View Full Version : The Hidden Dangers of Open Borders Media REFUSES to Report

07-22-2017, 01:41 PM
When it comes to the dangers of Islamic “refugees” and illegal aliens, most Americans immediately think of violence, crime, drugs, and rape. However, there’s another extremely dangerous factor to third world invaders that, often times, goes completely overlooked: the problem of disease. After Angela Merkel forced millions of unscreened Islamic refugees and migrants onto Germany, the country has been plagued not only with violence, rape, and terrorism, but with an increasing amount of third-world disease. This is a tangible reason as to why we desperately need to halt the flow of Islamic refugee resettlement and migration into America in general;

More... (http://truthfeed.com/the-hidden-dangers-of-open-borders-media-refuses-to-report/93924/)