have a DeWalt powerdrill, a Dremel etc etc, but this enterprising nigger had the jailhouse equivalents of a well equipped contractor. :lol

That's some pretty hardcore digging. Even with pro-grade tools that would take a while. I wish niggers could get as ambitious about being productive members of society as they are about digging holes in prison walls. If they could, Africa would be the most prosperous continent on Earth. :lol

Ray Cizzums
05-23-2023, 04:11 PM
That's some pretty hardcore digging. Even with pro-grade tools that would take a while. I wish niggers could get as ambitious about being productive members of society as they are about digging holes in prison walls. If they could, Africa would be the most prosperous continent on Earth. :lol

That nibba has A: Crossed eyes
And B: Female inspired eyebrows, done by his trans cellmate, no doubt

I aint bin dun did dat!
05-25-2023, 12:00 AM
That nigger had the best tools a jailnigger could muster. I myself have a DeWalt powerdrill, a Dremel etc etc, but this enterprising nigger had the jailhouse equivalents of a well equipped contractor. :lol

That's some pretty hardcore digging. Even with pro-grade tools that would take a while. I wish niggers could get as ambitious about being productive members of society as they are about digging holes in prison walls. If they could, Africa would be the most prosperous continent on Earth. :lol
:lol how long did this take? Was this during a shower? Nobody noticed the hole in the wall? Niggers could invent time travel if they were wired for intelligence the same way they’re wired for violence and muh dikk.