View Full Version : US Army now helping fat niggers lose weight so they can join LOL

Whitey Ford
05-20-2023, 06:26 PM
The enemy are quaking in their boots as they shudder in terror at the might that is the modern US Army niggers. :lol


05-20-2023, 10:15 PM
80% of young Americans are ineligible to join the military because they're too fat, too dumb, or have criminal records. All branches of the military are frantically lowering their admission standards in a desperate attempt to meet recruiting goals. Higher weight, lower IQ, higher age (the maximum age for enlistment was just raised from 39 to 41), etc. It won't be long before they let convicted felons join.

Meanwhile, the controllers of the military keep pushing WOKE bullshit that turns normal people off, especially regular, patriotic Americans that historically made up the backbone of the military. At the same time, the globalist Biden administration's incessant warmongering, fight-picking, and interfering in foreign conflicts that are none of our business has led to a further reluctance on the part of normal people to enlist. No one except a complete cuck wants to die for a corrupt dictator like Zelenskyy. Yet no higher-up in the military command dares go against the Narrative and state the real problem. Instead, they just double down on the woke extremism and hope that lowering standards to the toilet will finally re-fill the ranks.

Cucks, libtards, and niggers can fight their own wars. No longer will normal people die for them. If Biden tries to reinstate the draft, I hope we'll see nationwide anti-draft rallies with signs like HELL NO, WE WON'T GO and AIN'T NO RUSSIAN EVER CALLED ME DEPLORABLE.