View Full Version : Gaddafi in 2006: IzSkum will conquer the West without firing a shot

04-23-2023, 06:00 PM
Prophetic, for an asslifting piece of shit...

Ireland is a good example... 1,000 years fighting the Brits to a standstill only to roll over for the filthy asslifters...

Interesting read


Jim Crow
04-23-2023, 07:19 PM
All true! Those filthy beasts quietly move in, and multiply like rats. Before you know it, they outnumber humans. They are doing that in neighborhoods all over our great country as we speak.With the godless left’s help,of course!

04-29-2023, 04:25 AM
I don't think that the ass-lifter Gaddafi was prophetic. He just quoted one of the essential tenets of Islam, birth jihad:

Islam divides the world in two: a house of Islam and a house of war. The latter includes the areas in which Islam is not yet the state religion. The Koran explicitly prescribes jihad, it is the secret sixth pillar of Islam. So if you want to be a good Muslim, you also have to support the "small jihad" in order to eventually transform the world completely into a house of Islam. But the minor jihad is not like the great jihad, which is a kind of spiritual effort against one's human weaknesses. The minor jihad is the fight for Islam with "blood or good". So either by fighting or by financial support. Even if you don't kill infidels, as an ass-lifter you can still go to paradise if you move into the house of war and out breed the infidels.

I cannot repeat this often enough: the West must finally understand that Islam thinks in terms of centuries. It is the most successful and brutal, misanthropic ideology that mankind has ever produced!
