View Full Version : We wuzz elektrishuns: Kenya experiences nation wide power outage

Whitey Ford
03-05-2023, 12:28 AM
This African Country Of Millions Is Without Power—Here’s What We Know


Kenya is experiencing a nationwide power blackout following a “system disturbance,” according to a statement Saturday from the nation’s lone electricity provider, as efforts to restore power continue—though the company has provided little information about the outage.

Kenya Power, which provides a bulk of its power through Kenya Electricity Generating Company, said in a statement Saturday it had “lost bulk power supply to various parts of the country due to a system disturbance.”

This is not the first time Kenya has faced a nationwide blackout. Kenya Power attributed a “system disturbance” during a blackout in November, 10 months after another blackout was caused by a severed high-voltage transmission line connection between its capital, Nairobi, and a hydroelectric dam, according to Reuters.

South African President Cyril Ramphosa declared a nationwide “state of disaster” last month as that country also faces an electricity crisis, causing it to endure daily power outages of up to 10 hours, according to the New York Times.


03-06-2023, 12:05 PM
LOL. South Africa has been in a nationwide "state of disaster" ever since apartheid ended. The same for Kenya ever since the white man's rule ended.

Niggers want the white man's inventions without the white man's rule. Sorry, Sambo, it doesn't work that way. Niggers wanted Wakanduh and they got it.

03-06-2023, 01:43 PM
"Here's what we know". They always say that concerning nigger events, as though it's of some major importance for which we are on pins and needles waiting for updates.

Kenya power station: :lol


Ray Cizzums
03-06-2023, 01:59 PM
When the niggers first took over in South Africa, they shit-canned qualified whites at all levels of their military,
and public works infrastructure. They promptly wrecked two of their 3 brand new German submarines, then
parked the rest of their navy, and air force. Whites in their officer corps were snapped up by New Zealand and
Australia. They replaced 14 men who operated their largest power plant, which produced electricity for almost
half the country. While 13 of their new hires were somewhere else, the one remaining boon on duty "was taking
a shower", when their $95 million dollar GE gas turbine went into an overspeed condition, and self destructed.
Ordering, building and shipping a replacement would take one year. Not sure if any of that ever happened....

03-06-2023, 02:52 PM
Electric theory and application is highly scientific. I admit those are some of the hardest classes I ever took. Lots of the highest-end math, beyond mere calculus. Sometimes, I still have nightmares that there's a class I need to pass which I know was super hard. When I wake up I'm glad it was only a dream.

As far as niggers running anything technical and scientific: they don't even understand gravity, much less nuclear science. I hope the Dark Continent stays dark, literally. Those simians don't do anything productive anyway, day or night.