View Full Version : disgusting HIV commercial featuring niggers

12-23-2022, 10:05 AM

This commercial comes on in the middle of Christmas specials or wholesome family oriented streams. Our society has seriously gone down the drain. Watching this is disgusting and I am glad that HIV is rampant among these apes. Why are there no heterosexual human couples in this commercial?
Reading the YouTube comments gives me hope.

Tell it like it is
12-23-2022, 06:47 PM
Do you people not realize that there is no hope for this nation?
You really think that we should be surprised that aids infected niggers get prime time attention?
Any nation that would elect a nigger loving, queer loving,migrant loving sack of stupid like biden has gone to far.
Niggers and liberals are truly a cancer devouring our nation.But, rather than treating or exising this threat, we feed it. It would be bad enough to ignore the problem and just die a slow death in our ignorance, but no, our country feeds and coddled the very beast that is devouring it.
We see on the news every day what niggers and illegal aliens are doing to this country and we do NOTHING.
Our lawmakers do nothing but race to see who can appease them first.
You mark my words....this nation WILL die at the hands of niggers and queers and liberals.
Just like any other body ravaged by cancer, we are too weak to resist. We waited to long.
Nations are neither made nor freed by legislation. This nation was established by war, and freedom throughout Europe and Asia was preserved (or at least tried by force, not appeasement.
We are millions strong in this nation but have no appetite for what it will take to regain the nation most of us grew up loving. And all the while, politicians work day and night to take away our means of recourse.
We saw on January 6 that one on one , every liberal fool in the capital shit their pants and shook at the very thought of answering to a real American for their actions. And that was only a thousand or so.Oh the changes the millions of us could make if we had half the desire to save our nation as the enemy has to destroy it. If you feel a little dizzy now, it is only because we are circling the drain.
Thanks be to God I can remember the greatness of this nation, but I lament that I may live long enough to see it take its last breath.
What say you ?

12-23-2022, 10:40 PM
enough niggers there to make a Tarzan movie. I got to around 20 seconds before I could take no more. This is why my cable went years ago. i just spent 2 weeks in a hotel at work and never turned the nigbox on once. Done with TV. I choose what I want to watch on my laptop.

12-24-2022, 08:58 AM
That’s what the USA has become, a bunch of down low savages taking Apretude by the fistful while normal white families pay all of the medical bills.

12-24-2022, 09:38 AM
Do you people not realize that there is no hope for this nation?
You really think that we should be surprised that aids infected niggers get prime time attention?
Any nation that would elect a nigger loving, queer loving,migrant loving sack of stupid like biden has gone to far.
Niggers and liberals are truly a cancer devouring our nation.But, rather than treating or exising this threat, we feed it. It would be bad enough to ignore the problem and just die a slow death in our ignorance, but no, our country feeds and coddled the very beast that is devouring it.
We see on the news every day what niggers and illegal aliens are doing to this country and we do NOTHING.
Our lawmakers do nothing but race to see who can appease them first.
You mark my words....this nation WILL die at the hands of niggers and queers and liberals.
Just like any other body ravaged by cancer, we are too weak to resist. We waited to long.
Nations are neither made nor freed by legislation. This nation was established by war, and freedom throughout Europe and Asia was preserved (or at least tried by force, not appeasement.
We are millions strong in this nation but have no appetite for what it will take to regain the nation most of us grew up loving. And all the while, politicians work day and night to take away our means of recourse.
We saw on January 6 that one on one , every liberal fool in the capital shit their pants and shook at the very thought of answering to a real American for their actions. And that was only a thousand or so.Oh the changes the millions of us could make if we had half the desire to save our nation as the enemy has to destroy it. If you feel a little dizzy now, it is only because we are circling the drain.
Thanks be to God I can remember the greatness of this nation, but I lament that I may live long enough to see it take its last breath.
What say you ?

Preaching to the CHOIR, brother!! You are 100% correct!! I'm GLAD I live in Florida where we have a Conservative Governor with the COJONES to take on the "woke" left!! If other Governors followed DeSantis' example we could save the country!! I DESPISE the left and will fight them to my last breath!!

