View Full Version : Four teenapers ventilated outside Pittsburgh high school

02-16-2023, 07:39 PM
Unfortunately no batwings were issued. America is racist because nobody cares about nig on nig violence.

I aint bin dun did dat!
02-16-2023, 08:40 PM
“Yes, school shootings are an unfortunately common occurrence in 2023, but four students shot at once in front of a high school in a major city on a random Tuesday is the kind of thing that usually gets at least a mention in the national press.”

I would like to solve the puzzle. It’s because they aren’t going to report nigger school shooters dumbass! Not because of the reason being assumed here. It’s because they want the narrative of the evil white mass shooter to continue. Wait until everyone finds out that in fact, niggers commit more mass shootings than whitey too! Imagine that!