12-24-2022, 11:22 AM
Do you people not realize that there is no hope for this nation?
You really think that we should be surprised that aids infected niggers get prime time attention?
Any nation that would elect a nigger loving, queer loving,migrant loving sack of stupid like biden has gone to far.
Niggers and liberals are truly a cancer devouring our nation.But, rather than treating or exising this threat, we feed it. It would be bad enough to ignore the problem and just die a slow death in our ignorance, but no, our country feeds and coddled the very beast that is devouring it.
We see on the news every day what niggers and illegal aliens are doing to this country and we do NOTHING.
Our lawmakers do nothing but race to see who can appease them first.
You mark my words....this nation WILL die at the hands of niggers and queers and liberals.
Just like any other body ravaged by cancer, we are too weak to resist. We waited to long.
Nations are neither made nor freed by legislation. This nation was established by war, and freedom throughout Europe and Asia was preserved (or at least tried by force, not appeasement.
We are millions strong in this nation but have no appetite for what it will take to regain the nation most of us grew up loving. And all the while, politicians work day and night to take away our means of recourse.
We saw on January 6 that one on one , every liberal fool in the capital shit their pants and shook at the very thought of answering to a real American for their actions. And that was only a thousand or so.Oh the changes the millions of us could make if we had half the desire to save our nation as the enemy has to destroy it. If you feel a little dizzy now, it is only because we are circling the drain.
Thanks be to God I can remember the greatness of this nation, but I lament that I may live long enough to see it take its last breath.
What say you ?

I am a 39 year old millennial woman and I wholeheartedly support your message. You, sir, are spot on!

12-24-2022, 01:25 PM
And...the new bill they just passed includes 67 BILLION!!!!! for HIV/AIDS

12-24-2022, 03:51 PM
the protected classes are good for business. Normal is now the new abnormal. If you're not ' flagged ' as having some kind of specialist condition to maintain, you are now the new normal....Abnormal !

The world needs nuking.

Bull Connor
12-24-2022, 08:45 PM
Disgusting.....there's another HIV med ad on, starts out with 2 homosexual niggers, then adds a Hispanic human male (alone) but interacting with heterosexuals. The ad also throws an older white human couple in just to cover the bases, it ends with the homosexual niggers walking down a beach stopping to pick up a seashell, then they kiss, and it goes back to the elderly couple, the woman is portrayed to be the one with HIV. Absolutely totally Disgusting.

The liberal democrapic administration we have praises this type of action; the invasion at the border by tens of thousands of Illegals (Whose going to feed them? What about medical care? )I heard that 250k unaccompanied minors have entered Illegally since this POS traitor has been in office, think about that!!!! Whose going to take care of them? What'll happen to them eventually is another mass DACA amnesty pushed through by the fuking liberal democraps, watch and see. The uplifting of dirty violent niggers, the homosexual indoctrination of our 3 and 4 year olds in public schools, it's ALL a careful thought-out Plan, it's the evil one using it's minions, the democrapic liberals ,the niggers and the Perverts...ie the homosexual demented transvestites to poison and destroy the country.

12-30-2022, 11:30 PM
Disgusting.....there's another HIV med ad on, starts out with 2 homosexual niggers, then adds a Hispanic human male (alone) but interacting with heterosexuals. The ad also throws an older white human couple in just to cover the bases, it ends with the homosexual niggers walking down a beach stopping to pick up a seashell, then they kiss, and it goes back to the elderly couple, the woman is portrayed to be the one with HIV. Absolutely totally Disgusting.

The liberal democrapic administration we have praises this type of action; the invasion at the border by tens of thousands of Illegals (Whose going to feed them? What about medical care? )I heard that 250k unaccompanied minors have entered Illegally since this POS traitor has been in office, think about that!!!! Whose going to take care of them? What'll happen to them eventually is another mass DACA amnesty pushed through by the fuking liberal democraps, watch and see. The uplifting of dirty violent niggers, the homosexual indoctrination of our 3 and 4 year olds in public schools, it's ALL a careful thought-out Plan, it's the evil one using it's minions, the democrapic liberals ,the niggers and the Perverts...ie the homosexual demented transvestites to poison and destroy the country.

Sadly, you are spot on my friend. I think that many democRap voters realize this but they keep voting democRap out of fear. However, this still means they are still voting in this bullshit. Demented is the correct word! Best way to describe this.
Also, re: elderly white couple with AIDS.... "I'll take 'Things that never happened' for $500, Alex".
These politicians are paid. Our society has been compromised by Klaus and the WEF, Soros, Bill Gates, and others. They want to destroy our society from the inside and sadly, they are succeeding. They have corporations under their thumbs to do their woke bidding to further destroy us. Thats why they kowtow to all of this wokeness.
Our society is circling the drain. We are royally screwed.

12-30-2022, 11:53 PM
Sadly, you are spot on my friend. I think that many democRap voters realize this but they keep voting democRap out of fear. However, this still means they are still voting in this bullshit. Demented is the correct word! Best way to describe this.
Also, re: elderly white couple with AIDS.... "I'll take 'Things that never happened' for $500, Alex".
These politicians are paid. Our society has been compromised by Klaus and the WEF, Soros, Bill Gates, and others. They want to destroy our society from the inside and sadly, they are succeeding. They have corporations under their thumbs to do their woke bidding to further destroy us. Thats why they kowtow to all of this wokeness.
Our society is circling the drain. We are royally screwed.

Sad but TRUE!!